Forum: The Classroom Topic: What is an American? I am not sure and i call myself an American. started by: ic0n0 Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 11 2001,14:21
When do we become an American ethnic group? I am not seeing this melting pot theory working very well for people who are not European/white, I understand that some people are not attracted to people outside of there respective races and ethnic groups but less then 1\% of the population marked themselves as being biracial that is messed up for a county of 280 million people. Most white people in the united states are mixed ethnic groups like for example I am Irish/German/Scottish/English/Welsh but to me out nation doesn’t seem to allow black people or minorities to clam any other ancestry, I know you can put down more things on a census form like bi cultural and biracial but why don’t we see ourselves as Americans? Is it that there isn’t such a thing? American is our nationality but is it our ethnic identity? What does everyone think?------------------ Posted by Observer on Dec. 11 2001,14:34
I'll say this before CK can put an inflamed spin on the same idea.In many parts of the country, the "melting pot" idea has been scrapped in favor of a "multicultural" society, where each group is distinct. (Separate but equal, anyone?) Still haven't figured out what they're really driving at. ------------------ Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 11 2001,14:38
a) there are fewer biracial minorities because minorities are the racists, these days.b) our culture is no longer a melting pot because certain political groups *ahem* seem to think that forcing diversity while at the same time reinforcing culturual and moral relativism is a good idea. imagine that. instead of getting everyone to all believe in the same thing and to fight/work/mate with each other, get a bunch of people in one country to all hate each other, and that way everyone will be better off! we wouldn't even need any of this "national pride" stuff you probably heard about somewhere. ... well it sure worked well in eastern europe. ... hey speaking of which, didn't we just fight a war there to end some ethnic cleansing that was going down? I wonder what caused that?
Posted by Beldurin on Dec. 11 2001,14:39
quote: In my experience, it's not always our nation that does not allow minorities to claim other ethnicity, it's often the people themselves. Both are to blame. I personally have no problem calling myself an American, even though my ancestors came from somewhere else. Nor do I have a problem calling any black, white, yellow, brown, red, green, or purple person an American. I've been in college for six years now (yes, I did graduate once, now on my Master's), and I'm sick to death of political correctness and multiculturalism. This may come as a surprise, but as a white, middle-class, male in the University setting, I actually sometimes get treated like I'm less important than everyone else. Everyone is so concerned about not offending the africans, asians, hispanics, women, etc. that they forget the greatest thing about college: we're all here, therefore we all are equal. I'm no better or worse, no more or less deserving, than any other student here. Some profs get it, some don't. Some employees get it, some don't. Some administrators get it, some don't. Also, it seems to me to be a strange disparity. Some people want to be Americans to fit in, but want to retain any special "privileges" that thier minority status grants them. I don't know. I'm an American. Are you? Yes? Ok, great, then let's be Americans together. What? so your skin is a slightly different color, so what? Are you an American? Yes? Ok. It's not that hard, folks. ------------------ Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 11 2001,14:48
heh observer
quote: its one of marx's bag'o'tricks. it's on page of the communist manifesto, if you have that handy. Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 11 2001,16:32
I feel that we have taken very little from black culture and the culture of non-European groups and this I feel is the main reason why these groups feel like they shouldn’t have to conform to the traditional American culture, and becasue of the mainstream lack of vaule placed on other cultures those people feel rejected. But I say fuck traditional America! We need to change our culture and accept the culture of these other groups into out own then things might change and we might become truly American. This isn’t really about race it’s about culture and ethnicity and we need to change god damn it. An american isn't a european we need to adapt and change.------------------ Posted by Observer on Dec. 11 2001,16:42
quote: So then how would you define your new "American Culture"? Who should decide which aspects of which culture become part of the "mainstream"? I'm not trying to thump the conservative bible here, I'd just like more details than politic-speak I hear all the time. CK, I'm quite familiar with the textbook Quinn responses. I was looking for their reasoning that didn't conflict with earlier civil rights struggles. That's why I mentioned the "Separate but Equal" doctrine. Forty or so years ago, such an idea was deemed racist. Now it appears to me that's what they're shooting for. Beldurin: Is < this > close to what you experienced? ------------------ This message has been edited by Observer on December 12, 2001 at 11:48 AM Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 11 2001,16:53
I had a really long post I was about to submit, but then I re-read your post and I realized it wasn't really relevent so are you complaining about exactly, ic0n0? what do you want to see changed? edit-damn you observer keep beating my posts hehe. as a matter of fact none of those posts came from quinn in any way, although most of my other posts did (which you didn't pick up on or didn't point out), ironically enough. This message has been edited by CatKnight on December 12, 2001 at 12:02 PM Posted by sHuoReNviOLiN on Dec. 11 2001,18:36
quote: Time period, please. Cuz I don't believe there was any such time where that was true for anyone except Caucasians. And even among Caucasians there were clashes between the old immigrants and new when the Irish came over, or the Italians. Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 11 2001,19:09
actually, you are sort of right. I think the reason being is that we jumped straight from MLK (everyone equal individuals) to multicultural diversity crap too quickly for there to be any large scale assimilation of culture.two caveats to your earlier post: There will always be minorities racially. That's why you don't perscribe social change that has even a vague mention of a racial minority. If you do, you are just falling for the plight of the working class marxist crap which by now we should all agree, < is a bad idea. > This message has been edited by CatKnight on December 12, 2001 at 02:14 PM Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 11 2001,19:15
CK what about the 1st americans last time i checked there were less then 4 million of them left in the u.s. that is hardly a melting pot, non whites have never been accepted into the melting pot. In regard to my ealry post what i am saying is that american culture is overwhemlingly european even though blacks were here before indipendnece and much of the west was part of mexico and when we took that over we removed the majority of the mexican inhabints becasue they weren't white and thus undesirabile the ones who stated were supressed. What i am saying is that we are not "Americans" we are mixed europeans if we truley want to be "American" we have to obsorbe some of the culture of nonwhites in the mainsteam culutre becasue they are here also and have been here as long and in some cases longer. Does that clear up what i am saying?------------------ This message has been edited by ic0n0 on December 12, 2001 at 02:19 PM Posted by Vigilante on Dec. 11 2001,19:30
Oh boy, nonwhite culture! Hooray for rap "music" and general tso's chicken* (*may contain feline)!
Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 11 2001,19:38
quote: hey you could have just said that without pulling a bunch of crap out of your ass to begin with. Instead of going into all of your gross misconceptions, I'll just answer your question. because they don't want to. because they've been told that white people are bad. we're racist! we're even...evil! (duhn duhn duhhhhn!) they should do everything they can to retain their identity, otherwise the rest of the community will scorn them. you will never hear a white guy tell a black guy in college to stop acting white. you will hear other black guys telling black guys to stop acting white though. part of assimilating into a culture means accepting individual equality. here is my (over-simplified) dramatization: black people: give us welfare, reparations, and affirmative actions! you wrong us! white people: our generation didn't do anything! why don't you just get jobs and struggle through life fairly for a couple generations like our ancestors did. soon, you will be on equal footing. black people: ... they're trying to bring us down! fuck whitey! fuck whitey! white people: Posted by sHuoReNviOLiN on Dec. 11 2001,20:14
quote: Heh...I didn't mean sorta happens just from living here...each generation assimilates in more (I was thinking mostly about immigrants groups, not older minorities like blacks). But what's wrong with a diversity of cultures as well as of genes?
quote: But will you hear a white guy being told not to act black? The minorities are unwilling to give up their own culture to assimilate into the "American"/Caucasian one...are Caucasians willing to give theirs up to assimilate into a minority culture? Wow...this is a minefield of stereotypes and racism...if I offend anyone w/ my generalizations, sorry... Posted by Vigilante on Dec. 11 2001,20:38
quote: Yes, and it ought to be said more often. It's not really "acting black" though... being a fucking moron is being a fucking moron regardless of race. Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 11 2001,20:55
Ck you’re trying to counter act my opinion with your OPINION! That doesn't work, because neither of us any evidence so your just as bad as I am. So settle the fuck down and get of your self-righteous arrogant high horse. I am not arguing with you ck I am stating my opinion but you presume to know the word of god, wtf? Don’t lay the “I have more experience” bull shit because experience can also skew your worldview, so yes in your mind I am fucked up because I don’t agree with you. You are one of the most arrogant people I have ever talked with; your thinking is so linier black and white nothing in between no gray. Your not even arguing your just saying I am wrong out right and giving cliché examples of why your right and i am wrong. ------------------ Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 11 2001,21:38
hey you can bash me personally all you want. that still doesn't make you right, or me wrong.hows that for a cliche?
