Forum: Rants
Topic: Go away, he's taken!
started by: Nikita

Posted by Nikita on Feb. 18 2002,16:38
Ok I'm dating this guy.  I won't elaborate on the "oh he's so cute he's so etc etc" but I really like him.  Problem is so do other women.  My ex/best friend was stolen from me a couplea years ago, and the half-jap slut (with her mom's help) dumped her then bf of 2 years and got my ex to marry her.  I don't know how they pulled all that off long distance.  It took me 2 years to get my life back together, I'm still hurting a bit over it and (obviously) am bit wary around the "competition".

chick 1 : the dancing queen
In dance class ... whenever I step away from my bf to get a drink, it seems like she's immediately there, asking if he wants to dance with her.  Even if she was all the way across the room.  She has a tendency to sidle up to him, even when I'm right there.  Once, she "accidentally" stepped on me with her heels and was all apologetic about it.  I couldn't dance for the rest of the night b/c, damn, have you ever been stepped on with a heel?! It fuckin' hurts!  And what did she do?  Ask my bf to dance with her.

chick 2 : cootchie cootchie ya ya ....
from the same country he's from.  Speaks english pretty damn well.  Heck, make that very well.  Whenever the three of us are hanging around together, she doesn't speak english.  I barely understand their language, sometimes just enough to know the general topic.  Either she's just rude, or she's trying to emphasize the differences.  My research runs in the late morning to early afternoon so I'm often forced to skip lunch ... and I recently found out that they go out to lunch together just about every goddamn work day.  And when he and I were cuddling on the couch while we were at her place having tea last night, she was like "oh stop doing that, I don't have a man, I'm single!"  Oh please, you europeans are more open about PD-fuckin-A.  Her american roomie didn't seem to care. So bite me.  Oh yea, and she wanted him.  She didn't find out he was dating someone til she saw me with him.

etc etc etc.

Right now, I don't know what to think.  Is this some chick strategy to get the girlfriend jealous so the guy gets sick of dealing with her and move on to someone more "open"?  He's not the player type (as if anyone can be 100% certain nowadays) ... and "I have a girl/boyfriend" is not the first few things out of your mouth when you talk to ppl.  He knows that I have been hurt pretty badly before, and I believe that he won't do anything to hurt me.  I just don't trust the intentions of some of these women.  I have seen what some women will do to get a man, and it ain't pretty.  I really like this guy, but if all this continues, I don't think I can deal with it.

Sorry about this rant, I have just about had it with schemers who have constantly been trying to screw me over. Advice?  Please? :(
Posted by Uberkommando on Feb. 18 2002,16:48
Well... although I lack prerequisites for giving advice in this area, my long-standing status as a psychopath more than speaks for itself:
Kill dem bitches!
Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 18 2002,17:42
for the dancing queen:

if she steps on you again turn with you fist against your chest back of the hand out.  when you see the target extend fist quickly out and up to targets nose.  aim at a point about 6" behind the nose.

Explain that your reflexes are still up from you self defense course and it was just a reaction to a percived attack.  that and your sorry about the broken nose and the blood on her dress.

for the non english speaking bitch:

The next time she lights off with her jiberish explain to her that you know,
"its hard to think in english when your a moron but we are speaking english in this convo.  if you are unable then keep your bitch mouth shut."
then explain how rude it is to do such a thing thinking that the person she is trying to exclude does not understand the jiberish she calls a language.

If this does not work use lesson from dancing queen.
Posted by BlackFlag on Feb. 18 2002,19:47
For once i gotta agree with Wolfgaurd.  (Though spining around quickly with elbow extended might be less obviuos.)

There's a chance that this might trigger the "my girlfriend is such a jealous bitch" responce from your bf, but only if he actually realises that these girls are flirting with him in the first place, wich he proably doesn't.

Plan B:  Move to where i live and date me.  devil.gif

Posted by BlackFlag on Feb. 18 2002,19:51
The problem with owning a Dodge Viper is that everyone else is gonna want to 'test drive' your car.

Get a really good fucking alarm, or trade it in for a more low-profile model=p

After the car crash you said you had, you should be more worried about safety than looks.  Get a volvo.

Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 18 2002,21:30
less obvious?

The point of the backfist to the face is to make things obvious.  Its saying "Bitch, if you keep it up your broken nose will be the least of your problems."  Its a clear statement.

"Bitch, you can move away or they can carry you off.  Don't matter to me."
Posted by Bob_the_Cannibal on Feb. 18 2002,23:32
get a blackjack or sap, learn to use it. next time the bitch tries something, wait for them to leave. sneak up behind them, *whock* stuff them into their car, drive off, dump them in the country. have a pre-printed note: "don't fuck with me." make sure to wear a hairnet, and gloves when you do. prints are bad. hair is worse.
Posted by kuru on Feb. 19 2002,00:46
Nah, just beat her ass as if you've trained a little too hard in self-defense class.

