Forum: Judecca, cocytus
Topic: .critical mass
started by: richard

Posted by richard on Jul. 03 2002,09:17
Since Chase finally got his computers back last week (for the first time in a great long while), and I started talking to him again, we have had a few discussions about trusty old detnet...and, amongst other things, I have realized how far has degenerated into a giant slovenly pile of steaming shit and how all of the users (save maybe three) have become giant whining emo pussies. I think I would have rather seen the site just die respectfully like most other sites without a host do, as opposed to being dragged out into an pathetic, endless pity party about missing the old days.

If you whiney sacks of shit had any respect for the image this site used to have, or Jason, you would have never given Kevin Break a chance to prove himself. How can a man who has no experience with administering websites, let alone this community (I don't care if he lurked in the forums for months before showing his face, he wasn't a member of the community!;) run the show? The answer is, he can't. I'm not going to reiterate points I have already made about how "Jason is detnet", because I already made them.

However, unable to accept the fact that not all things are permanent, you hang onto this dwindling, piece of shit forum with this "DetNet is here to stay!" mentality that serves to do nothing but fool all of you into believing that it's not a firework with a burnt-up fuse. All this is is a bad parody of what once was a fun place to hang out. Here's a good one for ya, old timers! Try to remember why you joined these forums. Then ask yourself if you'd still join them today. Oh! Wow! A little reality check there, huh? That is, for those of you who still have a reality left to check into. That brings me right along to my next order of business, which wouldn't be complete without MSPaint graphics! first, I had nothing but respect for you. You were going to give it an honest try...throw down the money for the operation, and be the man who saved a cool place on the internet. Then you got all whiney because you realized you couldn't do it, and started doling out the blame to other people and saying "it's my site now, so bite me!" Well Kevin, take a seat, because there's two little things you forgot:

1.) It takes more than money, so shut the FUCK up with your only excuse. Anyone with a server would have gladly hosted it, and there's plenty of us around. If it comes down to photography or websites, I say this to you: Don't quit your day job, Paco!
2.) It's not your site -- it (was) our site, everyone else's site who posted here. All you did was come along and ruin it by turning it into a whiney shithole over the course of three months. And shame on you for luring everyone down to such low standards in this forum. What a degrading thing, to look at the few respectable people on this forum and know that they're settling for the bullshit service you provide.

You know, at first I was kind of taken back about your little drunken posting spree the other night; now I realize that if I sucked at adminning a website as bad as you do, I would probably drunk myself into a haze too! Don't feed me your pretty-boy crap, I'd rather be run over by a tractor than admin websites like you.

That concludes my tenure as resident old-skool flamemaster of I have officially abandoned the stinking, rotting DetShip. If anyone wants to join a forum where the people who actually made things happen on this website hang out, try < SA Forums >...and maybe #detnet if you're the IRC type. Thanks you, and goodnight!
Posted by Vigilante on Jul. 03 2002,09:59
Ah yes, the inevitable slide back into assholery. Thanks for not letting us down.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 03 2002,12:07
Everybody said to watch out for Syphon.
I said, "he don't did me no wrong"
I said I would give him the benefit of the doubt.

MY forums are doing JUST FINE with or without you.
Thankyou for your attempt at a new skin.

You cannot drive a wedge between me and the boards now.
Too late.

I thankyou for making me realize how much I love my members.

If you read my posts you would realize that this is the wrong day to pull shit on me.

Two are dead of their own choice.
I am very concerned in my own useless nerdy way.
Don't get in between me and my addiction.
You will lose.

Go back to or whatever and pretend we never met.
I'll do the same.

The very day I eulogize two members on TWO different forums and you say bla bla bla.

Detnet is MY pet project, better or for worse, and I listen to my members and I fiercely love and wish to protect THEM.
Even the ones I hate, I love.
You cannot and will not take that from me.

