Forum: Rants
Topic: What do you have planned for V-Day?
started by: BlackFlag

Posted by BlackFlag on Feb. 13 2002,18:49
so many fun-fun-doodle-dum valentines day activities to choose from............  sanity slipping away.....   lookaround.gif
Posted by solid on Feb. 13 2002,20:00
You forgot "wonder when the hell you're gonna get a girlfriend".
Posted by Spydir on Feb. 13 2002,20:12
I actually plan on asking this girl out tomorrow...  I figure if I do it tomorrow/after tomorrow I don't have to get a v-day's present.  Yes ladies, I'm a cheapfuck.

My school's also having a dance saturday.  I'm still trying to figure out if I should go or not.  The last day to get a ticket is friday, though  ???
Posted by ASCIIMan on Feb. 13 2002,20:46
HEY! Is that poll option implying there's a ST marathon tomorrow? w00t  notify.gif

(Yes, I know I'm a l0s3r)
Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 13 2002,21:41
why not just do them all?
Posted by liquid metal on Feb. 13 2002,21:41
I don't want to go out with you because you drive too fast.

I am thinking about going into rant mode about that one but I need to write a paper soooooo....
Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Feb. 14 2002,14:38
Posted by damien_s_lucifer on Feb. 14 2002,23:16
The smot pokers are in the lead!  hehe.gif  turn.gif  devil.gif

Valentines day is so lame that I forgot about it until this thread reminded me.

I should celebrate, though... maybe kick back and watch "Where The Boys Aren't 8" again...
Posted by RadioActive on Feb. 14 2002,23:59
Quote (liquid metal @ 13 Feb. 2002,16:41)
I don't want to go out with you because you drive too fast.

I am thinking about going into rant mode about that one but I need to write a paper soooooo....

no offence, but when a girl turns you down with a line like that it's pretty pathetic. that or she totally lacks any kind of creativity.
Posted by kuru on Feb. 15 2002,00:10

But I'll pass on the Lubriderm. exclamation.gif
Posted by ic0n0 on Feb. 15 2002,00:30
Looks like i have the same plans as as kuru mentioned, alas  cry.gif
Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Feb. 15 2002,01:29
ladies and gentlemen welcome to monkey spankathon 2002!

Posted by Rhydant on Feb. 15 2002,01:41
valentines day is make beliefe, just like Wyoming.

god damn hallmark holidays...

i wish i had a girl to celebrate with

/me runs off crying.
Posted by Cyrino on Feb. 15 2002,04:09
Quite possibly the most depressing day of the year....  angry.gif
Posted by kuru on Feb. 15 2002,04:11
You could come celebrate here with me...

but I'm going to bed soon.

Posted by gee ess on Feb. 15 2002,04:49
Don't give in to the Hallmark Holiday.  Well...shove heaps o' heart-shaped chocolates into mouth immediately. Cure for everything...mmmm   :p
Posted by Nikita on Feb. 15 2002,15:52
Quote (Dark Knight Bob @ 14 Feb. 2002,20:29)
ladies and gentlemen welcome to monkey spankathon 2002!

oh ... what the hell ... :D

< >

spank it, spank it, and spank it some more!
Posted by 1LT on Feb. 15 2002,15:59
"You could come celebrate here with me...

but I'm going to bed soon."

Isn't that the point?  cool.gif
Posted by BlackFlag on Feb. 15 2002,18:14
what, no hookers or strippers?!
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