Forum: The Classroom
Topic: The Meaning of Life
started by: Dysorderia

Posted by Dysorderia on May 11 2001,01:04
<disclaimer>Ok Guys and Gals, this is a serious question, and, as such, I am going to expect a serious answer and NOT a bunch of stupidly immature flames.</disclaimer>

Ok, Now that I got that off my chest, Here are the questions:

Why are we here?
Is there any point to life?
If so, what is this point?

Telnet - Reach out and finger someone

Posted by solid on May 11 2001,01:06
Ha.. check out my "Trivial Questions" thread.
It lead off into deja vu but.. hey it was still good! =P
Posted by Dysorderia on May 11 2001,01:11
where is this thread you speak of, noble sir solid

Telnet - Reach out and finger someone

Posted by DeadAnztac on May 11 2001,01:16
Because, yes, because.
Posted by Dysorderia on May 11 2001,01:18
Originally posted by DeadAnztac:
Because, yes, because.
Oh yeah, that REALLY tells me a LOT, Anztac.</Sarcasm>

Telnet - Reach out and finger someone

Posted by DeadAnztac on May 11 2001,01:21
I read something on the concepts of infinity. It's so large your never going to be able to comprehend it. Your never going to know the answer to such absurd questions such as these, so your better of not thinking about them at all. The time spent on these questions about the universe could be spent actually forwarding the progress of that universe. Those are my thoughts.
Posted by PersonGuy on May 11 2001,01:32
Sounds like Fight Club (the book). Everybody learns ONLY one job and does it perfectly all day. No one may ask questions. All must trust in Tyler. The end result is everyone creating something very strong without having a clue what it is.

Basically if a god exists, he's saying the EXACT same thing! Belive in me, don't question your perpose, everyone serves a perpose or can just go to hell.

"The only thread about ME likened me to poo shaped mummy."
"Have a nice day, because monkeys don't."
-< PersonGuy >

Posted by Spydir on May 11 2001,01:49
why don't you atleast put any research into figuring something out before asking? Are you one of those 12 year old's that thinks everyone owes him, so you can just ask as many dumbass questions as you'd like?...

anyways... it's philosphy. No one person is right, but everyone is wrong. Come up with the answers yourself, because that's how it should be. If you just can't apply any inteligence toward figuring out these things for your own personal believes, like I'm guessing you can't, then become Christian, they do all the thinking for you.

Net Syndrome - < >
Spydir Web - < >

Posted by CatKnight on May 11 2001,02:16
...but everyone is wrong.

you're wrong!

wait, that means you're right!

wait, that means....oh fuck it.

To answer your questions:

Why are we here? (Priority order)
To consume resources
To Reproduce
To contribute to society
To contribute to entropy (same as #1 but on large scale)

Is there any point to life?
see above

What's the point?
thats kinda repetitive

ok i'm done.

Posted by KL1NK on May 11 2001,03:23
Posted by LiNeY on May 11 2001,08:57
Originally posted by KL1NK:

Hey that's what I thought of, too.

However, in case Dysorderia isn't satisfied with that answer (one answer to three questions), I suggest reading Jean-Paul Sartre. He explains it all very nicely and simply:
1. no idea. but as we are here, we can make the best out of it.
2. yeah, making the best out of it.
3. see 2. that means, to "create" yourself and the sense you want to give to your life.
This philosophy is called existentialism. The cool thing is, that it answers all your questions - but you have to find out what the concrete answer for you will be. It is a philosophy of freedom. Have fun finding your answers...

Posted by whiskey@throttle on May 11 2001,16:03
Why are we here?

Ah, the question...

I wish I knew. There seems to be no logical answer. Humans create the concepts of right and wrong as they stand today...which is why I don't necessarily agree with what Liney had to say:

we can make the best out of it.

Whose concept of "best" is best?

Nowadays, everyone has there own self-serving opinion. As cynical as it sounds, it's true. And if I must quote Geddy Lee, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

If anyone did have the answer, it's become lost in the sea of opinions - seperated either by geographical or cultural boundaries.

Also, too many people die young or in the middle of nowhere, ignorant of even a question such as the one you ask, for me to realize that some universal concept controls us all. I mean, what happens to these people? What could their purpose be if they weren't even conscious of having one?

Is there any point to life?

Maybe the point to life is that there is no point.

If so, what is this point?

See above.

Choose hedonism.

This message has been edited by whiskey@throttle on May 12, 2001 at 11:08 AM

Posted by LiNeY on May 12 2001,05:04
Originally posted by whiskey@throttle:
Whose concept of "best" is best?

According to existentialism, everyone must make up their own concept, which he considers best for himself. There is no general rule for everybody... it is a weird philosophy

Posted by G-PRIME on May 12 2001,06:35
The following opinions are just that:

The human being is an animal, a highly evolved perceptive animal.


Why are we here?
Is there any point to life?
If so, what is this point?

  • To procreate, continuing the species. to what end i have no idea... maybe that is the question.
  • No. I have my personal goals, i'm sure we all do, but as a whole the human race seems to be confused, going every direction and getting nowhere.
  • Due to our group mentality we no longer have to try to survive, that time is now spent pondering if there is a point to life...

hey guys i guess this is my first real post so i'd like to say hi to everyone.

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