Informing her that she is a class A cunt will probably help matters, but make sure your boyfriend hasn't been taken in by her attempts to illicit sympathy.

That is, don't let her make you look like the bad guy for kicking her ass.
Posted by Wiley on Feb. 19 2002,01:51
This is a tough one.  First off I can't stand jealous women, so I see your point about not wanting to make a big deal over the Dancing Queen in front of Pepé.  Second, we all know that men and women can't be friends, so you have every right to worry about the Non English Speaking Bitch.  (Before you ladies try to argue the men and woman as friends thing with me just call your best guy friend up and tell him that you've always wanted to sleep with him  ...then time how long it takes him to get to your front door).  My woman goes to lunch a few times a week with this guy she used to work with pisses me off to no end but I know how I feel when she questions the girls I go to lunch with (and yes for the record I would do most of them if I gave into my libido).  So my advice is:

The Dancing Queen: Pick out her worst feature and go on and on about how unattractive it makes her.  Men are very easy to brainwash, once he gets it into his head that she isn't really all that hot he'll loose any interest.  Also give him head every time he says something negative about her, this is that whole Pavlov’s dog / positive reinforcement trick.

The Non English Speaking Bitch: Find out what his thoughts about her are by asking him to do something for you during lunch when you know he has plans with her  ...what appointment will he keep?  Also snuggle up more in her presence and see if it makes him uncomfortable when she is watching you and getting annoyed, this will tell you if you should worry.  It could just be that they have that whole motherland bond thing going, but if he does fancy her a bit more then friends you know that you have to kill her, right?  I mean how easy could it be to steal somebody when their partner can't even understand the two of you?  You could be sitting right friggin there while she is telling him what she wants to do to him during their lunch date.

And always remember that although I give horrible advice, you can't discount the fact that men are fucking idiots and make bad decisions is up to you to protect your man from himself.
Posted by BlackFlag on Feb. 19 2002,13:23
And always remember that although I give horrible advice, you can't discount the fact that men are fucking idiots and make bad decisions is up to you to protect your man from himself.

With a "men are idiots and need women to guide us" attitude, i bet you get laid a whole fucking lot Wiley.
I have the opposite attitude, and get laid less often than lunar eclipses. shaun.gif
Posted by Carnivore on Feb. 19 2002,13:29
All I have to say is be careful. Im a guy so I know how we think sometimes. If the chic has bigger tits and shaves down you might be in trouble. If she somehow shows him this stuff, you might be in real big trouble!!!!
Posted by kuru on Feb. 19 2002,13:45
BlackFlag: Actually there is an alarming number of chicks who like that sort of thing. They want confirmation of their sexist crap belief that all men are scumbag pig idiots and only will sleep with male-apologists who despise their own genetalia.

Which is not so bad, I guess, if a dude can live with the armpit hair.

Carnivore: How do you know Nikita doesn't shave down? Anyway, if he's a guy so ruled by his testicles that he'll ruin a really good thing for some shaved snatch and a DD cup, well, it's debatable as to whether he's worth the time and effort Nikita would have to put into him. However since he's snuggling up with Nikita in front of the other chicks, I'd say she probably has little to actually worry about from her man.. and that the other two chicks are nothing but angina in the posterior.

Pointing out what vapid, unimaginable bitches they are and how unnatractive they are will do well with her man... but I'd still give them free nose jobs for being too stupid to realize that they're being told to go away.
Posted by Carnivore on Feb. 19 2002,13:56
Boyz will be boyz, and womenz will be womenz..... devil.gif
Posted by kuru on Feb. 19 2002,13:57
Sure does make sex more interesting.
Posted by Carnivore on Feb. 19 2002,14:22
Quote (kuru @ 19 Feb. 2002,05:57)
Sure does make sex more interesting.

Makes things alot better without alot of hair down there. Im a Carnivore, I like to see what Im eating...
Posted by kuru on Feb. 19 2002,15:44
What, you think I like diggin through the jungle to find the log?

[Public Service Announcement]Shave your pubes.[/Public Service Announcement]
Posted by Nikita on Feb. 19 2002,16:49
Wiley: hey, as long as I don't hear "voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir" in their convo, her ass will be safe for the time being.

Kuru: good one! TIM-BER! :p

Carnivore: I don't see the lions and tigers out there w/ little disposable plastic razors to shave down their prey ... ;)  

As for the guy, shit hit the fan last night.  He got a job offer and the company wants his ass in France by 3/4.  Which is also the first day (monday) of spring break.  So I'm going to be pretty crabby for quite a while.   (\/)_00_(\/)

On the bright side, I pick up languages with some ease and I don't mind moving to Europe.  I may take spring break early and visit France for a week or so if I have time/can afford it.  Plus, he doesn't like french chicks.  Track record proves it.  So hah!

Either way, this is going to be another one of those goddamn tests.  Hmph.   :angry:   We'll see what happens ....

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