I just went through the Services manager in Win2K and disabled a lot of shit I thought I didn't need...bad idea... DO NOT DISABLE EVENT LOG under ANY circumstances!!! Your computer will start slow as hell and nothing will work properly. You'll think it's some other stupid service, and when you try and start that service it won't obey... just give your error -8768964 (made that one up) and no other information.
Then, when you enable Event Log, things mysteriously start working properly again. And get this... THESE SERVICES DON'T SHOW "Event Log" AS A DEPENDENCY!!!!
I also managed to kill all my desktop icons, dial-up networking, and drag & drop. I finally got dialup to dial but no DNS...
anyway, after much messing around and basically starting everything that's installed, my computer is working normally again. But I feel inferior knowing that my machine is not fine-tuned...
so does anyone know what the hell is safe to stop? Thanks.