Forum: Rants
Topic: School Sux
started by: smartsnake

Posted by smartsnake on Oct. 04 2000,21:18
I fucking hate school it is so fucking stupid and so is everone in my school. there all fucking hicks that have no brains
Posted by starduck on Oct. 04 2000,21:42
I think the thing that bugs me the most about school is that the entire learning experience can be crammed into about 3 months of learning. And it can too, it's called homeschooling. I don't think the people at your school are braindead hicks however, are you exagerating just a bit?
Posted by smartsnake on Oct. 04 2000,23:03
maybe a little most are braindead hicks
Posted by j0eSmith on Oct. 05 2000,00:47
Awwwww, did somebody get stuck in a garbage can today?

When my flying days are over, and my death has come to pass
I hope they bury me upside down, so the whole damn world can kiss my ass

Posted by Greedo on Oct. 05 2000,00:54
what i dont particularly like about school, is that they are practically _forcing_ us to learn.. it detracts a lot of the desire to learn.. for me, at least.

an also, the lack of subject choice in the younger grades is less-than-cool. sure, basic math skills are good, but when you know you're terrible at the subject, what's the point of taking grade 11 and "preparing for life" by learning how to calculate the rate in which the parabola cross the point (0,0)??
(that was probably a bad example.... i failed grade 11 math..)

"Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial."

Posted by The_Hiro on Oct. 05 2000,02:59
Quit your whining. Count yourself lucky that you have access to a decent education. There are a lot of people in this world who would kill to have your opportunities. Remember that.
Posted by Michael on Oct. 05 2000,04:21
Originally posted by smartsnake:
I fucking hate school it is so fucking stupid and so is everone in my school. there all fucking hicks that have no brains

Well, if you're that much better and smarter than all your classmates, it shouldn't be any trouble for you to just ace all your subjects without trying and spend all your time in school doing more interesting stuff. In my experience teachers will let you get away with almost anything in their class if you're averaging an A+... I had one math class where, when I got bored, I used to disassemble my pen and do ink paintings with the ink tube; messy, but fun.

Posted by Sithiee on Oct. 05 2000,08:31
damn straight Hiro. and calculus is easy, you probably just werent trying. and if youve ever seen the nacme commercial with the kids getting picked for the team...thats true, people with higher education and better grades get better jobs. if you were hiring, and you had 2 people who were the exact same, except one had a year more of math, who would you hire?
Posted by Rhydant on Oct. 05 2000,13:11
id hire the guy with one less year of math so that if iever made a mathanmatical mistake, he couldnt correct me :P~~~~~
Posted by fatbitch on Oct. 05 2000,13:18
i'd get the one with the year less so that i dont have some preppy narc nerd boy hanging around me.

its like:

1) Did a year more of math!
2) whereas the other guy had a year of partying hard

hmmm, i'd chose the guy that know how to have a little [B]FUN[\B] with his life whilst still being good at the job!!

my mouth is dry
my face is numb
thats the point of delerium
on my own, here we go

This message has been edited by fatbitch on October 10, 2000 at 10:18 PM

Posted by Happyfish on Oct. 05 2000,17:55
It's amazing the things you can find to do
when you're bored...

[edit: typo correction]

This message has been edited by Happyfish on October 05, 2000 at 12:56 AM

Posted by Sithiee on Oct. 05 2000,18:05
and thats why none of you hire people.
Posted by cr0bar on Oct. 05 2000,22:28
well said
Posted by Rhydant on Oct. 06 2000,00:30
i've 'hired' people before. once for a web site. didnt last long. ah well, im putting another one togeth anyway. maybe ill show you people it later.

Ice age coming Ice age coming
Throw it into the fire Throw it into the fire
Idioteque, by Radiohead - Kid A

Posted by directhex on Oct. 10 2000,18:59
school sucks cos it takes up valuable time i could be spending with my girlfriend.


The master has no need for money. And yet he sits and counts it. As a meditation.
-The Book of Cataclysm

Posted by hair on Oct. 11 2000,02:30
I agree, thats what I want to do when I... oh wait, its not a job...
Posted by Michael on Oct. 11 2000,03:31
Originally posted by directhex:
school sucks cos it takes up valuable time i could be spending with my girlfriend.

Yes, but you probably met that girlfriend in schoo or at a school-sponsored event, so if you never went to school you might not have much of a social life, or at least you would have to work a lot harder at it.

Don't let studying get in the way of the real purpose of school, which is socializing and developing friendships. This is especially true for college students...

I have managed to really enjoy my time in school because I have had great luck with getting good teachers and classes, but if all I was interested in was learning I could just stay home and read the textbooks.

