Forum: The Classroom Topic: HOLY SHIT!!! started by: Dark Knight Bob Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Jan. 16 2001,19:44
OK this has to be the phreakyiest moment of my LIFE! and considering how my life is thats damn phreaky!About 30 mins ago i'd been asleep for about 5 or so hours due to, well exhaustion from uni. All of a sudden i start hearing (asleep this is) one of my flatmates talking about a prank he'd done on one of his mates today. he then said something like "c'mon i'll show you" Now i know my room is locked at this point and i know that the hand that i can feel on my shoulder at this point is not my flatmate! Ok now i cant move or speak at all and i only just manage to reach up and grab the face of whatever is holding me. FUCK! i'm now in that awake/asleep phase you get in the mornings sometimes. and now i'm asleep and again i cant move! I wake up again and back to sleep i go expecting this again and trying to prepare for it. Now something is FUCKING dragging me out of my bed and i cant fucking move at all! i cant shout help, (it's sounding like an asthmatic would say it if they were having an attack) i can feel and hear myself being dragged across my bed and now i can force myself awake! Now at this point i'm thinking "FUCK FUCK...etc etc" This wasnt some wacko alien abduction or something this was an effect that i've heard about before where the body goes static during sleep to prevent you hurting yourself. Now i know this but i can now see damn clearly how people who think they've been abducted in their sleep by "aliens" can get confused cos it is VERY realistic. But damn its the most frightening experience of your life! just had to share that with someone ya know just in case i aint here tommorow...... /:-? Posted by askheaves on Jan. 16 2001,20:07
Out of curiousity, there really was nobody physically in the room in real life, right? You were just totally freaked?I had a similiar experience about 2 months ago. Like I've said earlier, I'm the paranoid type (due mostly to one weird occurance while younger). I had been asleep for about a half hour (so it was about 3:30AM) and I thought I heard something between dream and the real world. So, I tried to wake myself up, and I think I came to long enough to believe I was awake. Then, I dragged myself into the next room by my semi-paralyzed arms, and found myself in an unfamiliar room... must be dreaming. So, I 'wake' myself up again, again drag my ass into the next room, and it's only slightly different than normal, but I turn around and there's a short person walking into my room! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! This is not supposed to happen! I tackled him, and held him down screaming "Who are you?!?!?!" until I 'woke up' again. This went on for quite a while until I actually woke up, but still couldn't move. I forced myself to move my toes and pinky, then slowly worked toward moving actual parts. It was like a horrible panic attack, it sucked, and brain chemistry is extra sucky some times. In real life, I've had the semi-sleep paralysis before. It's frightening, especially when you fall asleep in social studies and can't move, even though your eyes are partially opened. The brain likes injecting things into the body on a whim, like when it's fooled into thinking it's going to sleep. I just hope it doesn't happen while I'm driving some time. Posted by damien_s_lucifer on Jan. 16 2001,20:31
I used to get sleep paralysis a couple times a month. Here's how I found I could snap out of it : - wiggling my big toe (took awhile to "find" my toe though ) edit : fixed grammar oopsie. This message has been edited by damien_s_lucifer on January 17, 2001 at 03:32 PM Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Jan. 16 2001,20:46
No there was no one in real life there. the only thing i could control was my breathing i could only increase my breathing rate and i think thats how i only just managed to move and "try to kill" what was there.
Posted by Cyclone on Jan. 16 2001,22:14
Hmm...this kind of reminds me of a paper that I read once on subconscious minds during sleep. Like above, the mind will shut down to defend itself, kinda like a possum...anyway this half-awake is the subconscouis attempting to realize its surroundings, and rationalize in the simplest way. For example: Guy dragging you around the room=Your mind trying to figure out rug burns from falling...anyway, this is just a guys figure it out ------------------ Posted by Neophyre on Jan. 17 2001,00:04
LSD is bad.Stay off it, and you'll stop havin these weird trips. But there'll still be the flashbacks... Posted by solid on Jan. 17 2001,04:09
i read some stuff on that, apparently, getting yourself into the dream world (here comes those xfiles terms and stuff) can be done through astral projection, which brings you to la la land, which is the astral plane. you can also astrally project yourself withing rooms or places around the real world without moving, but you can see what happens. when you do this you must tear away from your physical body because it feels like strands of rubber are keeping you it sounds like reverse, where you started with your toes and moved up and up and stuff. so you were de-projecting yourself, aka coming back. of course.. dont ask me how. yes, i realize thats stupid, irrational, unlikely, or anything else you can take from your vocab.
Posted by kuru on Jan. 17 2001,04:38
no more industrial strength cough medicine for you!------------------ Posted by DuSTman on Jan. 17 2001,08:30
Anyone ever been informed that they sleepwalked?Apparently i did this once when i was about 7. I got up, out of my bed, while still asleep, my dad heard something, so he came out and asked me what i was doing. Apparently I replied "I'm going to get my tin", and dad thought I wanted to go and get a toy from another room, so he steered my sleeping carcass into the room where the toys were kept (apparently i was naturally following the route to the bathroom). Anyway, when i got to the room with the toys i then proceeded to pull down my pants and urinate on one of the toys :] I went back to bed (still without waking up) and mum and dad spent the rest of that night, err, cleaning the toys.. Posted by kuru on Jan. 17 2001,09:23
i still sleepwalk.never to the point of pissing on things, but i do have to keep the door to the outside world locked (not like i wouldn't anyway, the world is dangerous) so that i can't go outside. ------------------ Posted by Wolfguard on Jan. 17 2001,10:10
quote: But the world is a safer place with you walking around asleep...and locked INSIDE ------------------ Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Jan. 17 2001,10:33
My mate used to sleep walk when he was away from home. he was kinda in that half awake/asleep phase that you get. (apparently you can use this effect to be concious during an operation as you dont feel pain but can still communicate with the surgeon and this reduces the risk of cardiac arrest)Now lucid dreaming thats what i wanna experience, i know of a bokk that teaches you to do it willingly and boy would that be fun if i could do it. ------------------ Posted by whiskey@throttle on Jan. 17 2001,22:05
sleep paralysis, while scary, is not a bad thing.
and voila...
Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Jan. 17 2001,22:06
one can only say one thing at this point.......RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ Posted by L33T_h4x0r_d00d on Jan. 21 2001,12:42
I spent the night on campus one time. Studing late with a buddy and didnt feel like driving home. He went two doors down to sleep with his girlfriend and i got his bed. His roommate like attacked me during the night. I was laying in the bed and this hand came down and grabbed my face and scared the shit out of me. I pulled away and racked him in the balls and proceeded to beat the shit out of him with a history book (the 8 1/2 lbs "World Civlilizations" Book)that was by the bed. I was all freaked out about this dude wigging out. I went down to where my friend was and he said "Oh he sleep walks, you gotta watch out for that" JESUS FUCKING CHRIST NOW HE TELLS ME.
Posted by kuru on Jan. 22 2001,08:09
sleep walking in dorms where your roommates tend to leave the door unlocked will cure a person fast of sleeping naked.not very fun. ------------------ |