I just walked away from a ๘K/yr. job because I have completely had it with The Man. I could no longer stand being told "you're just a cog in the wheel here" and "I need you to own more of your responsibility"; I couldn't take being lectured about procedure; I couldn't stand being cooped up in a cubicle all day...so I did it! I quit! I told them to take this job and shove it up their ass... in a courteous, professional manner, of course.
& now I'm starting my own business. I have a lot of friends who are incredible artists, and all of them dream about having their OWN business someday - so we're putting our heads together and starting one.
At the moment, we're selling crafts-type shit to rich people, because we have some already made, and we can make them quickly, and we have a couple beautiful designs. The rest of us talented, intelligent people are handling the other aspects of the business, like advertising materials and Web design.
Unfortunately this means I have to cancel my Perl class sorry...