Forum: Rants
Topic: Is my name l33t?
started by: Happyfish

Posted by Happyfish on May 31 2000,03:20

K..I gotta ask this, as worried as I am about the outcome (well, not that worried).

Whenever I enter a chat room of any description, it doesn't seem to take too long and some guy asking my ASL and trying to do cutsie things to get my attention. Believe it or not I DO NOT like this. It distress me greatly. DOES MY NICK SOUND FEMININE? Be brutally honest...thanks.

(how about H4ppyPh1sh?)

[This message has been edited by Happyfish (edited May 30, 2000).]

Posted by Kolben on May 31 2000,08:21
Well, it's better than PimpTastic or SupaLeet, thats for sure! Don't use 13375p34k in your name. People are speak0ring it to confuse people. Why should you confuse people with you name unless your nick is cr0bar?

People that changes their nick is annoying! Once you've made it up, stick with it, and if someone doesn't like it, kick their asses! Or get someone to do it (I usually prefer HA, hehe)...Or make up one heck of a story about why it's what it is...

Posted by simulacrum on May 31 2000,09:51
Happyfish, it seems that unless ones name is blatently male, ie: Mike342, you will be approached by guys on IRC. There's just too many horny sick bastards on it to avoid it. I don't think your name is feminine, but rather neutral.
Posted by Kayy on May 31 2000,18:52
My nick is also rather feminine, until you look at it as what it actually is (the phoenetic spelling of the letter K, with an extra y )

And yes, I do get a lot of guys trying to chat me up, but then, when they do, I just paste what they /msg to me in the channel and they all run away or get booted by me, or some other chanop that I happen to know.

The only time I did anything other than that was when I got asl'd by an IRCop, then proceeded to let him try and chat me up and think he was getting somewhere, then I took the log, emailed it to the serverAdmin, and also to the owner of the website for his home channel, most amusing, well, thats what I thought.

When darkness calls and the pain and suffering begin again, you can guarantee that I shall be the instigator.
Kevin "Kayy" Beadle, The Proprietor and Innovator of Kayyos-Vx WebDesigns.

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