OK, yeah. Don't expect a lot of responses on this one, but I've been beating my head for 2 days on it. Here goes.I'm using ATL to build COM objects that perform various tasks. They all have to derive off of one common interface (IRSService) so that they can be mixed and matched through versions with no surprises or rewrites to the main controlling objects. So far (since I'm still in an Analysis phase), it has about 5 methods and one property (with a Get and Set and an [in] parameter each).
I'm playing with my first component, and going nuts trying to get it to implement that IRSService interface. I've built a project around one .idl file that constructs the IRSService interface, but does no implementation... since it's abstract, and all. Now, I want to snag that interface and have it be the only way into this new component. BTW, using C++ under Vis Studio 7 w/ SP4.
So, the questions I have are as follows:
Do I need to even make an independant interface (no methods) for each component? And then add the IRSService interface later?
Is there some bug that doesn't allow Property methods to be added? Because, that's where my errors are right now.
Basically, what the hell am I supposed to do? I'm just closing my eyes and punching keys right now hoping for the best. It's been almost 3 years since I've done this, and I'm friggin lost.
Off the subject, does anybody else experience the bug where 90\% of the time, after creating a simple object, adding the first method to the interface doesn't show up in the class, but any after that will? So, you have to add the first method manually?
OK. Sorry to bore you all and I don't expect any responses, but if you work with this crap, hook me up, man. I don't want to spin my wheels for another week on this crap. It's kind of the basis for my architecture, and I made a lot of 'Crazy Promises' that this would work to my boss, and all.