Forum: Rants
Topic: Grrrr....
started by: smartsnake

Posted by smartsnake on Jan. 29 2002,01:43
Im startin to wonder if I'll ever get a girlfriend I'm hopin I do sometime I'm sick of this shit.  Bitches tell me they like me and then I ask them out and they dont want to get involved because they have someone else they are intrested in and they dont want to hurt me.  Either that or they just want to be good friends. :angry: :( Damnit damnit damnit.  


Ok I'll go away again

edit:me stupid

Posted by Spydir on Jan. 29 2002,02:29
I totally understand man.  women suck.  well, I wish more women sucked, atleast...
Posted by Jimi on Jan. 29 2002,02:30
A friend of mine wrote this elsewhere in another forum, I blatently knew it was about me but in all fairness he has never been more right. The metaphores he uses aren't to hard to work out.

"but like i said to a friend once

This friend of mine had been having a few problems with women. The poor lad would find someone he likes and would try to get em but as he would be onto of the hill about to take the cup...she would set off some well placed TNT and he would fall to the very bottom again. He had climbed the hill a few times and with every atemp it would be harder (due to the scaring from the TNT of the hill) But as normal he would be put down again.

On his last failing he had said to me "fuck it! i'm giving up!" I said "dont worry. You WILL find the one thats right for you" I could tell he didn't belive me. But them she came out of the fog. And they have been happyer than ever.

If the friend i'm talking about reads this he will know it's him"

The moral is that as soon as I started acting like I didn't give a shit (and I actually didn't) you become more attractive to the opposite sex rather than just a winey little dude that's constantly hanging around with them.

I have now addopted the I don't give a shit attitude to life as everything becomes easier. Now I can name 7 people who like me, I give you my word I am not just being big headed and cocky.

I suggest genuinly not caring, don't just pretent like you don't care. Good luck to you my friend and look after youself, you will be happy. Trust me i'm a student
Posted by ic0n0 on Jan. 29 2002,02:39
Posted by smartsnake on Jan. 29 2002,02:45
Thanks Jimi I'll try that.  Heh I guess not giving a shit is alot easier then trying  :D.
Posted by Spydir on Jan. 29 2002,02:50
my general way of picking up chicks...  give it time.  grow on them.  It's worked for the last 3 girls I've known that I ended up "dating".  At first they were like "I don't know him, but he seems ok" then they were like "We're just friends" (at which point they'd try hooking me up with their friends.  one girl told me she did that so she could see how I treated my girlfriends, so she could figure out if she wanted to date me. sly little bitch), then after a little bit it went further.  you gotta play it different for different chicks.  At first you just start out as really good friends, maybe get kind of close on a couple occasions.  Then you kind of ignore her.  Talk to her a little, but show interest in someone else.  It's working on this one girl I know, I think (and hope).

Hey, maybe I actually have a chance for one of my 3 goals for summer break! (get a girlfriend, that is...)
Posted by liquid metal on Jan. 29 2002,04:26
i need an attitude like that
Posted by BlackFlag on Jan. 29 2002,06:18
The secerets i have learned through trial and error:

1-there is no damn seceret.
2-smell nice.  i can not stress this enough.  Smell is one of the most sensual senses.
3-like Jimi said, don't give a shit.
4-be a "real person" when you're around them.  in other words, be yourself.  don't go nuts trying to be nice, or trying to impress them.  even if they don't see through your act, there's a very good chance that they'll see you as a wimpy wussy incomplete man not worthy of their time.  women want a real man.  Be an asshole occasionaly.  It works!
]]EDIT[[ AND even if being a super nice guy does work and you get a girl to go out with you, then you stuck in nice guy mode for as long as you date that chick.  It really sucks.
5-don't be afraid at any time, or for any reason, to use the word "no".  if you don't feel like doing something, don't.    NEVER do something you don't want to do just because a chick wants you to.  (the only exceptions to this are taking a girlfriend to see chick-flicks, and buying tampons/whatever for your girl if[and only if] you're in a long term relationship.  both of these are unpleasent, but manditory.  i don't make the rules man.)
6-hang out with people.  talk to people.  shit happens, but only if you make contact with other human beings occasionaly.  (i learned this one the hard way.)
7-network.  never pass up an opurtunity to hang out with any female for any reason.  300 pounds and uglyier than a 5 months dead squirl?  She's probably got a REALLY cute sister that's giving her an inferiority complex.  Not your type?  One of her friends probably is.  Get the picture?

