I think Apollo 11 made it to the moon, but that's only because of my conspiracy theory about Apollo 13...see, they landed on the moon. Hip-hip-hoary. No on cared. Funding started to go down, and America said "You got to the moon before the communists, now stop stealing my money". But NASA had big plans. Apollo 12, blew up (isn't that right?), Apollo 13? Well, we all know. If you saw the movie, take notice how when they were supposed to be on TV, no channels aired it, and all the NASA guys had that "time to do something" look... then the o2 tanks blew up. I figure, so NASA could get more money, they fucked up a bunch of tests so all the 70's people figured "Well if you're gonna do it, do it right." and they got money.
So yeah, that's my theory... It actually makes a little sense when you think about it and look back at the history a little...
oh yeah, Fox does suck. The only good things are The Simpsons, That 70's Show, and a couple other shows... but most of it sucks...
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