I realize that I am revealing my extreme n00biness, but I'm hoping to get some help here.Yesterday, when I checked my home e-mail, I got 10 notifications that my e-mail was returned. This was very odd, because I hadn't sent any e-mail! Upon further inspection, the e-mail itself had a subject of "GUARANTEED Visitors & Leads You Pay Only For Performance!" There are a couple of e-mail links to "traffic_quality@yahoo.com" and "trafficrmvme@yahoo.com", but no other hints.
Does anyone have any good idea of how to either draw attention to this odious practice and/or let the offending party know that I know what they're doing and that I don't approve and/or mete out appropriate punishment? Any and all suggestions are welcome.
I used to be a kleptomanicac, but I took something for it.