Posted by ic0n0 on Jan. 29 2002,07:14
I have never asked a women out nor does it look like that is going to happen, I have resigned myself to hermit city.
Posted by smartsnake on Jan. 29 2002,22:56
Thanks for the help guys.  One of my friends is convinced that she can get this thing with one girl to workout so shes being helpful.  Hmmm I dont know why she is though I just told her to give up there is no chance its gonna happen heh.  Hell I'm just gonna stop giving a shit.
Posted by Jimi on Jan. 30 2002,17:23
Amen to black flag.

I'd like to add one to your list Back Flag.

I don't know if this is a really bastardy thing to do but there were two women I liked at one point, so I was talking to one of them about the other and how well things were going, and I was doing the same thing while with the other girl... Really neither of them were showing much interest until they both thought I had a chance with someone else then it all changed and they were both genuinely all over me.

w00t, just make them think you are popular, it works.
Posted by Anztac on Jan. 31 2002,00:20
I'm all for being myself.  I'm not going to "Play" woman though, that's just sick.
Posted by jiggyfresh on Jan. 31 2002,01:15
first off i dont think they like to be called bitches..just a word of advice
Posted by Jimi on Jan. 31 2002,01:32
I stopped being sexist cause the bitches didn't like it :)
Posted by Pickle Therapy Lady on Jan. 31 2002,02:24
Quote (jiggyfresh @ 31 Jan. 2002,00:15)
first off i dont think they like to be called bitches..just a word of advice


And all this time I thought they were just acknowledging my mood.  Damn...I guess I'll just have to get my paddle and leave some welts.  Fuckers.

Too bad I really AM a bitch.
Posted by Wolfguard on Jan. 31 2002,14:30
Quote (Pickle Therapy Lady @ 30 Jan. 2002,21:24)
Damn...I guess I'll just have to get my paddle and leave some welts.  Fuckers.

Too bad I really AM a bitch.

oh oh me first!  devil.gif
Posted by Dysorderia on Jan. 31 2002,15:10
$@#$ing double post notify.gif

Posted by Dysorderia on Jan. 31 2002,15:18
Quote (Jimi @ 30 Jan. 2002,09:23)
Amen to black flag.

I'd like to add one to your list Back Flag.

hehe.gif  backflag?
sly.gif  devil.gif
Posted by jiggyfresh on Jan. 31 2002,16:42
of course your a bitch, all girls are bitches but if your trying to bang one dont call her a bitch
Posted by Jimi on Jan. 31 2002,17:05
Quote (Dysorderia @ 31 Jan. 2002,15:18)
Quote (Jimi @ 30 Jan. 2002,09:23)
Amen to black flag.

I'd like to add one to your list Back Flag.

hehe.gif  backflag?
sly.gif  devil.gif

You know what I meant, I got it right the first time foo! I like bitches, they tend to be more dosile than the males. As for women I think I can some up the whole thing in a couple of lines.

What goes around comes around

Be good to women and it will pay off, and then they will be very good to you ;) Just respect them, all of them, not just the ones you wanna lay. Women talk we all know that. Being nice is the best thing you can do for them and for yourself.

OK so more than a couple of lines then.
Posted by Anztac on Jan. 31 2002,22:21
"Them" "Woman" "Bitches"  

All terms of an objective, and thus never truly subject society without segregation.  As long as we refer to any large group like that, "Woman" "Men" "Blacks" "Native Americans" "Whites" there will be stereotypes.  I tend to try and think of people on a one to one basis.  For instance, I say I need a woman, but all that really means is that I haven't met any man that I would want to date, and I've seen plenty of woman that I wouldn't date, ever, and of course, plenty I would (if your going to label me into some catagory for the previous statement, your a fucking moron, and missing the point.)  Still, I hate treating groups as objects.  It breeds idiocy.
Posted by Spydir on Jan. 31 2002,22:58
you know what else breeds idiocy?  West Virginia.
Posted by Nikita on Jan. 31 2002,23:39
Quote (Spydir @ 31 Jan. 2002,17:58)
you know what else breeds idiocy?  West Virginia.

Where the men run wild and the sheep run scared.   alien.gif
Posted by Wiley on Feb. 01 2002,01:48
This thread saddens me.  :(
You just gotta find your technique and work it.  What always worked for me was grabbing girls and dragging them onto the dance floor.  I'm kinda non-threatning so I guess that helps.  My best friend on the other hand will often get slapped for trying to grab women without being given an ok.  This is partialy because he looks like a serial killer.  
Like I said, you gotta find your technique.
Posted by Pickle Therapy Lady on Feb. 01 2002,04:42
Quote (Wolfguard @ 31 Jan. 2002,13:30)
Quote (Pickle Therapy Lady @ 30 Jan. 2002,21:24)
Damn...I guess I'll just have to get my paddle and leave some welts.  Fuckers.

