Forum: Rants
Topic: Homos
started by: hal0

Posted by hal0 on Oct. 10 2000,00:31
Ok, so here's my rant.

Why is it that homos (homosexuals, not homosapiens you retards :P) always have to tell everyone that they are gay?

ex 1: Homo Bumper Stickers. Rainbows. Honk if your a Homo, etc. It's annoying. Do I have to drive on the highway and pass a homo?

ex 2: Talking like a girl. Why do u talk like that? Seriously? Why is it when someone comes out, they talk all .. sorry for my wording.. gay?

I don't really have a problem with homos. They don't bother me. As long as they don't tell me about their gayness or demonstrate examples 1 or 2, then I really don't give a shit. I'm a heterosexual. I don't have bumper stickers that say "I like chicks". I don't talk funny.

Another thing. I love the people that say if you make fun of gays, it's because you are yourself. That is the most retarded thing I ever heard. Yeah.. If someone goes and says "Fuck Fags!", then they are gay? gimme a break. Ok.. whatever.. let the flames (wow.. what a coincedence) begin.

"You got so much of this fuzzy math, I'm beginning to believe not only you invented the internet, you invented the calculator too." George W. Bush to Al Gore, Presidential Debate, 2000

.:: < > - Paul Szoldra dot com - Slashdot on Crack ::.

This message has been edited by hal0 on October 09, 2000 at 07:33 PM

Posted by Mahdimael on Oct. 10 2000,00:55
Originally posted by hal0:
Ok, so here's my rant.

Why is it that homos (homosexuals, not homosapiens you retards :P) always have to tell everyone that they are gay?

I would suspect that they would tell you that it's because they've admitted something that is hard for people to deal with. But like anything else, it gets easier the more you say something. Perhaps that's the reason


ex 1: Homo Bumper Stickers. Rainbows. Honk if your a Homo, etc. It's annoying. Do I have to drive on the highway and pass a homo?

It may be that they like those particular bumper stickers more than "Very funny, scotty, now beam down my pants" or "Don't mess with Texas" or whatever


ex 2: Talking like a girl. Why do u talk like that? Seriously? Why is it when someone comes out, they talk all .. sorry for my wording.. gay?

I don't think this is the case across the board, more of a stereotype


I don't really have a problem with homos. They don't bother me.



As long as they don't tell me about their gayness or demonstrate examples 1 or 2, then I really don't give a shit. I'm a heterosexual. I don't have bumper stickers that say "I like chicks". I don't talk funny.

Another thing. I love the people that say if you make fun of gays, it's because you are yourself. That is the most retarded thing I ever heard. Yeah.. If someone goes and says "Fuck Fags!", then they are gay? gimme a break. Ok.. whatever.. let the flames (wow.. what a coincedence) begin.

No, I'm certain that many people who argue strongly against homosexuality are very heterosexual. But it does sometimes occur that those who are most vehement against something are secretly/unknowingly favorable towards it. For instance, have you ever told anyone a song or movie sucks even though you like it, but you know they don't/you want to just go along with the's kinda the same thing

I never let my schooling get in the way of my education - Mark Twain

Posted by hal0 on Oct. 10 2000,00:56
hrm.. ur gay.

"You got so much of this fuzzy math, I'm beginning to believe not only you invented the internet, you invented the calculator too." George W. Bush to Al Gore, Presidential Debate, 2000

.:: < > - Paul Szoldra dot com - Slashdot on Crack ::.

Posted by Mahdimael on Oct. 10 2000,01:54
Well, I can't be. I have a deep voice and no rainbow bumper stickers, so by your criteria, I'm completely straight

I never let my schooling get in the way of my education - Mark Twain

Posted by Sithiee on Oct. 10 2000,02:04
i agree about #1. if youre gay, thats fine by me. i couldnt care less either way. i mean geez, i hate it when anyone flaunts anything about themselves. black people who are are like "yay! im black" get on my nerves. i dont care. i personally dont care unless it affects me personally. i.e. if your a chick and im hitting on you, but your lesbian, then id apreciate it if you told me. but other than that, it really doesnt matter, so shut up already...
Posted by whiskey@throttle on Oct. 10 2000,03:25
When you are part of a recently liberated social or ethnic group that has historically been persecuted, abused, and forced to life a life of shameful secrecy, it probably feels good to let everyone know that times are changing, and that you are proud to be what you are, despite the bigotry of others.

When Billy Crystal received some sort of Academy honor at the Oscars a few years back, he got up on stage and said, "I'm Billy Crystal, and I'm a Jewish actor." (he also repeated it in Hebrew) Personally, I could give a shit less, but I'm sure he felt great about saying that on national television, and he gets my respect for proclaiming his feelings.

However, through your rationale about blacks, Sithiee, shouldn't you be annoyed by this? If you're not annoyed (and I'm pretty sure you aren't), I'd say your're slowly approaching hypocrisy level.

So what if people express their individual liberties in public? If an act doesn't affect us (and merely getting annoyed by is doesn't count) then I don't think we should be concerned about it.

BTW, I've seen many a dork wearing shirts that say, "chicks dig me."

Posted by The_Hiro on Oct. 10 2000,04:37
Originally posted by hal0:
Why is it that homos ... always have to tell everyone that they are gay?

Probably to raise social awareness, and to bring the issue into the open so that people will be less fearful and hateful towards them. It's a human tendency to fear the unknown. And as we all know, "Fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering."

Ex. 1: Homo Bumper Stickers. Rainbows. Honk if your a Homo, etc. It's annoying. Do I have to drive on the highway and pass a homo?

