Forum: Rants
Topic: "hackers"
started by: Dysorderia

Posted by Dysorderia on Feb. 08 2002,21:14
(those who know a lot on the subject, {hopefully} will back me up on this.)

hackers are like car thieves.

No amount of security can stop a good hacker if they are really hell-bent on getting into a system.

50%-65% of hackers are lame punks who don't know how to hack beyond win-nuke or sub-7.
Posted by Wiley on Feb. 08 2002,21:42
There is a pic floating around labled "How to secure your computer against hackers" and it's a picture of wire cutters cutting the power cord.  It's sad but true.  Any computer that is turned on can be "hacked", it just depends on how much time you want to devote to getting inside a particular box, and it's only going to get worse.  People want more and more information accessible from remote places and so computer professionals are forced to tear down security more and more every day.  I think more often then not it is managment that is forcing the holes to be opened up.  My boss thinks that our secure VPN solution requires too many steps, so I need to simplify it for him  ...less steps means less security, but I want to keep my job so I change it.  It scares me to death that people want to be 100% effective at their jobs from home because it means that somebody else pretending to be them could attempt access to private networks.  IMOP, I think the world is ripe for a plundering of it's riches.
Posted by Spydir on Feb. 08 2002,21:43
you stupid monkey.  Go read the jargon file.  the 50-60% you're speaking of (more like 94%) are script kiddies, the hackers you're talking about are crackers, and the real hackers are just extreme programmers.  Get your definations right, brassmonkeynuts.
Posted by Dysorderia on Feb. 08 2002,21:49
Quote (Spydir @ 08 Feb. 2002,13:43)
you stupid monkey.  Go read the jargon file.  the 50-60% you're speaking of (more like 94%) are script kiddies, the hackers you're talking about are crackers, and the real hackers are just extreme programmers.  Get your definations right, brassmonkeynuts.

needless distictions... shaun.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif

Posted by Wiley on Feb. 08 2002,22:12
Hackers, Crackers, White-Hatters, Black-Hatters's all the same if you ask me.   I know there is this entire "Hackers are just peaceful people who seek knowlege of how things work, Crackers are the evil people who want to rob you" bullshit, but I just think that is something for people to talk about at the Defcon convention.  I trust nobody.  I'm betting that I'll be robbed blind by some quiet guy who's worked for years in the mailroom vs. some kid in all black typing away to the sounds of techo playing loudly at 3am like they show us in the movies.
I am a big fan of hacker folklore though, I have a write-up I once found outlining exactly when you move from one level of hacking to the next ...but like I said it's all bullshit if you ask me.

Posted by Delpino on Feb. 08 2002,22:36
Yes, and no matter HOW good of a lock you build, someone will be able to get past it.  And no matter how good your home security system is, someone could break through.  Computers fall under the same category.  Nothing in this world is truly secure.  You want a secure car?  Weld it inside sheets of steel.  Same for your house.
Posted by Spydir on Feb. 08 2002,23:10
want a 100% security fix for your computer?  Burn it.  Never buy another one.  There, most secure computing you can get.

I'm not gonna sit here getting into the whole "I'm a hacker because I just program and don't crack computers!" thing, but really, what's the good in bitching about it?  Personally, I feel if you break into anyone's computer without their permission you're a fucknugget.  If they give you permission to do it, fine.  It's their problem when I remove the root user from their /etc/passwd.

couple other things...  What the hell is  shaun.gif supposed to be!?!?  Is it a sheep???  also...  no wait, there's nothing else.
Posted by Dysorderia on Feb. 08 2002,23:14
Quote (Spydir @ 08 Feb. 2002,15:10)

couple other things...  What the hell is  shaun.gif supposed to be!?!?  Is it a sheep???  also...  no wait, there's nothing else.

not all sheep have white fleeces, you stupid monkey

Posted by Spydir on Feb. 09 2002,00:03
you're just madd because Im' smearter then you. (yes, that was on purpose)
Posted by Hellraiser on Feb. 09 2002,00:23
Spydir: that would require you to have at least some modicum of intelligence about your person, which has as of yet not been ascertained with any degree of surety. For you to assume that he does indeed feel demeaned by your unproven mental abilities indicates your lack of said abilities, or at least lack of the knowledge and/or experience to determine their use, and therefore renders the question of his alleged inferiority complex moot.

shaun.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif
Posted by Spydir on Feb. 09 2002,04:14
... you know you just got chalked up on my "another stupid monkey" list, right?
Posted by editor on Feb. 09 2002,05:13
Spydir, U my friend, but U ragging on my other friends, including a guy who is literally creating  R U looking for attention, or are you in a bad mood?  Did you get stood up tonite?  I have jury duty next week, all week and I have an appointment to get laid on Wednesday.  I don't know quite what to do.....and she has a curfew... to boot.  What fun is sex unless the chickie is young enough to have a curfew?  
You=Scorpio, me=Scorpio.
Let's not let this get nasty....
Posted by Dysorderia on Feb. 09 2002,05:28
Quote (editor @ 08 Feb. 2002,21:13)
Spydir, U my friend, but U ragging on my other friends, including a guy who is literally creating  R U looking for attention, or are you in a bad mood?  Did you get stood up tonite?

dude, it was a joke.
shaun.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif
Posted by editor on Feb. 09 2002,05:30
most excellent!  -whew-
Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Feb. 09 2002,17:21
its all about doing somethign for the thrill of getting away with it. all h8x0r5 who know what they're doing admit that this is what its really about not to prove their individuality not to strike against capitalsim but simply cos its bad illegal and they can get away with it.
Posted by Spydir on Feb. 09 2002,18:07
yeah, man...  just a joke.  Wow, I sudden feel pretty depressed from reading that, though.  Excuse me while I go jump off a bridge, though...  just for attention...

(yes, that was a joke)
Posted by Dysorderia on Feb. 09 2002,21:22
ah f*ck it.....

shaun.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif  shaun.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif

Posted by ic0n0 on Feb. 10 2002,06:16
baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif
Posted by editor on Feb. 10 2002,06:57
Yah, well, I wrote to < 2600 >  and they didn't see fit to respond -- yet.

Hacking is most interesting to me, but I don't plan on doing any.
Posted by ASCIIMan on Feb. 10 2002,08:20
Heh... 2600... the magazine which most of it's readers don't know why the title is "2600"...

baaa.gif  baaa.gif  baaa.gif
Posted by editor on Feb. 11 2002,07:41

2600 is the number of calories you get when you eat the mag?
Posted by Hellraiser on Feb. 11 2002,16:25
no, 2600 being the number of idiots who read it :)
Posted by Dysorderia on Feb. 11 2002,19:09
< Why 2600 has it's name >
Posted by Hellraiser on Feb. 11 2002,23:31

You weren't supposed to tell that!!
Posted by Delpino on Feb. 12 2002,16:51
Quote (Dysorderia @ 11 Feb. 2002,14:09)
< Why 2600 has it's name >

The good ol' Captain = one(1) giant ass.  Aside from simply "resting on his laurels," the man is a leech and a lover of the women WAY too young for him.  When we went out to dinner with him, he ate happily, and then decided to leave us with the check.  Tried it two nights in a row.  In addition, you can only hear the "whistle" story so many times.
Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Feb. 12 2002,16:51
thats phreaking not h8x0ring you num-nuts!
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