Forum: The Classroom
Topic: Of all the shit---
started by: Chrissy

Posted by Chrissy on May 07 2001,16:36
That has happened to me in the past few days
Im still happy-
who says having a positive disposition is a bad thing?

<<Insert profound thought here>>

Posted by Blowgoats on May 07 2001,18:44
No one did. I try to. Sometimes. Unless you catch me with a baseball bat. Then you're fucked.

"I expected just a little bit too much from the wounded" -Maynard James Keenen

A Perfect Circle

Posted by CatKnight on May 07 2001,19:41
Originally posted by Chrissy:
That has happened to me in the past few days
Im still happy-

that's because you're an idiot

or a girl anyway. on second thought i think that's a better explanation.

Posted by Blowgoats on May 08 2001,00:56
Originally posted by CatKnight:
that's because you're an idiot... or a girl


That's pretty good explanation...

"I expected just a little bit too much from the wounded" -Maynard James Keenen

A Perfect Circle

Posted by cr0bar on May 08 2001,05:20
No one. I love crack too.
Posted by Chrissy on May 08 2001,05:54
Im NOT on crack---
I mean I do occasionally at parties but thats totally different- Im not like an addict or anything

<<Insert profound thought here>>

Posted by masher on May 09 2001,09:34
happy disposition = good

or maybe just happy with your lot in life...

"A woman is always buying something" - Ovid (43? B.C. - 18 A.D.)

Posted by Greasemonk on May 09 2001,10:29
Originally posted by Chrissy:
That has happened to me in the past few days
Im still happy-
who says having a positive disposition is a bad thing?

Cograduliations, you are a survivor. Maybe you should go audition for Survivor 3!!

All that I know there was no God for me
Force that shatters all, absence of mortality

Posted by Wolfguard on May 09 2001,11:11
Originally posted by Chrissy:
That has happened to me in the past few days
Im still happy-
who says having a positive disposition is a bad thing?

Try morning the passing of your last demographic.

I just went from
male age 28-35
male age 36-55

If you can do that and stay happy (and sober) then you are doing something!

Fucknuggets flamed while you wait.< >
< Robot Conflict >

Posted by DuSTman on May 09 2001,13:29
Originally posted by Chrissy:

who says having a positive disposition is a bad thing?

Depends on context.. Lets see how much love your positive disposition would win you at a funeral.

Posted by PersonGuy on May 10 2001,00:03
I second that motion!

"The only thread about ME likened me to poo shaped mummy."
"Have a nice day, because monkeys don't."
-< PersonGuy >

Posted by DuSTman on May 10 2001,00:12
Perhaps.. From what web site can you order a lay?
Posted by CatKnight on May 10 2001,00:44
sorry chrissy, but us guys can't go out and fuck random people to relieve our stress and depression. we have our hands for the former, but nothing for the latter. so stop actin all cheery all the time
Posted by Chrissy on May 10 2001,00:53
Ok Ill be a miserable depressed sonofabitch like I have been for the last what 22 plus years of my life...
its time for a change--

God people its not fun being pathetic all the time at what point does that get OLD...

and as for as your comment CK about relieving strees by having sex--its isnt that easy you know-- still gotta find the guy

<<Insert profound thought here>>

Posted by Chrissy on May 10 2001,05:40
Geez all you sorry sacks--
I think some of you need to get laid

<<Insert profound thought here>>

Posted by CatKnight on May 10 2001,11:00
refer to my fuck buddy thread. it's not that hard for you gals.
Posted by PersonGuy on May 10 2001,12:12
Originally posted by Chrissy:
its isnt that easy you know-- still gotta find the guy

Do you live in Antartica? I just walked outside and saw THREE (count 'em) THREE GUYS! <tom green>OOOOOOOO</tom green>

"The only thread about ME likened me to poo shaped mummy."
"Have a nice day, because monkeys don't."
-< PersonGuy >

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