Forum: Rants
Topic: Popups
started by: caseman984

Posted by caseman984 on Feb. 16 2002,17:00
Pop-ups. The Absolute Scum of the universe. It used to be that you only saw them on warez sites and pr0n sites. Now everywhere you turn, theres a fucking popup covering the page your trying to  look at. I sometimes come to just to rememeber what it was like to browse a page without having to constantly close popups. Want to download a file from FilePlanet? Well, not only do you have to wait in line for 2 hours, you'll also have to close about 6 popups for Casino-on-net. Want to check your mail? Well you better want Verizon DSL, cuz they'll try to sell it to you about 10 times. Its getting rediculous, they have popups that spawn popups. Ones that won't close without crashing explorer, and what good does that do anyone? The normal pop-up killers don't work anymore, because half of them don't have titles anymore. Whatever happend to the old internet? Browsing pages, looking for info, the normal banner on each page, advertiseing this and that? I never had a problem with that, in fact some of them were quite amusing , but now I feel I will have to find whoever programmed the Spawn command in Java, and rip his fucking heart out. That is all.
Posted by editor on Feb. 16 2002,17:07
Have you tried the browser, Opera?  It has a disable popup option, and it's a free download!
Posted by caseman984 on Feb. 16 2002,18:32
Disableing popups altogether, while seemingly a good idea, dosn't always work. Some sites have ligitimate uses for them, especially alot of the web design sites and such I have been visting lately. But thanks for the idea.
Posted by veistran on Feb. 17 2002,21:02
Posted by Carnivore on Feb. 17 2002,21:26
I use Meaya popup ad filter. Its a "happy" version and works quite well!! :D
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