Forum: The Classroom
Topic: favourite book
started by: LiNeY

Posted by LiNeY on May 14 2001,18:57
In order to continue our tradition of "favourite object" topics - what's your favourite book? You may mention more than one if you want to, it is simply impossible to sort out "the one and only". I need your answers, I've run outta good stuff to read...

my favourites would be:
Douglas Coupland - Generation X
Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell To Arms
Francis Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby

and of course...
Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

Posted by Vigilante on May 14 2001,19:01
Easy for me to sort out the one and only.

Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game.

Posted by DeadAnztac on May 14 2001,19:31
Yes, that IS a good book Vigilante, here's my favorites

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress - Robert A. Heinlein
Cryptonimicon - Neal Stephenson
Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson
The Lord of the Rings trilogy. - J.R.R. Tolkein
1984 - Orson Wells

Couple of those are classics, but they're classics for a reason . Yeah, just about any Heinlein you can pick up is good, and also Lois McMaster Bujold's "Miles" series aren't bad.

Posted by DeadAnztac on May 14 2001,19:31
Boogily boo!

This message has been edited by DeadAnztac on May 15, 2001 at 02:32 PM

Posted by @$$h0l3 on May 14 2001,19:40
"I've read books like The Unbearable Likeness of Being, and Love in the Time of Cholera, and I like to think that I've understood them. They're about girls, right? . . . just kidding. But I have to say that my all time favorite book is Johnny Cash's autobiography Cash by Johnny Cash." (movie anyone?)

But really:
Johnny Got His Gun - Dalton Trumbo
Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett
Eye of the Dragon - Stephen King
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Freidrich Nietzsche
Slaughterhouse Five, Mother Night - Kurt Vonnegut

Posted by Dysorderia on May 14 2001,19:47
Here are my favorites:
Piers Anthony:
Incarnations of Immortality:

Book 1: On a Pale Horse (Death)
Book 2: Bearing an Hourglass (Time)
Book 3: With a Tangled Skein (Fate)
Book 4: Wielding a Red Sword (War)
Book 5: Being a Green Mother (Nature)
Book 6: For Love Of Evil (Evil)
Book 7: And Eternity (Good)

This message has been edited by Dysorderia on May 15, 2001 at 02:48 PM

Posted by G-PRIME on May 14 2001,21:09
Kama Sutra

this topic seems so oddly familiar, hmmm...

Fellow Gimpians, We must band together! The Darkside must not be allowed to infiltrate our ranks. For security reasons, The following instructions have been written in Wookie:
Arrgh aaaaaagh ooooooooh ooooooooh yawwwwwwgh woooo yaaawwwwgh!

The world is ours!!

Posted by Observer on May 14 2001,21:25
Try < here, >

< here, >

and < here. >

I recommend posting to one of the other three.

PG, care to pick one for us and close the others?

When 1337 hax0rs start impaling each other with swords and typing code with a hook on one hand, then they can modify the term "pirate."

Posted by askheaves on May 14 2001,21:54
Posted by PersonGuy on May 15 2001,00:29
Originally posted by Observer:
PG, care to pick one for us and close the others?

Hrm... Book or b00x0rz is definately the EXACT same subject. What I'd like to be able to do is the MERGE the two threads. By closing one, it assumes that when this thread dies, they'll bring back THIS one. But most likely is that a NEW book thread will start later on, and then we'll just have TWO closed book threads (and an open one that everyone forgets about). ETC.

My point is, if by some small chance someone DOES reserect one of the 2 threads later on... it really wouldn't matter which one.

MABEY we need a thread directory... like:


--Specific titles
--kuru's boobs
--celebrity boobs

And it would have links to all the theads and stuff... that way people could look for old topics before they start a thread.

"The only thread about ME likened me to poo shaped mummy."
"Have a nice day, because monkeys don't."
-< PersonGuy >

Posted by Chrissy on May 15 2001,01:07
A directory of past threads is a great idea...

<<Insert profound thought here>>

Posted by Observer on May 15 2001,01:21
Or maybe people could look to see where it's been posted before, and then post there. But maybe it's because the default view for a forum only goes back 45 days. And then if it's not there they make a new one.

