Forum: The Classroom
Topic: Gore is Gay
started by: LazyGit

Posted by LazyGit on Nov. 23 2000,15:59
This isn't some cheap shot, Gore is gay. It's the Ricky Martin situation. He's clearly gay, but even he himself doesn't realise he's gay.

He's either gay or camp in a way that no heterosexual man could even begin to mirror. I'm not talking about just going mental and swinging your hands around limp wristedly but understated campness that just shows through occasionally when he raises an eyebrow or does that leaning his head over to one side as he leans to the other.

It makes sense aswell. Think about it. Have you actually seen that kiss he give Tipper? What a fucking mess that was. When I saw him moving towarsd her, I thought he was going to just plow straight through her but instead he took the time to try and bust her teeth out with the dreaded Oral Attack and then suck her lungs out through her mouth. How uncomfortable is it possible for two people to look.

Ever seen a guy forced to suck another guy's dick? No, neither have I but I reckon it wouod involve the same kind of facial expressions.

Watch the TV carefully, try to pick up the signals. He might actually be trying to flirt with the male electorate, be careful. It's one thing to have a guy elected who doesn't realise that he's a dumbass, can't talk right and was addicted to everything under the sun and a few things above it but to have a guy who doesn't even realise that he likes men is just asking for trouble.

Trust me.

Posted by Sithiee on Nov. 23 2000,16:41
and what about all those people who are so afraid of being gay themselves that they call everyone and everything they dont like gay?
Posted by Bozeman on Nov. 24 2000,12:24
I severely doubt that Gore is indeed homosexual. Who could kiss Tipper and not supress their gag reflex? Not even the straightest man on earth, piss drunk.
Posted by LazyGit on Nov. 24 2000,16:21
Sithiee, I barely know anything about Gore so I can't exactly say I hate him and even if I did I wouldn't call him gay because I didn't like him because that just wouldn't make any sense.

Now, if you just called all Candians dicks because you're ignorant then that would be something really embarassing. Wouldn't it Sithiee?

Sithiee, what makes you think I'm straight in the first place?

Go stick it up your arse (intentional pun).

Posted by Sithiee on Nov. 24 2000,22:27
a lot of times people call other people things because they are afraid that they are those things. unless you actually have proof of those insults. i.e. you have a picture of gore being banged by a guy. but i would also assume your not gay, cause the demeanor of your post was that "gore is gay, and thats bad" so i would assume you dont like gays, or you would have called him dumb or something. and what the hell does this have to do with canadians?
Posted by Frosty on Nov. 25 2000,03:55
He supported his comment with examples though. Sithiee, this is why you should generally read the title AND the post.


Posted by LazyGit on Nov. 25 2000,13:39
What's it got to do with Canadians? I've been going in the Canadian thread and you seem to have some sort of psychotic aversion to them. Is it because you sometimes find yourself saying oot and aboot rather than out and about?

Maybe in your vernacular calling someone gay is an insult and that's why you thought I was haivng a go but all I did was say he was gay. I didn't say he was a paedohile or a homocidal maniac.

Gay people have a much bigger problem with homosexuals resisting their sexuality than straight people do anyway.

And BTW, so that people don't get confused, i'm not actually gay, I was just making a point (cue Sithiee bleating on about how I'm afraid to have the label) but I expect most of you could figure that out anyway.

Posted by incubus on Nov. 25 2000,16:03
Maybe Sitheee's afraid he's Canadian?

-- incubus
As I chase the leaves like the words I never find ...

Posted by Sithiee on Nov. 25 2000,20:24
afraid im canadian? wtf? i dont think i am, cause ive never conciously called someone canadian as an insult...but i dunno, maybe i am...i thought i was born in DC, but hey, if someone has proof positive otherwise, then by all means, tell me...
Posted by LazyGit on Nov. 27 2000,15:59
Maybe you were actually born in BC not DC.
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