Forum: Rants
Topic: Passing the time
started by: Jimi

Posted by Jimi on Feb. 08 2002,01:27
I have just had the phone bill through and it is quite high, I payed it off but it has left me overdrawn at the bank. This doesn't help my stress/depresion/anger levels etc.

I have decided that it is time to find something to do that is
A) Stress relieving
B) Good for depression
C) Cheap/Free
D) Time consuming but in a good oh didn't time fly kind of way

Here is what I have chosen since these all cost nothing as I already have all the kit for them.

I have started to play darts, this is cool because it helps my maths, it passes the time without need to be online, it also helps with depresion and stress. Throwing little spikies at a board is very stress relieving. If you don't play against anyone or you just play 'round the clock' you can take however long you want with nothing to worry about.

I have also decided to get my ass in gear and get some of my college work done as every assignment I have is late and I didn't study 2 years already so I could fuck up my last year. This doesn't help with anything until it's done then it will be a huge weight off my mind.

I have started playing the guitar again. I stopped because I blew my amp and haven't been able to afford a new one, so I hopped up some wires and linked together an old knackered stereo, a home made amp, and either a speaker or my cans (headphones) depending on how quiet I have to be.

This all has cost nothing and the darts is really good for me. I find it really relaxing and calming. The guitar is great because it's an electric guitar which means I can thrash it about to realease frustration, or play gently depending on my mood.

As for the college work... Ya OK so I have been busy thrashing and spiking to get alot done but as soon as I disconnect in a little while that's what i'll be doing.

Now for the question, What do you lot do to help with depression, stress, frustration, anger, etc. Or just to pass the time, I'm looking for thing where I can just do it with nothing on my mind bothering me.

Any ideas? turn.gif
Posted by ic0n0 on Feb. 08 2002,01:37
What about your rents? Can they help?
Posted by Jimi on Feb. 08 2002,02:39
That's part of why I got a little messed up in the first place, that's rent, there is only one now.

My dad died 2 years ago when I was 16. Mum is too busy bitching at me all the time, she is a really great mum and she has a lot on her plate, I understand this but I don't think she realises just how much she does moan at me.

Besides I don't feel comfortable talking to mum about what's wrong with me, she still has no idea how I feel because she is too busy making sure we still have food on the table which I can't blame her for. She wouldn't believe me anyway, I have had an allergy to fruit for the past year or so but everytime I mention it she shrugs it off and tells me it's all in my head... Yeah OK then, so that's why I throw up involunterally after eating an apple, orange, grape anything fruit!!!

Anyway I don't want to go off on a depressing thread, that's exactly what I set out not to do, I'm looking for things to do as occupational therapy.

Posted by editor on Feb. 08 2002,04:17
well, I have 3 options to ask you about.

Do you just want to be happy for a while?

Do you want to understand where this low-state came from? That's harder.

What do you want out of life?
  That's a stinker.
Posted by Vigilante on Feb. 08 2002,06:17
Darts is even better when you have appropriately sized photographs. sly.gif

What do I do for depression and stress relief? Absolutely nothing.  huh2.gif
Posted by ic0n0 on Feb. 08 2002,06:21
Jimi maybe you should see a shrink or something, i hate to see people depressed, i know what it leads to. If you can't afford it see if there is someone at school you can talk to or something. Or even me i can help you with depression but as for money i am broke.
Posted by Jimi on Feb. 08 2002,10:17
Already had a shrink recomended to me but I don't want to see one, he/she will just put me on happy pills and then every bit of happiness I have will be drug induced.

At least now if I smile or laugh or cry I know it's because that's what I should be doing, not what some drug makes me do.

I have talked to people, nobody has really helped yet, I just like to pass the time with various activities and that keeps my mind of all the bad shit.

I could talk to my college lecturer but she will insist on getting my mum involved and I don't need that, neither does she.

What is wrong with me! am I incapable of writing short simple posts ffs!
Posted by ic0n0 on Feb. 08 2002,14:05
Jimi you know that depression is usually a chemical imbalance right? If you’re not as depressed as you once were you probably don’t need drugs, I don’t know you in the real would so it would be hard or near impossible to diagnose you with anything. But I do know that just talking to a therapist or to a close friend helps a lot and if things progress to a point where you have a hard time functioning seek help. The good news is most people who verbalize their feelings usually don’t do anything rash and usually get better. Unfortunately some people who were close to me, as you all know didn’t get help. I know your not at that extreme, but stay aware of your feelings.
Posted by PTL on Feb. 09 2002,01:57
Back to your question, Jimi.  
I'm somewhat like you when it comes to finding relaxing past-times.  I like piddle work.  I've recently started (and don't laugh) learning to cross stitch and do beading (ie, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, "smoking accessories").  It's very relaxing to absorb yourself in something that requires attention but no thought.  Reading is nice too but I really don't have a lot of time for that.  Another thing (which I have a harder time motivating myself to do) is cleaning house.  Once I get done, I feel SOOO much better.  It's nice to do things that render visible results.  You can actually SEE that you've done something and that it has been proactive.  Also, occassionally just getting out and going to some interesting shops and stores and just wandering around looking for cool shit is fun and relaxing (only when there's no one with me though - people make me feel rushed and like I have to keep up with them).  The last thing, which I don't get to do very often, is go out to the country and target shoot.
I know MOST of that's kinda girly (not all, but most).  But hey, I'm a chick! ;)

edit for a grammatical error.

Posted by editor on Feb. 09 2002,05:20
dammit, PTL is boring!  She's always got good advice!
Ic0n0 suggested a shrink, why not a psychologist instead?  No drugs!
 Just talk, couldn't hurt, could it?

edit for content;  PTL, I was right! about the knitting stuff!  I knew it!  A macrame domme!  Too cool!  Do you knit masks and shit???

Posted by BlackFlag on Feb. 09 2002,11:37
depression- I listen to music.  Nirvana really helps purge depressing thoughts, by getting them all out at once.

stress-  I Play violent bloody video  games.  Usually counter-strike.

frustration- same as above, unless its sexual frustration, in wich case i take a trip to the tittie bar.

anger- i start a flame war. devil.gif
Posted by Atepe on Feb. 10 2002,20:19
Try medatating. Listen to your breathing, slowly or whatver way you wanna do it. The way I do it is I'm in my room with the lights out, II play soft techno, light an incent, light some candles, and sit on my bed Indian style while studying my breaths ussually with my eyes closed. While exhaling i'll do some sort of tone such as Aom (which mans peace for those of you who dont know) I do this about 50 times and I'm so full of energy afterwards. It really DOES do good for you. Try it bfore you knock it, seriously. It works, for me anyways. The point is to clear your mind of everything. Just blankness. You, the candles, the incent, or whatever else. The enviornment is the key element. You can't do this shit in school while a bunch of annoying little kids are rambling on and on and on. If you look into the flame of the candle try to imagine your anger/depression being sucked in and burnt away. If nothing else it serves as a good relaxer. I do stretches too, when I'm pissed, which eventually lead to push ups which leads to sit ups. I get so carried away with things sometimes.   turn.gif

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