Forum: The Classroom Topic: Legality of Utopia Boot Disc started by: The_Stomper Posted by The_Stomper on Mar. 25 2001,02:27
OK, if I'm not mistaken, the Utopia disc isn't illegal. Having warezed games is, but the boot disc isn't. (I like my imports, thank you very much.) The Utopia image can be leeched at tons of places. You can copy it, burn it, upload, trade, sell... whatever the hell you want to do, because it's unrestricted freeware. So what the hell is up with one of my friends losing his GameTZ account for trading his BootCD for a copy of Sonic Jam for Saturn?Damn, that pisses me off. I'm not going to mention his name or handle on GameTZ until I get his permission. I'd like to get a petition or something started here. Or at least a massive attack / DoS on ... Stomper Posted by SLATE on Mar. 25 2001,03:21
Pretty sure the boot disc is illegal, though it shouldn't be... If you know about the DMCA and the 2600 case with de_css, then you'd know that the boot cd is a "circumvention device" - an item that allows you to do something illegal... Now, is it protected by free speech? That's still to be figured out by the court of appeals or something... Instead of starting a petition, start with the 2600 case against the MPAA. Assist them, not your friend. I'm sure that might sound mean, but the 2600 case is more important then 1 little man... the 2600 case has everything to do with your friend's problem. Ex: 2600 wins, then you and your friend can bitch to gametz about it and use the 2600 case as your backing... 2600 and the entire defense side needs our help more then anything.. I have no doubt that this case will shape the future of almost everything that has to do with the internet, DVDs, movies, commercial services, gaming, your personal rights and more. You can assist 2600 and the defense by donating money to the EFF at and you can also help by spreading the word, as I am doing now.. There are flyers all over the place that you can print and distribute around home, school and work. Wow, I think I did pretty good this time... This is prob my longest post here... hehe.. But yeah, seriously, assist 2600.. Have your friend assist 2600. Try to get everyone you know assist 2600... Write to your local reps. Here are some useful links: 2600 - < > Posted by SLATE on Mar. 25 2001,03:23
Wow... After reading my previous post, I realized that I'm really bad at organising my thoughts when I write.. Not to mention, I'm bad at writing
Posted by SimplyModest on Mar. 25 2001,04:24
ok, ill.. bite... what is the boot disc? and what does it do... besides boot ?------------------ Posted by The_Stomper on Mar. 25 2001,14:01
The Utopia BootCD lets you play ... imports. Yes, that's it ... imports... OK, it lets you play imports and CDRs. But it was designed for imports... yes, that will do...