Forum: Geek Forum
Topic: MySQL Question
started by: ShakerMaker

Posted by ShakerMaker on Jun. 30 2002,12:02
How the hell do I know if it is installed on my server and what the fuck is the MySQL folder?  withstupid.gif
Posted by RadioActive on Jun. 30 2002,15:29
what OS? since you didn't say MS SQL i presume you are installing it on linux, but just to be sure.
Posted by Wiley on Jun. 30 2002,18:14
Do you really me your server, or your ISP's server?  If it is yours then it most likely is not there if you didn't install it  ;)   ...if you're talking about your ISP's server then a quick phonecall should clear the matter up.  Most ISP's will have the standard Apache+PHP+MySQL configuration, you may need to pay more to be able to use dynamic elements if your ISP sucks.  If that's the case I would just move to a hosting company that provides a better platform.
Posted by Uberkommando on Jun. 30 2002,18:59
I had trouble figuring out how to access it. If that's the case, < this program > was a pretty big help to me.
Posted by Beldurin on Jun. 30 2002,20:04
or if you have shell access to your server (and it's linux) just type

Code Sample
ps -ef|grep "mysql"

and see if anything pops up.

as for managing, I've always used < phpMyAdmin >.
Posted by ShakerMaker on Jul. 01 2002,07:41
Quote (Wiley @ 30 June 2002,10:14)
Most ISP's will have the standard Apache+PHP+MySQL configuration, you may need to pay more to be able to use dynamic elements if your ISP sucks.  If that's the case I would just move to a hosting company that provides a better platform.

I'm paying for hosting so I guess it isn't my server.  :(

They do charge extra for ASP, but not for PHP. I've emailed them asking whats the deal with sql still no reply.
Posted by Darth Liberus on Jul. 01 2002,10:20
Since it's an ISP's server, you'll have to either wait for their email or give them a call.  They will give you a DB name, login, and password for MySQL, which you will have to supply to any scripts that use it.

I assume by "what the fuck is the MySQL folder" you mean the path to the MySQL monitor.  If you have shell access and your ISP has installed it in the normal place you should be able to launch it as

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uusername -p

MySQL's data folder is only accessible by MySQL and root.  To dump files for backup or restore them into the db, you'll have to use MySQL's SELECT INTO OUTFILE/LOAD DATA INFILE commands.
Posted by ShakerMaker on Jul. 01 2002,13:45
It appears I don't have it. Just looked under there plans and re read what we've bought into and MySQL aint one of them thats on their list. Will ask them if I can install it. Chances are they'll say no. But at least I can always try to learn with perl.  crazy.gif ???
Posted by ShakerMaker on Jul. 02 2002,07:54
It's official. Don't have it under my pricing plan, and it'll cost me extra to get it. Bastards. Thanks anyway guys!
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