Forum: The Classroom
Topic: Google is the shit
started by: Spydir

Posted by Spydir on May 19 2001,19:28
Seriously. They are just the best search engine. No matter what you're looking for, I bet you can find something related to it, if not it. Not only that, but my page has only been up for a little over 2 months, and I do very little actually advertising, but cuz google has me in their listings, I've been hit by like 3000 unique visitors, and it seems like I have a bunch of repeat visitors... that's just... cool...

oh, and the whole thing with the newsgroups. Took 'em a while to get them up, but that's cool, too

edit - yes, this was slightly a "go to my page!" thing, but I really do like google

Net Syndrome - < >
Spydir Web - < >

This message has been edited by Spydir on May 20, 2001 at 02:29 PM

Posted by G-PRIME on May 19 2001,20:49
I hate it when ppl just use this forum to drop plugs for their sites. like take my site for example < My site >, you don't see me going around posting < the link to my site > here just because < i am desperate > to make < my existence > meaningful in some cheap < deranged > way. I apologize in advance for this post. < I am Sorry! >

btw i tried google and it is a really nice Search Engine.
It gave me like 250,000 returns for goat pr0n

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