Forum: Rants
Topic: Help Line Operators
started by: Cyrino

Posted by Cyrino on Feb. 13 2002,05:20
I finally received my credit card in the mail last night. So, I called the phone number to activate the card and after about 10 minutes of pushing buttons, it tells me that I have to talk to an operator and to stay on the line. The voice then asks me to choose my language of the operator that I would prefer. When I push the button for an English operator, I want to talk to a person that speaks English as their first language or that they speak it with relative coherence. But noooo… the guy asks me (in a strong muffled East Indian accent) to repeat what I had just gone through with the annoying automated voice. I do this, and then he starts asking me if I want this extended security shit. Being new to this whole credit card thing, I thought it might be important. Little did I know, I would be suckered into listening to another 5 minutes of barely audible junk mail…

Needless to say, I got myself through the whole fiasco and was able to purchase my Dashboard tickets for next month, w00tah!
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