R, you touched a nerve here.  Maybe you didn't mean to.
No matter. I Will Fight Over This.
cr0bar has left.  I don't care about the money.
I will defend my community.
Posted by Dysorderia on Jul. 04 2002,22:37
Quote (richard @ 03 July 2002,04:17)
How can a man who has no experience with administering websites, let alone this community (I don't care if he lurked in the forums for months before showing his face, he wasn't a member of the community!;) run the show? The answer is, he can't. I'm not going to reiterate points I have already made about how "Jason is detnet", because I already made them.
no, Jason was detnet until kbreak took over by buying the domain name.
1.) It takes more than money, so shut the FUCK up with your only excuse. Anyone with a server would have gladly hosted it
yet it is now in Kevin's possession, not yours and i doubt he'll give it up without a fight, and since no one else is hosting, SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU WHINING LITTLE BITCH!!!

2.) It's not your site -- it (was) our site, everyone else's site who posted here. All you did was come along and ruin it by turning it into a whiney shithole over the course of three months. And shame on you for luring everyone down to such low standards in this forum. What a degrading thing, to look at the few respectable people on this forum and know that they're settling for the bullshit service you provide.

:0 wow a holier-than-thou attitude from richard/syph0n....

Big surprise there...

Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 04 2002,22:42
Richard has an unholy amount of talent, but one of his talents is... to not get along with others...

Dear Richard, fare thee well, far away and please stay there.

Detnet is and was Jason's creation.
Jason left.

I have made more than my share of stupid posts and bad decisions, but I'm learning.

I think R is too, but neither of us is done.

I would just appreciate R learning somewhere else.

I'm amazed how much trouble he can still cause.
Posted by damien_s_lucifer on Jul. 04 2002,22:44
I banned the little troll.

No surprise there.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 04 2002,22:45
I stopped calling myself "editor" because all I ever do is fix pw's and delete DL's occasional double post and make the topics in Capital Letters like Headlines Should Be.


Beldy had it right, I'm a forumwhore.

Now the big question;

New poll in the Classroom.
Posted by Wiley on Jul. 04 2002,22:47
Quote (richard @ 03 July 2002,01:17)
If anyone wants to join a forum where the people who actually made things happen on this website hang out, try < SA Forums >

Um  ...why would I pay to post on a forum?  You people should pay me me damnit!! Pay me.  Maybe I should take PayPal donations like JoeltheGreat  ...he's pretty great.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 04 2002,22:53
C0ngr4ts on your 1100th post!

Pay you?

Are you not the richest person on Detnet?

Aren't you?
Thanks for buying me drinks that night, btw.

(brushes hair from eyes)
(new poll again)
Posted by WillyPete on Jul. 04 2002,23:24

This is really starting to piss me off.
Ok richard, wtf was it that made people stay and chat?
The bastardizations?
Thousands came, laughed and fucked off to look at 'the next funny thing'
Some, like me stayed and browsed and then piped up.
Some like you came along and bragged about their shit and even sometimes closely fooled some.
I cringe when I think of your posts regarding your drumming. I thought you were steven fucking hawking with some sticks taped to his hands and a welding  machine strapped to your testicle/s(?).
I said nothing.

Lets compare this place to a bar. A bunch of people saw it while walking past and pulled up a chair. Nice atmosphere, cool brew.
Then you started getting more. "hey my buddy knows this cool place round the corner."
Pretty soon the adolescents that can't control their drinking or their bladders turned up and came in yelling and whooping. "Lookamee!"
Some of the old timers said fuckit and moved on to find/discover/develop new pubs.

Then finally the landlord quits. New management. The manager gives a fresh paint job and a different flavour menu, but hey, it's home and I know I can come and see some of the old crowd.
The asshole kids turn up and immediately bitch. WTF? they say. why can't it be the same place anymore? Where I got thrown out on my ass for being a dick? that was fun!

You know what, it's not the site, it's not the landlord or the food. We're here for the folks we know and it's a way for some of us to touch base, vent, smile or whatever.