Posted by starduck on Oct. 11 2000,22:35
I don't think the concept of school is a bad idea. BUT, I think I could be done a bit bitter. You're correct, school brings people closer together. Most of the time though, the classes are held back by one or two kids. That's why I said the learning could be crammed into 3 months, so much time is wasted. I waste about 2 hours out of my 5 1/3 hours of class, so I guess not 3 months, but enh.
Posted by Rhydant on Oct. 12 2000,02:36
hrm... school BAD! but my school is sorta... weird. the computer sytem is almost always down (thanks in part to me and the idiot tech guy), and some of the teachers are pretty damned whack.

hell, we dont even have lockers. i know some of you have heard this before, but it DOES make a difference. my backpack with books and stuff wieghs more than my right leg. and they say we cant have lockers because studnets might keep drugs in there. d'oh! i know at least a dozen people how bring pot and mixed alcholic drinks to school. its bull shit.

and another thing, i swear, i have like 3 hours of geometry homeworl EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. and the teacher thinks this is normal. NYURR! i'd go to home school, but i do like seeing and talking to people at school. i like gawking at girls too :P~~

Ice age coming Ice age coming
Throw it into the fire Throw it into the fire
Idioteque, by Radiohead - Kid A

Posted by Michael on Oct. 12 2000,03:25
Originally posted by starduck:
I waste about 2 hours out of my 5 1/3 hours of class, so I guess not 3 months, but enh.

I generally would read a book or write a short story or something while pretending to take notes if I was in a class that was just plain boring. However, I would do this on a regular basis only in a class where I had no respect for the teacher. If I'm in a class that's going way too slow, I might zone out occasionally in class but I will also go up to that teacher after class, discuss the more interesting points, ask for more work, whatever it takes for me to get something out of the class.

Basically, you should show respect for your teachers unless it is clear that they have no respect for you or for any students. Remember that teaching is a sort of a "public service" job, since many of these teachers could have gotten other jobs that pay much better if they hadn't decided that teaching people was more important. And it's not an easy job, either.

Posted by Sithiee on Oct. 12 2000,08:26
my ap physics teacher is a dumbass. he has a dumb system of grading because he claims that he doesnt have the time to teach it, and he doesnt know what hes doing. our tests our graded by us. he redistributes the tests out, so that instead of him getting to feel bad for giving other people shitty grades, we get to (and i may seem like an ass, but i hate giving people failing grades). he does this because he doesnt want to grade the tests, and he doesnt have time (that is what he told our parents at back to school night). now we get to the labs. we work in groups, and so we all have to spend all the time to write up a formal lab report (this takes several hours to do well) and then he only grades one lab for each group, except the conclusions are graded individually. so basically, if he happens to grade the lab of a dumbass in your group...well thats just too bad. why does he do this? again, he doesnt have time to grade our labs. my response to that is to find someone to teach it who does. that or he should quit his part time job so he can do his real one right. third thing. you cant define a word with that word, agreed? well why is it that we proved newtons second law with newtons second law? yes, you read that right. we proved f=ma works by using the formula f=ma. hey that makes sense! (sorry, we're all a little bitter about this)
Posted by Rhydant on Oct. 12 2000,12:46
...i can tell...
Posted by directhex on Oct. 12 2000,19:16
Yes, but you probably met that girlfriend in schoo or at a school-sponsored event, so if you never went to school you might not have much of a social life, or at least you would have to work a lot harder at it.

three words. single-sex education.

actually, we met at some christian union thing, which is odd since neither of us believe in god...


The master has no need for money. And yet he sits and counts it. As a meditation.
-The Book of Cataclysm

Posted by aventari on Oct. 12 2000,22:15
Originally posted by directhex:
actually, we met at some christian union thing, which is odd since neither of us believe in god...

I've found that Christianity will generally do that to people..

"Anarchy may not be the best form of government, but it's better than no government at all"

Posted by Michael on Oct. 13 2000,02:41
Originally posted by directhex:
three words. single-sex education.

Ouch. Glad I'm not going to school in England...

Posted by L33T_h4x0r_d00d on Oct. 13 2000,15:12


Posted by Chrissy on Oct. 13 2000,16:08
I think I missed something here. I must be the only person who actually enjoys school. But I think reason for this is because I like to learn new stuff and feel smart. Not that I show it all the time but if someone asks me something I know the answer to I feel better about myself just knowing it. I dont know if that makes sense. Though I admit school can be a drag sometimes like when you have three papers to write all due in the same week on top of 2 exams plus a presentation and applications to graduate/law school to do. I think school is more of an endurance test then anything else.
Don't you people agree?

"The causes we know everything about depend on the causes we know nothing about, which depend on the causes we know absolutely nothing about."- Tom Stoppard

Posted by L33T_h4x0r_d00d on Oct. 13 2000,18:03
I must say that as dorky as it sounds I did enjoy school unless I had some incredibly moronic teacher. 11th grade chem. My teachers favorite saying was "It is unless its not." Which makes learning Stoichiotomy FUCKING hard.

"Mrs. Dorsey are covalent bonds stronger than ionic?"
"Well they are unless they're not."

