I don't know if there is anyone living in the Northern California area that uses this board, but, I need some information from anyone that can help with this problem. Comcast @home cable modem is hindered in the norcal area due to the following problem:
- During peak usage times (Monday through Friday ~6:00pm to ~1am (pst) and all day Saturdays) your ping to any site outside of the Comcast@home network is EXTREMELY bad(In excess of 900ms at times, 3x worse than a 56k modem connection). All other times seem to be fine.
- Ping to local Sacramento @home IP's are excellent ranging from 20ms to 50ms.
-The problem with Comcast's system is with their route through Sanfran (c1-se10-0.snfcca1.home.net /, it gets congested. Now, over 2 years ago it was known that another circuit was needed to the San Francisco router - so it isn't a bad node, its a missing one. If anyone else is living up here and has experienced the same deal, let me know. Calling customer support has only led to the denial of these facts (they're all proven, anyone living here can trace to see that it is true). Comcast is routing some 18000 unique users through this node during those peak hours. Cheapskates.
Jesus was a black man