You're too focussed on acceptance by people and outward appearances to see what really matters. Did your own fucking site EVER get off the ground? I remember you were like a fucking kid "Come over to MY party everyone!"
That's what's fucking eating you. You couldn't get anyone to blow smoke up your ass and now that K, a non-admin in your eyes gets it by laying down a few bucks and reaps our thanks you get pissy. That's what the pineapple up your ass is all about isn't it? Being an admin is just about knowing code, it's also how you handle folks, and honestly, you'll never be half the man K is, even with his delete happy finger, because as far as social skills go you're so far down the evolutionary ladder you'd have a hard time being friends with a flatworm.

Fuck this and fuck you.

I don't have much to offer this site. God only knows why Jason decided to put my name on his good bye when there were so many others not mentioned. No, I didn't deserve it.
But right now, I have to get this off my chest, because by your actions you've just insulted everyone here and we won't take it.

So what. Hack you way around and do as much shit as you want. There's always backups for the web, but your credibility and your name, there's no fucking media in the world that can get that back for you.

Aw fuckit. Enough. I'll let Karma take over now.
Posted by Beastie Dr on Jul. 04 2002,23:57
Karma is me with a baseball bat.
Posted by Bob_the_Cannibal on Jul. 05 2002,00:07
My Karma ran over my dogma.

(moved, with link, to the 9th circle of hell.)
Posted by RadioActive on Jul. 05 2002,02:33
one thing i must say is that really, the site should have been closed when it was over. The only problem with that is that people who used to hang out on DetNet needed a new place to hang out. Apperently that place is Detonate2, but people still miss the point that this is not DetNet most of us know and remember. What people should do is not expect old detnet back with more bastardization and stuff, but a brand new site. Keep bastardization as memory of the past and move on. This site needs content, but new and original content. The main thing that drives this site so far is the forums, but that's beside the point. No matter what you want to beleive the fact still is that DetNet is dead. Forget about Jason and his site and move on. Accept the fact that you are now a member of a new site with a different owner and hope with some new content on the way (though it really doesn't look like it).
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 05 2002,04:50
I can't believe they won't get it in their heads that I CANNOT do it myself.
Won't happen.

If I come into money again soon, I'll buy a site for Detnet.
I have a couple ideas I really like.

I wish I could give up on hope.
I keep hoping for us.
Everytime we/I are shut down, I think of something else.
I guess the problem is I don't know what I CANNOT do.

I know I should just get lost on illout or E2, but I really really like the community here.

Btw, Dys, you edited another of my posts.
Your status changed.

Funny thing is, I would still like you to post.

and that goes for all of you.
Posted by Wiley on Jul. 05 2002,05:42
Quote (forumwhore @ 04 July 2002,14:53)
C0ngr4ts on your 1100th post!

Damnit  ...I need to get out more.

Pay you?

Well, I mean if it's between me paying you or you paying me then I would much rather have the latter.

Note to Syf0n:
d00d  ...that's pretty lame to come in and ask to be an admin of a site and then after people tell you that you don't have enough repect for the site bad-mouth it??  WTF??  That was exactly the point when everybody said you can't be trusted and that the "help" you provided wouldn't be worth the pain   ...and see made it so.  Detnet is a different site now but hell, I moved a few months ago and my home is a different home now  ...but it's still home.
Posted by Rhydant on Jul. 06 2002,21:24
blah blah blah blah blah.... this site is a shithole.

i just wish everything was back to normal.

damn you playnet, damn you!

but i guess theres no real point in blaming them. they didnt do it on purpose.

damn you corporate fucks who caused playnet to go down!

yeah, thats it.

ima go get a bagel.

blah blah blah blah.
Posted by Necromancer on Jul. 07 2002,02:51
who ever had the stupidity to think that this site would stay exactly the way it would as it once was.
Posted by kuru on Jul. 07 2002,14:32
Probably not the people who knew that it was impossible for syf0n to change.