Statistically speaking, yes. There are a lot more gay people out there than you probably realize. Findings from the famous Kinsey study suggests that as many as 1 in 10 North Americans get involved in homosexual encounters in their lifetime.

I don't really have a problem with homos. They don't bother me. As long as they don't tell me about their gayness ... then I really don't give a shit. I'm a heterosexual.

So essentially what you're saying is that as long as they don't show their faces, as long as they keep it behind closed doors, it's fine with you. Seems to me like you do have some problems with homosexuality. And another thing: thanks for announcing your heterosexual orientation. <sarcasm> Now we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief! </sarcasm> In the future, before you go off on a rant against something, be sure that you're practicing what you're preaching.

Another thing. I love the people that say if you make fun of gays, it's because you are yourself. That is the most retarded thing I ever heard.

How absolutely moronic that people make such assinine statements. Too bad for you that it's true. Don't believe me? Then take a look at the < scientific findings > for yourself.

Posted by Sithiee on Oct. 10 2000,08:17
whiskey, youre wrong. it does sort of annoy me, because ya know what? i knew he was jewish. anyone who couldnt tell should be beaten with a big stick. i mean, with my friends, im always pointing out how im jewish, but its like a big joke, so its not to be like "yay, im jewish" just more like "haha i made the same joke again and its still funny." im sure its not funny to you, but its completely out of context here.
Posted by whiskey@throttle on Oct. 10 2000,20:30
Point well taken.

(that's why I said "if")

Posted by Sithiee on Oct. 10 2000,23:36
i tend to miss those ifs...heh, thats one of my biggest problems in coding...i never had trouble with the semi colon, its the if statements that get me...
Posted by starduck on Oct. 11 2000,22:32
I want an "I like Chicks" bumper sticker
wait, I also want a car, and a driver's license...
actually, I just want more juice

oh! right! on topic!
yes, I agree, people who try to prove that they're something bug me. I mean, you told us, we know, you don't have to prove anything. However, I can see pride as a good thing, showing confidence etc. But I don't know what I'm talking about.

Posted by L33T_h4x0r_d00d on Oct. 13 2000,15:02
I also have a problem with people getting in my face telling me their affiliations. I did not ask you if you're Gay, republican, injured, crippled, portugese, or angry. That means I do not care. You probably have no bearing on my life.(aside the fact that you are part of the same large political voting body as me) Keep your shit to your self. Leave me out. I dont have prejudice against you because of anything other than I dont know you, and I dont want to know you unless you have some sort of bearing on my life, ie. Neighbor, coworker, friend.

This message has been edited by L33T_h4x0r_d00d on October 13, 2000 at 10:03 AM

Posted by Chrissy on Oct. 13 2000,16:19

Why shouldn't people be allowed to proclaim their sexual identity, race, religious affiliation etc if they so desire. I mean we live in a free country do we not? It seems to me that people only belive in their constiutionally given rights when its SUITS them not when it goes for anyone else. I think its a wonderful thing that people feel open and free enough to tell people who they are and what they believe in. After all there are times in the day when Im sure you have told someone that you were hetrosexual (yeah my gf and I just went to dinner) or christian (just got back from Church) or your political affiliation ( voted for Nader in the last election) although you may not realise you do these things- every day you tell people who you are whether you want to or not. My point is that these people are not doing anything different then you do in your daily life you are just emphasising these things because they are different from what you are use to.

Posted by askheaves on Oct. 13 2000,18:10
Recommendation for the Napster-enabled.
Find Dennis Miller - Homosexuality
It's friggin hilarious and speaks well to the issue.
The best part is:
"When I'm watching the gay pride parade and the 'Genitals are our friends' float cruises by with two leather-bound eraser heads dressed up as Timmy and Tommy the Testicle Twins, sure, I get the same creepy feeling I get when I hear Shatner sing."
Posted by Sithiee on Oct. 14 2000,01:10
Chrissy, mentioning these things in casual conversation is not offensive. i would have no problem if a gay guy said somethin about how he did something with his boyfriend or something. its the people who run around screaming "im gay!!!" that are annoying. theres a huge difference between mentioning something in casual conversation, and going out of your way to make sure everyone knows something. its almost as though they want to make people annoyed with it...
Posted by L33T_h4x0r_d00d on Oct. 16 2000,13:32
Originally posted by Chrissy:

After all there are times in the day when Im sure you have told someone that you were hetrosexual (yeah my gf and I just went to dinner) or christian (just got back from Church) or your political affiliation ( voted for Nader in the last election) although you may not realise you do these things- every day you tell people who you are whether you want to or not.

This was not what I meant. I have a problem when people go out of the way to make a point that they are gay. I really dont care if you are gay. I have a neighbor that is gay. In casual conversation he doesnt differentiate between his gay friends and straight ones. Some times he has parties and he has a couple of obnoxious friends that make a point to stick it right in your face.

This message has been edited by L33T_h4x0r_d00d on October 16, 2000 at 08:37 AM

Posted by iso9k on Oct. 16 2000,13:43
Originally posted by Sithiee:
i agree about #1. if youre gay, thats fine by me. i couldnt care less either way. i mean geez, i hate it when anyone flaunts anything about themselves. black people who are are like "yay! im black" get on my nerves. i dont care. i personally dont care unless it affects me personally. i.e. if your a chick and im hitting on you, but your lesbian, then id apreciate it if you told me. but other than that, it really doesnt matter, so shut up already...

Yeah, and like white guys that sit on their computer dickin around with Linux and computers. "yay! Im a whitey!!!" :-)

We all flaunt.

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