Forum: The Classroom
Topic: A moment of gas.
started by: Spydir Web

Posted by Spydir Web on Mar. 18 2001,22:31
They have their moments of silence when someone dies or something really bad happens, right? Why not a moment of farting or something when someone does something stupid or some other random act.

Like, next time Bush does something stupid like... has a Jimmy Carter moment and falls down Air Force One's steps. I say we all have a moment where everyone in America (or where ever) just lets one rip for a few seconds. Sure, it'll kill the ozone, but we're gonna die of neuclear warfare anyway...

Spydir Web - < >
Net Syndrome - < >

Sometimes you're the dog, sometimes you're the hydrant...

Posted by Psychosomatic_plague on Mar. 18 2001,22:59
i'll have you know i am going to die in my sleep of alcohol poisoning, thank you vey much.

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