You know what I hate? I hate the fact that I'm forced to carry a cell phone and two pagers all the god damned time just in case I need to do a support call and the god damn idiots call the office and leave 20 messages on my v-mail.Radio shack - I went into a radio shack for a part for work yesterday, and when I asked for the part, the guy had NO FUCKING CLUE what I was talking about...none. I finally managed to find what I wanted on my own, I go to buy it, and the guy trys to get me to join MSN. I told him I had a cable modem, and he said, "yeah, you use a modem."
Last weekend I was coming back home from NY when we stopped at a rest station, I went to hurry in, and stopped to put on my shoes. while leaning on someone's car, they come out and start bitching at me "You can go do that on your own car" What the fuck? I mean, where in the hell in the 10 commandments did I miss "thou shalt not lean on someone elses car for 2 minutes"
My roomate tried to kick me out of the house we live in because I asked to see the bills (which had not been paid in four months) and all I got were the cancellation notices with the total amt owed he said he "threw the others out because he had the totals" and when I asked to see everything back to a 0 balance he flipped out on me. He said if I didn't trust him I could go find someplace else to live. Then I saw the long distance bills (he couldn't throw those out because we have to go through and sort out who owes what for long disance calls they make) there are 踤 on the bill that quite frankly shouldn't be there. According to him, he tole me about this, and I said it was OK.
you know what?
I hope naked pictures of you and your dog end up on