Forum: Geek Forum
Topic: CD Burning utilities.
started by: Rhydant

Posted by Rhydant on Mar. 02 2002,05:01
in the past ive had some real shitty luck with cd burning apps.

Easy CD creator sucks and crashes every time i try to burn a data disc.
NTI's recorder sucks because it takes too god damn long to burn a cd
and now the oh-so-faithful Nero is giving me problems. the last 5 discs ive tried to burn either dont work on my cd-mp3 player, cant be read by my 'puter, or both.

so, what you y'all suggest? i dont do the ISO things. just data, music cds, and cd copies.

(and remember, i have morpheus, so programs that actually cost money are easily attainable ) baaa.gif
Posted by veistran on Mar. 02 2002,09:18
if your cd's are fucking up like that in everything, I'd put in a new ASPI layer.
Posted by BlackFlag on Mar. 02 2002,19:55
1.  install a new ASPI layer.  (search the web for "ForceASPI")
2.  Get CDRWin.  Then find a serial for it.
3. get Kazaa or Grokster.  Morpheus hasn't upgraded to 1.5 yet, and who the hell knows when/if they will, and this is causing major fucking network problems.  the 1.3 and 1.5 p2p protocols are not compatable, so you're only connecting to about half of the network.  Unless Morpheus gets with the fucking program (and why is it is dead?) really fucking quick, they're gonna get their users absorbed by kazaa, grokster, etc.
Edit:  also make sure you're not using shitty disks.  I recomend Sony.  RadioShack is acceptable.  For the love of god, don't use Compaq.
Edit Edit:  i've noticed problems with disks that are over 700MB.  650MB disks seem to have the most compatability.

Posted by Kayy on Mar. 02 2002,21:11
Something else you might want to check - In whatever cd writing package you use, look at the burn speed you've got it set at, and check it against the media you're using.

I know it's a weird thing to check, but most media these days thats fairly cheap just wont accept being burned at more than 16x.

Alternatively, try running a cd lens cleaner through your writer, and another extreme, open up your writer, and stick some lubrication onto the tracking pins for the carriage (I.E. the pins that the lens rack is mounted onto so it moves across the disc). My old rw screwed up 7 cd's in a row because it wasnt tracking properly, re-lubricated the tracking pins, and it's been fine since.
Posted by Rhydant on Mar. 02 2002,22:40
uhm... this ASPI thing isnt working out. i ran the exe and it says that no ASPI layer was installed. so i put the files in the place where there supposed to be (a buch of .dll files) and ran the exe again. no luck.

uhm... im confused.
Posted by BlackFlag on Mar. 03 2002,05:49
i have no idea what the problem might be.  the version of ForceASPI i have uses .bat files.

all i can say is read the readme file.

if you want to give me your email addy, i can send you the .zip of the version i have.  i know how to explain that one to you.
Posted by BlackFlag on Mar. 03 2002,05:57
in fact, you might want to scan your HD for virii now, cause the only versions i've found of ForceASPI use .bat files, no .exe files.

unless you're talking about aspichk.exe........  if you ran that, and it told you no aspi layer was installed, that would make sense.  I don't think winME/XP/2K have an ASPI layer unless one is installed.

get ForceASPI from < here >. Run InstASPI.bat.  that's all you need to do.

edit: fixed url

Posted by damien_s_lucifer on Mar. 03 2002,22:33
i'd guess your burner is dead / dying.  they do that.
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