"Mrs. Dorsey is iron a metal?"
"Well it is unless its not."

"Mrs. Dorsey are you a complete moron?"
"Well I am unless im not?"

Pisses me off.

Posted by Chrissy on Oct. 14 2000,00:00
Please do not tell me I am the only one who noticed the Columbus/Thanksgiving comment!
If I did education my dear friends has failed you. WHY would they tell people about Columbus when he had NOTHING to do with Thanksgiving. Perhaps I should give you all the lessons again.
The Pilgrams ate with the Indians (now appropriately titled Native Americans- thou we should really call them aboriginals) and that is why we celebrate thanksgiving not because columbus came over looking for spices and shit. Just in case we all forgot the basics of American History (maybe they should have taught it ever year until graduation...)

"The causes we know everything about depend on the causes we know nothing about, which depend on the causes we know absolutely nothing about."- Tom Stoppard

Posted by pengu1nn on Oct. 14 2000,05:02
i liked school (it was the best place to sleep)

i never learned anything at school other than whatever you learned the year before would change the next year. i.e. columbus discovering america/ next year it was "amerigo somethingorother"/ after that it was the vikings/ then the whole land bridge thing.

public education pisses me off that way. i want to learn it the right way the first time, not in out of order increments that confuse and misdirect.

i wonder if they say all that shit about columbus to get kids in to thanksgiving at an early age???

Posted by Michael on Oct. 14 2000,05:38
Originally posted by pengu1nn:
public education pisses me off that way. i want to learn it the right way the first time, not in out of order increments that confuse and misdirect.

It was like that in my school with the sciences; we had chemistry in eighth grade and then again in tenth, and the second time they told us that basically everything we had learned before was worthless, and furthermore that what we were currently being taught was also incorrect, but it was easier to learn so that's what they were teaching. I really got annoyed with all the math and Science classes where they insisted on just having you memorize facts and formulae without learning why they were true.

That said, I actually did enjoy school for the most part, but mainly because I had some choice in what classes I took, and because there were interesting clubs outside of classes for those who wanted more in-depth study of Math or Science or whatever.

The second reason that I enjoyed school is that I had some of the best teachers you could ever ask for. Many of the teachers, especially in the humanities, were practically school legends; no one wanted to go through school with having at lest one class with them. I had great Math and Science teachers too, for that matter. In fact, I probably had at most two or three teachers in my entire high school career who weren't what I would call excellent, but even they were above average. I was quite lucky, I suppose.

I'm in college now, and far away from home and from my high school, but I'm still corresponding by email with one of my teachers occasionally and I would be writing to others too if I had their email addresses.

Posted by mqa on Oct. 15 2000,17:41
while i always enjoy learning new things, i can honestly say 75\% things i have learned, i have learned outside of school (although some of that knowledge i "learned" in school after i had learned it elsewhere). school (pre-college anyway) irritates me because most school administrators think they are hot shit, and also, i often find my self not learning.

in defense of schools however, alot of the problem with learning in schools is because most people are dumb shits, mostly, i think, because their parents dont give a shit. unfortunatly, this problem only compounds itself as the years progress.

in any case, schools are seriously fucked.

i wonder if cr0bar will respond to this topic, remember all the good times in 7th grade?

Posted by Rhydant on Oct. 16 2000,13:10
/me doesnt pay attention in school.

but then again, neither do, like... half the fucking kids in america. the problem is, some kids just dont care, which makes the teachers mad, so they teach less. it de-motivates them. hell, most the the teachers in the US wanted to teach because they thought they'd be helping us learn-they WANTED that. now kids just dont care, which kills the techers spirit.

everything that i needed to know to do what i want to do for a profession, i learned out side of school. i want to be a graphic design for some reason. i like making thinkgs in photoshop. i like designing web sites and logos and stuff. and its EASY for me. but there are no computer art classes here, and i dont want to tak ethe 'real' art (you know, drawing and painting and shit).

so... what was i talking aboot?

Ice age coming Ice age coming
Throw it into the fire Throw it into the fire
Idioteque, by Radiohead - Kid A

This message has been edited by Rhydant on October 16, 2000 at 08:11 AM

Posted by Cyrino on Oct. 17 2000,01:52
I love the high school life, it's just those pesky classes that get in the way...
Really, though, I think school is the biggest motivation destroyer in existence. I will probably end up in an IT department in one of the plants in town, and what is there for me to learn in high school to prepare me of this? Yup, that's right, nothing.

I really do find it annoying that I end up fixing the teachers' problems with computers. My potential skills are being wasted. Last year I handled most of the warranty fullfillments for the tech rooms in my school, while the teachers are asking "What's this username thingy?" I mean, I don't mind helping teachers out, but then 15 minutes later, most of them will give me the "Oh, you don't know the molar mass of paradichlorobenzine?? Well, you're never going to ammount to anything!" That's the thing that just gets me going...

Oh well, eanough for me...

They have cats in the future?

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