Too bad I really AM a bitch.

oh oh me first!  devil.gif

Posted by Pickle Therapy Lady on Feb. 01 2002,04:43
Quote (jiggyfresh @ 31 Jan. 2002,15:42)
of course your a bitch, all girls are bitches but if your trying to bang one dont call her a bitch

Does banging myself count?   satisfied.gif
Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 01 2002,17:42
Quote (Pickle Therapy Lady @ 31 Jan. 2002,23:42)

Thats what all the women say.

If they would just lear to SQUEEZE the trigger and not JERK the trigger they would not miss   devil.gif

It is good to be back.
Posted by editor on Feb. 01 2002,23:59
Hey Wolfguard; peeked into your site for a minute, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think detnet would be interested in your 'bots!

How come the wimmin like you so much?  Do you *squeeze* their triggers?

edit for spelling

Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 02 2002,00:09
The women like me cause im hung like a baby.

8lbs 22 inches...

Women like me because i have confidence in myself and im not afrade to let it show.

That and the god thing must turn them on too...
Posted by editor on Feb. 02 2002,00:15
god of what?  shooting?  'bots?  'puters?  pickup lines?
Posted by SquireBoyXP on Feb. 06 2002,01:26
LOL, nah i dont know anything about girls and there over controling abilities. all i know for advice is, dont get desprite and go for the first girl that comes along. they are very controling or butch about every stupid damn thing in the world...heh with my luck i got a gorl that was both...but naot anymore!!! STUPID BITCH!!!!!

pardon me, i think i still have a bit of anger biult up...
Posted by Rhydant on Feb. 06 2002,03:15
women are nice. i just cant talk to them. you see, im not very suave, you know? i kinda slur my speach sometimes, and thats not good.

theres this one girl, Lindsey. i really uh.... dig her scene. alot. shes the only girl at my school that ive been after for awhile. and im almost positive she likes me too, but i dont exactly know how to go about asking her out and whatnot. im too god damn shy.

*sigh* i wish this was easier
Posted by Spydir on Feb. 06 2002,03:50
word to that, rhy...  I know about...  4 girls that i'm in a similar situation with, just I'm only 50% sure that 2 of them are even slightly interested in me...
Posted by Beldurin on Feb. 06 2002,06:05
Quote (Rhydant @ 05 Feb. 2002,19:15)
...i dont exactly know how to go about asking her out and whatnot. im too god damn shy.

*sigh* i wish this was easier

I've said it before, and I'll say it again...

Bend her over the couch and stick it in her butt...she'll thank you for it later.
Posted by Rhydant on Feb. 06 2002,06:23
ill keep that in mind.
Posted by Jimi on Feb. 06 2002,13:10
w00t, that is all for now... I've had some good news and i'll let you all know later depending on how I feel but it is very very much a w00t moment!!!!

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D
Posted by damien_s_lucifer on Feb. 07 2002,00:15
don't leave us hanging like that, man...

Rhydant, talking to girls isn't that hard, it just takes a lot of practice.  And don't worry if you horribly embarrass yourself in front of a large group of 'em... we've all done that, and there will almost always be at least one who secretly feels bad for you and will defend you later... and she'll talk herself into liking you :)
Posted by Neophyre on Feb. 07 2002,01:29
forget about chicks at school. easier to go for girls outside of school, at parties, a new job, or malls.
therefor they aren't influenced by the way you act at school, which is often different in most cases.

it works.
Posted by askheaves on Feb. 07 2002,04:17
Why act differently at school?  I think most people would act differently for the distinct purpose of attracting chickies.  Besides, it's about the last time (aside from college) that you'll be in an environment that's 50% girls who are totally horned out on hormones.  That's where you'd stand your best chance.
Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 07 2002,15:54
Quote (editor @ 01 Feb. 2002,19:15)
god of what?  shooting?  'bots?  'puters?  pickup lines?

I could tell you but the knowledge would distroy your mind...  devil.gif
Posted by fatalbert on Feb. 10 2002,18:04
don't you mean I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you...???
Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 10 2002,18:41
Quote (fatalbert @ 10 Feb. 2002,13:04)
don't you mean I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you...???


Knowledge of some things will just distroy your mind.  Ask Mr. Lovecraft.
Posted by Atepe on Feb. 10 2002,18:56
Okay well Jimi you bastard what's the good news? Am I the only one who's curious? And Beldurin, LoL, I've heard you say that before
Bend her over the couch and stick it in her butt...she'll thank you for it later.

And everytime i read that all's i think about is my freak-nasty friend. It cracks me up everytime. But why do you think they would thank you for it? I'd imagine that would hurt.

