Forum: Geek Forum
Topic: Defrag
started by: BigKahuna

Posted by BigKahuna on Jun. 22 2001,01:07
Just wondering, how long would it take to defrag a 60GB 7200rpm hard drive? Also is there any defragging program that would be faster than the standard windows one?

Posted by Observer on Jun. 22 2001,02:00
It depends on a few things, like how much RAM you have, how many processes are currently running, how full the drive is, how fragmented it is to begin with, and which flavor of Windows you are running.

When 1337 hax0rs start impaling each other with swords and typing code with a hook on one hand, then they can modify the term "pirate."

Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Jun. 22 2001,10:52
i'd either use a program other than windows defrag or partition your HD into smaller chunks as your cluster size will probably start verging on the too high for defrag to cope

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