But of course, he pulled his same old crap. Again.
Posted by BlackFlag on Jul. 08 2002,18:53
some of what syph0n said is true.  hell, it wouldn't piss anyone off if it wasn't at least partially true.

but you gotta give kevin credit....  unless im mistaken, wiley isn't the only one here taking home a moderately good amount of money.....  anyone could have bought, inculding people who probably could have run it better.  anyone could have, but kevin did.  Everyone else shruged and said "shit, that sucks." but who actually did something?

fuck the community, and fuck the content.  im just here for the flames and rants, thanks.
Posted by jim on Jul. 08 2002,19:54
Quote (WillyPete @ 04 July 2002,09:24)
You're too focussed on acceptance by people and outward appearances to see what really matters. Did your own fucking site EVER get off the ground? I remember you were like a fucking kid "Come over to MY party everyone!"
That's what's fucking eating you. You couldn't get anyone to blow smoke up your ass and now that K, a non-admin in your eyes gets it by laying down a few bucks and reaps our thanks you get pissy. That's what the pineapple up your ass is all about isn't it? Being an admin is just about knowing code, it's also how you handle folks, and honestly, you'll never be half the man K is, even with his delete happy finger, because as far as social skills go you're so far down the evolutionary ladder you'd have a hard time being friends with a flatworm.

LOL!  This is sooooo true!

He tried so hard to leach off of cr0, and failed miserably...

It was funny to occasionally drop by his forums and see the 15 posts in there.

The most popular thread being "Is DetNet down?"
Which happened when cr0 switched IP addresses, and for one brief moment people went to Richeys site just to find out where DetNet went.

Posted by Wiley on Jul. 08 2002,22:51
Quote (jim @ 08 July 2002,11:54)
It was funny to occasionally drop by his forums and see the 15 posts in there.

h4h4h4    ....oh wait forums only have like three posts.  And I think they're all from Kevin  ...which makes it really count as one post.

Oh well, that's why I'm here I guess.
Posted by syf on Jul. 08 2002,23:58
Oh no, now you done it. Now you made me go and reply to a thread I said I wouldn't reply to, just for the sake of shutting you the fuck up...

Wait, what's that? I have < forums > that do just as well, if not better than the detnet  forums on the back end of my website? Oh boy!

Posted by jim on Jul. 09 2002,00:37
Dumb fuck.  Just because you host it, doesn't mean it's yours....

If that was the case, I have websites that make me millions of dollars on an hourly basis...


Administrative Contact:     traver, mitch
3190 oak rd     apt #102
walnut creek, ca 94596     US     925-287-9921

And before you delete this editor, that info is public domain found in the whois database at
Posted by syf on Jul. 09 2002,00:41
But I do manage and host the site. So...where are you going with this?
Posted by Wiley on Jul. 09 2002,01:20
Wow, managing
< Impressingroom >
< DeepAbyss >
How do you find the time to manage two whole Under Construction pages?
Posted by Darth Liberus on Jul. 09 2002,02:08
dude... that address is no more than five miles from my house!

I might have to have my buddy at Pac Bell check the outside telcom box to make sure it's working properly.  Always glad to help a fellow tech devil.gif

/me has all respect restored for jim.  we still don't need a CMS though ;)

Posted by Bozeman on Jul. 09 2002,04:14
Other than the gay-bashing forum, his forums are a carbon copy of Detnet.

I think someone has forum envy...
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 09 2002,04:37
Jim, why would I delete your post?

I think you guys have the wrong idea about me.

I'm 323 221 5129
1734 North Main #3B LA CA 90031

But I'm not posting the security code.
Posted by syf on Jul. 09 2002,07:07
*shrugs* whatever, dudes. The argument was about the size of the forums I've got. I've obviously got you beat on that, which is all I set out to do. If you want to sit around taking turns making points with no backing about how my forums are a clone, then have fun!
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 09 2002,07:28
I am having a most entertaining evening.
Posted by jim on Jul. 09 2002,14:21
Funny how syf0n just can't seem to stay away from here.

What a piece of shit.

PS.  I thought he was banned anyway?
Posted by WillyPete on Jul. 09 2002,17:09
I was talking about the ORIGINAL site you had running when Jason was still at the helm here.

Before all the syfonization.
The one where you and some other guy chatted for several months. Alone.
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