Forum: The Classroom
Topic: pop rocks + soda = boom
started by: whiskey@throttle

Posted by marc c on Sep. 06 2000,18:14
Woa... that brings up so many questions... is he still alive? and more importantly, what the hell happened?

< - funny pictures >.

Posted by whiskey@throttle on Sep. 06 2000,18:44
As for "what the hell happened," I have no clue. The caption reads "this is why we don't ride motorcycles" perhaps this poor fellow hit a large bump in the road.

then again, I prefer the pop rocks explanation.

...but I seriously doubt he's alive.

Posted by whiskey@throttle on Sep. 07 2000,05:24
Not for the squeamish.

Check out what happens when you down a load of 7-up with those cherry pop rocks.
< >


Posted by Happyfish on Sep. 07 2000,17:44
I saw that before - pretty freaky.
I too was wondering if he was still alive - I think he might be - he's got something hooked up to his arm. If I was him I don't think I'd want to be alive.
Posted by Rol3x on Sep. 08 2000,23:56
i hate it when that happens. like the other day when it did, dammit it can ruin a day like you wouldnt belive. also i find it hard to belive that guy lived more then 2.8 seconds after that pic was taken. hell i cant figure out how the fuck he lasted long enough to make it to the hospital and long enough to have someon take his pic. if it was done however, he had to have had about 6 bags of blood being pumped into his fat ass while that pic was taken and until they did whatever they did to try and fix him. which i dont know what they could have done. maybe hit him with a shovel or something.
Posted by hair on Sep. 09 2000,01:41
That looks more like something exploded in his mouth than anything to do with a motorcycle.


Posted by whiskey@throttle on Sep. 09 2000,16:33
That guy is dead as dead can be.

If you look in the background, there is a hospital tech behind him. The picture is cut off at the top, but it is fairly evident that the dude's skull is being held up for the picture. Note that he has no available air passage...thus, no O2...

That Hewett-Packard blood pressure cuff is standard ER procedure...I'm sure they just left it on. As for the dripping blood, it has probably collected on the table. Upon lifting his head, he driped.

I just can convince myself he's alive.

I'm...too scared.

Posted by BLacK-JEsuS on Sep. 11 2000,00:39
Posted by OxyChlorine on Sep. 11 2000,18:09
Posted by Sithiee on Sep. 11 2000,20:07
but no one is holding his head up, he is still alive dammit. FACE THE TRUTH. besides, id like to see an after picture, hed have some wicked cool scars.
Posted by Bozeman on Sep. 11 2000,20:49
I think that WAS the after picture.
Posted by Lordbrandon on Sep. 12 2000,01:25

ok 5 bucks says this guy is alive, at least at the time of the picture

Posted by whiskey@throttle on Sep. 12 2000,01:39
Man, that's just hideous. Anyhow, IF he is alive...

  1. how can he breathe?
  2. why isn't he passed out from the pain? (either the eyes are open cause he's awake or cause he died that way, right?)
  3. wouldn't he be undergoing emergency surgery rather than be posing for photographs?

I'm not saying you're wrong...I just...don't know what to do.

Posted by kuru on Sep. 12 2000,01:45
thanks, for posting the actual picture here instead of just a link to it...

the bottom line is that whatever happened to this guy was tragic as hell. he probably died, if he lived, he'll suffer for the rest of his life with extremely painful bone and skin grafts...

either way, i'm disappointed to have seen the pic posted here.

'if your children ever found out how lame you are, they'd kill you in your sleep.' -frank zappa

Posted by Lordbrandon on Sep. 12 2000,02:33

#1 this is not a moruge
#2 its possible he can breath
#3 she is in motion and looking the other direction and if she was holding his head up she'd have to be grabing his hair (unless he has a mohawk, and there's none hanging in his face) and she'd have to point his head tward the camera, she looks too distracted for that,and she dosese'nt have the posture for the leverage.
#4 why would they take a dead mans blood pressure?
#5 his eyes are pointing directly at the camera and look focused
#6 this tissue looks swolen witch wouldnt happen if he was dead, and the rest of his skin looks like normal color.
#7 its not as bad as it looks, besices his jaw he seems to have all of his skull intact(execpt for some teeth)
#8 its possible his face fell apart just then.
#9 all the blood is fresh
#10 I've spent far to long analyzing this poor bastards picture.
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