If you have a shell on computer running a Unix or pseudo Unix operating system, you can run the command: "whois personguy.com" which will spit out information about who maintains the WHOIS information for your site (in your case, it's rs.domainbank.net). Then you use "whois -h rs.domainbank.net personguy.com" or "whois personguy.com@rs.domainbank.net" to find the owner of the domain.Another solution (much easier, too is to head to http://www.networksolutions.com/cgi-bin/whois/whois and type the name of the domain in. It will give you the info you are seeking.
There are many other ways to dig for this kind of information, including the Unix program "dig" itself.
Tyler Mitchell
"Hello," he lied.
-- Don Carpenter, quoting a Hollywood agent