But then maybe that's just me. I like to use that little < search > feature to get info that's already been posted. I figure now that we actually have moderators maybe we could actually see some more organization here.

Ah, fuck it. There will always be people complaining on both sides. Those who say to post to existing topics, and those who whine about so-called dead threads which are still open for discussion.

When 1337 hax0rs start impaling each other with swords and typing code with a hook on one hand, then they can modify the term "pirate."

Posted by PersonGuy on May 15 2001,02:43
Hehe... yah, I wasn't trying to go against you. I'd definately like things more organized, but some things are an exersise in futility. If people ARE going to search and find a dead thread, I don't care if the pick this one or a different one. IN FACT... the old one stayed ON topic, while this one has swayed to forum organization, rather than books... so what's to say I shouldn't lock this one and have people post to the other one?

"The only thread about ME likened me to poo shaped mummy."
"Have a nice day, because monkeys don't."
-< PersonGuy >

Posted by SLATE on May 15 2001,03:57
Originally posted by Dysorderia:
Here are my favorites:
Piers Anthony:
Incarnations of Immortality:

Book 1: On a Pale Horse ([b]Death)

Been reading that for 1.9 years now.. its damned good... Whenever I get majorly bored, i go to my schools library and read it.. i have a bookmark in it.. and its on the shelve. heheh Noone else touches it though, so its all good. I can't read though in my spare time, too much other stuff I'd rather do.


Posted by SLATE on May 15 2001,03:59
Originally posted by PersonGuy:

--kuru's boobs

Am i the only to notice?

Posted by kixzor2 on May 15 2001,09:49
Originally posted by beuges:
The Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.

If I remember correctly, it was voted best book of the past century by some country.
It kicks ass.

That would be New Zealand. And with good reason - New Zealand IS Middle Earth (scenery wise).

My fave book - 'Honey for a childs heart' I forget who it's by, but it's a book that refrences all the best childrens classics.

C.S. Lewis would have to be my fave author.

Posted by beuges on May 15 2001,12:39
Aren't they filming the LOTR trilogy in NZ? That's what I heard, but I'm not sure. I had planned on staying away from any attempts at making a movie based on the books, but after seeing a few trailors, I may re-consider. Past experiences have led me to believe that movie-makers take too much out the story, and put in too much of their own crap. It happened with Jurassic Park, The Lost World, The Rainmaker, Congo....
But I'll give this one a shot, seems like they're actually making an effort to make a decent movie this time, and if they fuck it up, I can always re-read the books a few more times
Posted by beuges on May 15 2001,17:55
The Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.

If I remember correctly, it was voted best book of the past century by some country.
It kicks ass. And Tolkien was born in South Africa

Posted by LiNeY on May 15 2001,18:35
sorry for making up a new thread. didn't know that old ones were already existing... forgive me, I'm a newbie.
Posted by Dysorderia on May 15 2001,23:44
Roald Dahl was one of the first authors I read, and it was he who gave me my love of reading.

Telnet - Reach out and finger someone

Posted by G-PRIME on May 18 2001,04:53
"Quest of the Favorite Objects" by me
it is about a n00b who must align all the favorite object threads to gain complete ubber g0d hood.
Posted by LazyGit on May 18 2001,15:52
Spot the Dog gave me my love of reading.

Not much of a book reader but the last one I read and enjoyed and will have to choose as my favourite which got ripped off by The Phantom Menace but would still make a fucking awesome film if done by the right person iiiiiiiiis:

Rise of Endymion by Dan Simmons

Posted by kixzor2 on May 19 2001,00:40
Yes they are filming LOTR here in New Zealand. I have personally seen 2 of the 'sets'. I saw Helm's Deep on the way up from Wellington, and plains of Rohan up in Northland.

Damn I love living here . I think everyone in New Zealand knows someone who's somehow connected with the movie. As to if I trust Peter Jackson with the making of it = totally.

Posted by darksol on May 19 2001,01:20
one very good book-movie transition was Dune. not the 2 hour version, but the whole 4 hour version, if you dont see that one then you seriously miss out on a lot. but

Estuan interius
ira vehementi

Posted by beuges on May 20 2001,05:26
but what?
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