Posted by editor on Feb. 10 2002,19:58

Too late, mind already tattered and busted up, that's why I'm here....
Posted by Jimi on Feb. 11 2002,19:24
Here's the deal, god I hope nobody important reads this...

I'm in love with N, I'm currently with D, What I feel for D isn't as strong as what I feel for N. I know I want to be with N but really really don't want to hurt D because I care for her alot and she is too good of person to hurt.

Anyway this wasn't a problem until last week when I found out that N is mad about me aswell, in fact the feelings are mutual, so I know which one I want to be with and it is inevitable that D gets hurt, this is bad.

N is coming round in about ten minutes to 'Do her CV on my computer' and we are going to talk about the whole thing, BIG UNCOMFORTABLE SITUATION COMING RIGHT UP... Anyway, that's the good news.

The alternative is that I just go on a cunty dick pleasing rampage and shag all of the 9 girls who fancy me... It's an option :) But seriously help me the fuck out!!!
Posted by ic0n0 on Feb. 11 2002,19:51
Go for the promiscuity!
Posted by Nikita on Feb. 11 2002,19:51
you bastard.

whatever you do, don't do anything w/ N.  Not while you're w/ D.

the whole situation is hell as is.

N should have no business doing what she's doing right now.  I hate women who "create opportunities" like that.  She can "do her CV" elsewhere ... but from the likes of it, it may be too late.

Why are you w/ D to begin with anyways?  She's too good of a person to be hurt you say ... what is N's character like?

shit, major deja vu ...

Posted by Atepe on Feb. 11 2002,21:53
What the fuck dude~!?!?! whatchu waitin for? Get with N, life will not end for D. It is morally wrong to be with someone when you don't have feelings for them, knowing that they have feelings for you. To hell with the promiscuity, you're in love with with "N" you say, and she's MAD about you? What the hell do you need help with? Are you on crack or something? And just what in the name of shit is "CV"???

Posted by Spydir on Feb. 11 2002,23:16
just tell D that you really feel that the relationship isn't going to far, and that you don't want to go any further so that both of you get hurt even worse then it would be now.  Then go with N, but around D just be "friends", for a few weeks, atleast.  I'd recommend just being friends around D for about a month and half, but take it whatever speed you want.
Posted by Jimi on Feb. 12 2002,00:00
OK, i'm now officially scared of Nikita.

But Nikita I hear what you are saying and I hate what I am doing but for me the relationship with D isn't going anywhere, I realised a few weeks ago I just didn't know how to tell her, I know it's not fair on her but I have been trying to pick the moment to end it.

Now I realise N is interested and I know I have to do something. It makes me a wanker, I know, and I hate myself for it because I'm not a horrible person whether it is intentional or not. I just honestly don't know what to do.

I have never been in a relationship before and I don't know how to handle this at all. Please Nikita don't judge me on my current actions alone, I'm a good person... But just like any person sometimes I fuck up.
Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Feb. 12 2002,00:07
no time like the present. cos they isnt a good time for breaking up with someone.action cures fear. just get it over with the sooner you do the sooner you cn start shagging "N"

just remember you are the pimp master jimi :)
Posted by Wiley on Feb. 12 2002,01:17
Or you can try and do both of them.  Shit you got two girls who are into you  ...just add some alcohol and Bam! you got yourself a 3-some by supper time.

And if it doesn't work out there is a high probability that one of the girls will never speak to you again  ...problem solved.
Posted by Jimi on Feb. 12 2002,01:18
Right on DKB... I plan to, I think whoever it was who said something about it being moraly wrong misunderstood, as I do care for D. Just not in the same way as N.

Anyway pimp master Jimis Ego is back and in full swing.

Seriously though Nikita I'm not going to do anything with N until I have broken up with D. I'm no wanker.

It's just one of those things that is going to take a while because I really can't do it right before Valentines day because that would be really fucking harsh.
Posted by TheTaxMan on Feb. 12 2002,03:30
Quote (damien_s_lucifer @ 06 Feb. 2002,16:15)
don't leave us hanging like that, man...

Rhydant, talking to girls isn't that hard, it just takes a lot of practice.  And don't worry if you horribly embarrass yourself in front of a large group of 'em... we've all done that, and there will almost always be at least one who secretly feels bad for you and will defend you later... and she'll talk herself into liking you :)

Ah yes.  Pity.  We all love that.

And as for Jimi:
The great irony is, it probably won't matter either way.  Go shag (rofl) everyone, have great sex on the keyboard with N and post the text file, whatever.  See, once you move for whatever reason (it's going to happen!;)...well, you get the idea.  Isn't it great how we all live in the now.  Stupid horomones...  whatsthat.gif

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