Forum: Politics Topic: Feedback/Critisism started by: TheTaxMan Posted by TheTaxMan on Jul. 06 2002,08:11
What do you think the general theme is? If you reply and other people already have, don't read what their responses were. I'm trying to get a general concensus as to what people think of the theme(s).Logic Twisted mind, broken spine tortured eyes and diseased heart. Those are not the characteristics of a sane man. But I find comfort in the simple joys. A cheerless moon counts the sylables in my head while its brother fog drinks my mind. Maybe the vampires will be out tonight. This is not the quandry of a sane man. But I find truth in nature's twists. An insane man. An interesting puzzle. If a cloud noticed, "I am airy and I am nothing" would it continue to rain? Would the tree that decided, "These leaves bring too much shade" continue to grow fruit? If the tree truly knew itself, we would be done for. Posted by BlackFlag on Jul. 06 2002,08:22
i think you're saying that people do what they do because they don't know what they're doing. VERY good. Very true also. Most people have no idea why they do what they do. Its been scientificly proven that people act first, and think second.... they make an action, then rationalize it. This is fact. good poem. Posted by PersonGuy on Jul. 06 2002,21:12
I think it's talking about how we waste time doing things of little significance. And if we could recognise those things, then we could stop doing them. Becoming enlighted... making life more efficent. Good work.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 07 2002,01:43
Thanks PersonGuy, there's my next topic.