Aurora Borealis Goes Apeshit!
Date: Thursday, October 31 @ 16:49:54 GMT

"On Oct. 23rd, Earth glided into a solar wind stream flowing from a large coronal hole, which triggered a fitful 4-day-long geomagnetic storm. Sky watchers as far south as Montana and Michigan in the United States spotted auroras."

I wish I could see one of those... I was in Iceland once and it was the wrong "season".
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(CNN) -- Green ghosts, wispy witches and other glowing phantoms are dancing and darting around in the night skies of October, which has proved a particularly productive month for aurora hunters the world over.
Sky watchers photographed everything from a floating fairy ring in Norway, multicolor spires in Arizona and pulsating swirls in Australia.
In Finland, Juha Kinnunen captured a glowering witch face with a considerable schnozzle and two greenish ghosts looming over the Lapland.
Earth is now exiting a solar wind stream that sparked numerous auroras since October 23, according to NASA's, which regularly posts aurora images.
"There is a slim chance that trick-or-treaters in the northern United States and Canada might see some ghostly auroras of their own on October 31st," the Web site said.
There could be more eye candy in the works in November too.
"Currently there's a medium-sized coronal hole on the Sun's visible disk," Kinnunen said. "It probably will create auroras within less than a week."
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