Forum: Geek Forum
Topic: Linux and CD burning Help
started by: demonk

Posted by demonk on Nov. 29 2001,18:28
Ok, here's a question for all you Linux guys out there. I'm trying to get burning under Linux to work as good as burning under Windows. I have a TDK 25x10x40x ( ). I have already gotten burning working, but it doesn't perform as well as under windows. There are two lights on the front of my burner, one denotes burning, and the other denotes burn-proof(I think). Under Linux the lights will both come on for a while, then they go off and I can hear the CD-R spinning down, then both will come back on, the CD-R spins up and burns for a few seconds, then it repeats the spin down, etc, etc. I had this same condition under Windows when I first got the drive, and I found out that I didn't have DMA enabled for the drive. After turning DMA on, the lights were on constantly, and burn times improved significatly. So, I'm thinking that maybe the same kind of problem is happening under Linux. How do I enable DMA under Linux, or is there some other solution I haven't thought of? Thanks.

30 GOTO 10

Posted by blanalex on Nov. 29 2001,20:26
\% /sbin/hdparm -d 1 /dev/{burner device here}
Posted by Spydir on Nov. 29 2001,21:25
speaking of burning with linux...

I got a new plexor 12x10x40 (ok, not so new, but new for me) and I tried burning some stuff and it just wouldn't work. I think it might have been my cd-r's, but it's questionable. Think the burnproof stuff might be my problem? I'm gonna try again with some new media tomorrow (to lazy tonight0, and if it screws up again I'll get an error message up...

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