Forum: The Classroom
Topic: Writer's Block
started by: Wiley

Posted by Wiley on Jul. 08 2002,04:33
Ok, I don't know what it is, but maybe some of you have it.
I can no longer write with a pen or pencil!!
I'm not kidding, I just tried to write a letter and I couldn't do it.  It's like my fingers were rejecting the pen.  I couldn't form letters correctly and it was actually painful.  I know I could have written the letter on the computer and sent it through email, but writing it on paper was harder then it should be.  It dawned on me that I haven't written anything like a letter with a pen and paper in about five years.
I think I discovered a new condition  ...maybe I can get some worker's comp for it or something.
Posted by Marauder on Jul. 08 2002,04:36
Yeah, that's bad alright.

Myself, I've been noticing that I've been forgetting how to type well. I guess that too much of the time at the 'board is spent on WASD and not enough in Word. Worst part is, I'm not even playing an FPS.
Posted by Beastie Dr on Jul. 08 2002,04:41
I just had to go down and read what topic I was replying to.  As I was saying, Wiley, you can probably afford some sort of million-dollar surgery to fix that.  Or, pay me half a mil and I can perform an operation involving a 2x4 and your head.  I hit you until you can write again, or your arms stop working.  Whichever comes first.  Or second.  That sounded good.
Posted by Wiley on Jul. 08 2002,06:03
Quote (Beastie Dr @ 07 July 2002,20:41)
Or, pay me half a mil and I can perform an operation involving a 2x4 and your head.

For 500K do I get a lollipop when you're finished?

Nobody else has seen a decrease in the ability to write after only using the puter to type on?  I'm telling you the pen was foreign to my hand!!  It was freaky.  Hopefuly I don't have to write anything by hand again anytime soon.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 08 2002,06:05


You ok?

(dumb question)

What would you like us to do?

Maybe another vacation or business trip??

We are your friends.  Tell us.

Rilly? You can't write?
This sounds like the MatrixSE.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 08 2002,06:15
You are  serious?
Posted by RadioActive on Jul. 08 2002,06:24
sorry, couldn't resist the temptation

like ed said.....
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 08 2002,06:28
absofuckinglutely yes.

interesting to right/click on that grab.
just checking
Posted by TheTaxMan on Jul. 08 2002,07:36
I think you better come up w/ another name for it; Writer's Block is taken. ;)

I also notice this!  I tend to write w/ a stick fairly often nowadays, but in highschool I always noticed it was a like my hand writing had digressed a few years whenever I first wet back to class.
Posted by j0eSmith on Jul. 08 2002,07:53
I've never been good with a pen and pencil. My writing's bad and my hand always cramps up. Fucking writing sticks..
Posted by jim on Jul. 08 2002,17:15
LOL Wiley.  I have the exact same problem.  So much in fact that I shorted my signature to just a "JM"

Oddly enough, I can still draw, paint, and scuplt just fine.

But writing has become a chore...

Posted by Wolfguard on Jul. 08 2002,17:26
I could never write well so there is no real change for me.

On the same note before anything goes into a CAD program it gets drawn by hand first.  I can make some great drawings by hand but could not draw a tree to save my life.

Jim:scuplt?  the only scuplture that i can do comes out of a 5 axis CnC mill.
Posted by jim on Jul. 08 2002,17:40
Quote (Wolfguard @ 08 July 2002,03:26)

lol.  Not so much lately.  But back in the days, Ash Trays and Bongs were my specialty!

I still have a wheel for throwing pots, and an old electric kiln in storage.
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