Forum: Rants Topic: M.Y.O.B started by: Chrissy Posted by Chrissy on Jun. 20 2000,02:24
FUCKING SHITMy friends think I need to be "set up" with someone and Im SICK SICK SICK to death of hearing about it. WHAT in God's name are these people thinking? Do I look like I don't have more important things to you? OK maybe I don't but the point remains. I DONT NEED YOUR HELP TO FIND A GUY. Im a fully functioning semi attractive woman who can do just find on her own. WHY the hell would you think I need your help? I know at least one of you has had this problem with friends who wont leave you alone. Gimme some advice on telling them to ------------------ Posted by neotope on Jun. 20 2000,02:41
This is a novel idea and usually it doesnt work. But my friends where after me for like a month to ask this one girl out. Now you see I did not like this girl so their fore I did not want to ask her out. So I just told them straight up that I was not going to be it not matter how hard they tried. After a day or 2 of being firm with them, they understood that nothing was going to happen so they just gave up.
Posted by Sithiee on Jun. 20 2000,08:18
tell them that you like girls, you will never have to worry about them setting you up with a guy again.
Posted by Wolfguard on Jun. 20 2000,13:43
Just let them know that you are looking to get a life before you try to share a life with someone else. Tell them that if the right person does happen to cross your sights you will take a shot but untill then just forget about it.If this fails you can drive a spike through a baseball bat, on the spike write MYOB. At first just show it to them and then explain that one way or the other MYOB will be driven into their skull. ------------------ Posted by Kayy on Jun. 20 2000,14:26
On an alternative note, you could always tell 'em you're with HellRaiser.. nobody would know the difference really. They'd probably leave you alone, not sure though, might work Seriously though, if they are trying to set you up that badly just tell 'em to go play on the subway/train tracks, maybe they'll take a hint. ------------------ Posted by Chrissy on Jun. 21 2000,00:37
Now Kayy why would I tell them I was with Hellraiser? What point would that serve?I have told them at least a million times that I don't want to date because I don't have time for a boyfriend ATM. I keep refering them to my past relationships and why they didn't work out. It just seems that I need to beat them over the head with this fact. And it's not that I don't want to be with someone because I do. But I would hate for me to have feelings for that person and then all of a sudden have them get sucked in to my life where they weren't the centre of it. I don't think anyone deserves to be around someone that is so stressed all the time they can't even sleep at night. y'know ------------------ Posted by Willy Pete on Jun. 22 2000,11:16
Let me ask a few questions.Do all these friends also have significant others? How long is it since they saw you dating someone? (might be too personal, skip it of you don't like it.) How often do they do this? What kind of people do they try and set you up with? Their friends that you do know/don't know/their relatives? ------------------ Posted by Chrissy on Jun. 22 2000,13:52
Willy Pete,Yes they all have boyfriends for the most part. It is really just one friend who does it to me (but in part I think it is because she is boy crazy)but she definately has a boytoi (more like a slave cant tell which yet) The last time I dated was about two months ago. (Read the grrls suck thread you'll find out what the deal is) They annoy me about 4 or 5 times a week about it. Mutual friends, and friends Ive never met before. None of which I actually want to date. Look I realise that they have good intentions and I appreciate that but seriously I can handle shit like this on my own. I mean after all I am just about 22 and it's not like Ive never had a boyfriend before. Just frustrating when people think you are too lame to do it on yer own. ------------------ Posted by Willy Pete on Jun. 22 2000,15:20
Reason I ask is I get it too. Mainly friends that have serious partners or are married. Most have sincere desires to have you 'happy like they are'. Some, I think, can't stand to have anyone not miserable like they are. Some are just trying to live life through a proxy, ie: you. They need to be told in a nice way to get their own. Yes, I have read the mentioned thread and I sympathise. But I have to be honest, some times I have been the other person. Not in the same circumstances though. Had some friends who mistreated their girls and I wished that it could be me in their place so I could treat them like they desrved, but no I never did date a mate's ex, although I understand the motivation. Some folks also think that 'getting back in the saddle' might make you feel better, I guess they might feel you've been pretty miserable lately owing to the exboy and friend thing. ------------------ Posted by Wolfguard on Jun. 22 2000,15:40
the extent of my setting people is having 2 people i think would go together at a party with lots of people. I dont go out of my way to intoduce them to each other. I figure if they find each other, great. if they find others, great. If they ignore each other hey it was still a good party. Thats it. I dont even mention the fact that there is someone i think you might get along with nicely. Not my place in the universe to match up breeding pairs. ------------------ Posted by XaSERaX on Jun. 23 2000,05:36
girls rock, and when the set you up its even easier. you dont even have to go out. what could be better then someone bringing you one. i have a new gf that i meet will waiting class, its all relevant to whether you actually live outside your room or not. if you live outside, look around. if you live inside 24/7, take what you can get------------------ |