Forum: The Classroom
Topic: Old Detonate News Content Requested
started by: RenegadeSnark

Posted by RenegadeSnark on Jul. 03 2002,03:21
topic has been locked regarding what renegadesnark posted in the news posts forum.

Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 03 2002,03:23
try for old Detnet.

I fixed his pw a couple hours ago, but I'll be happy to give him another.

(off to adminCP)
Posted by RenegadeSnark on Jul. 03 2002,03:26
I already tried, and didn't find anything I was looking for.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 03 2002,03:28

My experience has been that their pages can take forever to load...
Wish I could be of more help.

New pw sent to... that IS Jason, right?
Posted by RenegadeSnark on Jul. 03 2002,03:29
Yes indeed. I can attest to that being Jason.

Now back to the original point. We need all of your archives. E-mail to
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 03 2002,03:30
What I can do is pin the topic for several days...

Luck, and stuff.
Posted by Rhydant on Jul. 03 2002,08:29
uhm... why do you need news archives?
Posted by joelthegreat on Jul. 07 2002,20:21
Quote (RenegadeSnark @ 02 July 2002,21:26)
I already tried, and didn't find anything I was looking for.

Well what were you looking for, at I got 36 links to archived detnet news stuff.
Posted by RenegadeSnark on Jul. 07 2002,23:47
We specifically seek news posts relating to TweakTown, HardOCP, and IPKonfig.

Jesus, you people have a combined IQ of 5 with a standard deviation of 2. I always thought it was funny as hell when Jason bashed your intelligence but now it's just fucking sad because he was right in all aspects.
Posted by Darth Liberus on Jul. 08 2002,00:16
Looks like someone's throwing a temper tantrum because none of us have his precious news content.  Hmmm... maybe Richard wasn't lying when he said you guys were best of friends!
Posted by joelthegreat on Jul. 08 2002,00:37
Hey! My IQ is at least the same as my age, and I am older than 5...I think...uhm...what was I doing again?
shaun.gif  baaa.gif
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 08 2002,01:36
I tried twice to email all the members from the AdminCP but I got error messages...
Posted by incubus on Jul. 08 2002,03:04
Quote (RenegadeSnark @ 07 July 2002,15:47)
Jesus, you people have a combined IQ of 5 with a standard deviation of 2. I always thought it was funny as hell when Jason bashed your intelligence but now it's just fucking sad because he was right in all aspects.

Grow up.
Posted by RadioActive on Jul. 08 2002,03:05
ooooooooh...... standard deviation.......... somebody took math in highschool...... sad thing is your IQ is counted too, and i think yours is at the lower end.
Posted by Necromancer on Jul. 08 2002,03:52
its a garbage pod.....

Posted by RenegadeSnark on Jul. 08 2002,17:44
Seriously, people here who don't even bother to read the fucking posts before asking questions need to have their heads bashed in for wasting everyone's time. How the hell can it be complicated? I specifically asked for posts relating to HardOCP, Tweaktown, and IPKonfig -- those are the posts that Jason and I had the most fun engineering. That was in my ORIGINAL post.

Are you dumb, blind, or both? I already checked, and they don't have ANY of what I want, with the exception of one small post that referenced the HardOCP.

I was hoping that if you all managed to struggle and flex, your combined 1.5 braincells might produce an archive out of your web browser's cache, or perhaps someone has saved some of the content they found enjoyable. I should have known, though, that the key testament to your stupidity would be that you all decided to "hang on" to the site after Jason shut it down.

Detonate is now nothing but an archive of Jason's old bastardizations that you've probably all seen a hundred times over, as well as a set of forums whose posts aren't worth the toilet bowls they belong in. Richard had his moments really getting on the nerves of Jason and I, but when he bashed in your heads and decided to leave this shithole, he showed signs of a true intellect.

The news posts I see now lack in character, and they certainly lack entertainment. The front page is filled with nothing but E/N bullshit and memorials for fucked up persons the majority of you would never be able to stand in real life.

Fuck this shit, if in pointing out the shortcomings of a moron I get flamed, I retract my original request and extend a new one: kindly fuck yourselves.


PS: I'd love to see Jason share his thoughts about the state of detnet, but unfortunately he's enjoying a 6 week vacation in Europe.

Posted by joelthegreat on Jul. 08 2002,17:50
Well excuse the fuck out of me for not being a perfect little person and not pay attention fully to what you were asking for...or could when I asked what you were looking for mean I read it and I wanted more detail as in where you looking for something specific? General? And I know your just trying to recover some old memorys or something...
You know what I think...someone should have made a back up...hmm...I don't want to point any fingers....but.....
I SHOT JR!!! hehe.gif

Woohoo! 100 posts! I SUCK!

Posted by jim on Jul. 08 2002,17:51
Although I agree to most of what you have to say about the current DetNet...

I still think you are a jackass for coming here asking for old content, then calling people morons when they don't have it.

Am I to understand that it's the responsibility of the visitors to back up the content of the Site Owner, and Server Administrator??

Ummmmmmmmmm, suck it.
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