You ever notice how there is a pill for everything now? I was prescribed Zoloft for my panic attacks for the next NINE MONTHS. No, the doc never bothered to find out the cause of them, just said "oh, sometimes they happen, we'll give you a blood test and take these pills."
I can't see a psychiatrist because I wasn't referred (next rant: "Insurance, bend over, it will only hurt a minute"). I STILL don't know what causes them.
Side effects: KILLS your libido. Thirsty all of the time. Migranes.
Try going three months without getting off and see how much of a happy camper you are.
Rant! Rant! Rant!
Kisses and Kicks,
"Spoken like a princess with a pea in her skull, not under her mattress" - Jade Syren