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Topic: A very long rant, Please help ... someone< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 11
Dysorderia Search for posts by this member.
Kryten 2X4B 523P

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PostIcon Posted on: Feb. 12 2002,05:51  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Quote (Atepe @ 11 Feb. 2002,20:47)

Here's a solution:

write the most hateful and nasty letter to her(don't hold back on this part), and take it into your backyard(or some other place) and burn it.

that should help you out :)

Edited by Dysorderia on Jan. 01 1970,01:00

Sir? May I recommend I load myself into the reverse-thrust tubes and you use my body as decoy-fodder? This will, of course leave me splattered across deep space and unable to complete today's laundry, for which I apologise in advance.

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 Post Number: 12
Vigilante Search for posts by this member.
Unrequited Lover

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PostIcon Posted on: Feb. 12 2002,05:54 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Quote (Atepe @ 12 Feb. 2002,00:44)
Vigilante, she's someone's girlfriend now ... how the hell will V-day work to my advantage? I fucking hate V-day, I don't think the day likes me too much either. So how would I go about making it work to my advantage anyways? I'd like to hear your suggestion.

Fuck if I know. I already said what I would actually do, so I'm just winging it in the opposite direction.  withstupid.gif

(Sig is from Mercury Rev - The Dark is Rising)

Edited by Vigilante on Jan. 01 1970,01:00

He says turn the other cheek, but that seems kind of weak
I just want to beat up, beat up the meek
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11 replies since Feb. 12 2002,04:47 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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