so what is your opinion, and how am I wrong? stop bullshitting and get to the point. Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 11 2001,22:55
YOU never countered my opinions with FACT you just stated your opinions and made them right by virtue of the fact that you said it, your arguments have no fact in them so they are just opinions just like mine. There is no fact in any of your so-called countering points you use Hearsay. "There are fewer biracial minorities because minorities are the racists" That is hearsay and you can not use personal experiences to justify your opinions that isn't fact "our culture is no longer a melting pot because certain political groups *ahem* seem to think that forcing diversity while at the same time reinforcing cultural and moral relativism is a good idea. Imagine that" That is an opinion there isn't any fact in that, you believe that forcing diversity is bad that is an opinion not a fact, prove that it’s bad WITH FACT! You can’t do it because it’s all opinion and is full of subjective arguments. “America used to be a melting pot, where all cultures came together to be called Americans. People didn't want to be considered separately. Everyone wanted to be treated as an equal, as Americans” Now that is an opinion what about the fact that blacks were counted as 3/5ths of a person in our original constitution, and free blacks couldn't vote. Most states had rules barring people who couldn’t pay a poll tax from voting until the 60's that is hardly equality. How is it also equality for woman not to be able to vote until 1920 and Native Americans not being considered citizens of this nation until 1920? These are all FACTS that disprove your statement that the American people wanted everyone to be treated equal. You continually bring up Marxism with your opinion that Marxism is bad and is crap, I am not a Marxist, but you don’t have any facts on that either, you could argue that the former U.S.S.R was evil or suppressive but it would be hard to prove those two things with any grain of fact. All of your arguments are subjective. I would agree with you that Marxism doesn’t work but that is an opinion and I would argue a true Marxist society has never been created, calling yourselves socialist doesn’t mean you are for example Nazi was a name members of the national socialist party of Germany who were not leftist but rather rightist. “There will always be minorities racially. That's why you don't prescribe social change that has even a vague mention of a racial minority. If you do, you are just falling for the plight of the working class Marxist crap which by now we should all agree, is a bad idea(link here to picture of Hitler Stalin and Saddam banning guns).” Well why should we all agree with you? Oh because these people all banned guns, because Hitler was a Marxist I forgot, Hitler loved Marx and his Jewish background. Oh yeah I forgot Saddam Hussein was a Marxist too. Damn those working class there all Marxists! (Note my sarcasim) This message has been edited by ic0n0 on December 12, 2001 at 08:25 PM Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 12 2001,01:21
So i restate my opinon that nonwhites have never been accepted into american culture until recently.------------------ Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 12 2001,01:30
ok some dumbass doesn't know the difference between fact, opinion, and SARCASM (although the last one might be me, unless you were actually serious in that case it's you)."There are fewer biracial minorities because minorities are the racists" that is heresy no, they aren't going to burn me at the stake because I weigh more then a duck. hmm maybe you are thinking of hearsay. actually, it's not that either. so quit with the flaming. and personal experiences to justify your opinions that isn't fact ok you're almoost there. yes you've figured out that what I said was an opinion. now you figured out that it was an opinion based on personal experience (growing up going to public school that was > 60\% black, I'd say that's a good experience). Now it's your turn to counter my opinion based on whatever you want. Please anything besides "thats heresy not fact you suck and i like runon sentances and no breaks blah blah". "our culture is no longer a melting pot because certain political groups *ahem* seem to think that forcing diversity while at the same time reinforcing cultural and moral relativism is a good idea. Imagine that" That is an opinion there isn't any fact in that, you believe that forcing diversity is bad that is an opinion not a fact prove that it’s bad WITH FACT! You can’t do it because it’s all opinion and full of subjective arguments. "thats not fact thats opinion blah blah blah!" Actually, if you had picked up on my sarcasm, you would see my argument. The war in kosovo was caused by the mediteranean goverment ethinicly cleansing out the arab population. this was because some arab terrorists were blowing up shit like in israel, and instead of patiently dealing with them, our good friend slobodon just said "FUUUUCK UUU I AM TEH WIN" and started taking all the arabs out. The rest of the world bashed slobon on the head with a big stick and said "Noo". Anyway the cause of the whole mess was due to balkanization, which is where the term comes from. We are starting to do the exact same things here. Furthermore, some groups (mainly universities and PC buisnesses) are using sensitivity training to make the middle and upper classes "more sensitive" to the oppressed labor class. This is a classic karl marx trick to kick the country WAY left. sort of a trick you see. the russians and chinese did the exact same thing (re-education camps). there's my proof. feel free to point out any "opinions" or "subjective arguments" as you see fit. Please, no more of this "I can't argue against you with coherent arguments so I'll just bash you for being an arrogant twit who forces his opinions on us wittle people" crap. I'm tired of it. “America used to be a melting pot, where all cultures came together to be called Americans. People didn't want to be considered separately. Everyone wanted to be treated as an equal, as Americans” Now that is an opinion what about the fact that blacks were counted as 3/5ths of a person in our original constitution, and that most states had rules barring people who couldn’t pay a poll tax from voting that is hardly equality. How is it also equality for woman not to be able to vote until 1920 and Native Americans not being considered citizens of this nation until 1920? These are all FACTS that disprove your statement that the American people wanted everyone to be treated equal. hey look, it's an argument! yay! why don't you look the earlier posts where I already discuesed this and changed my opinion. You continually bring up Marxism with your opinion that Marxism is bad and is crap, I am not a Marxist, but you don’t have any facts on that either, you could argue that the former U.S.S.R was evil or suppressive but it would be hard to prove those two things with any grain of fact. the horrors that went on in the soviet union for 70 years or so are indeed fact. I know a decent amount about this. You would have an easier time trying to argue with me that the holocaust never really happened, and that claiming the nazis were evil is just a subjective argument because I don't have any facts. It is subjective values, I would agree with you that Marxism doesn’t work but that is an opinion and I would argue a true Marxist society has never been created, calling yourselves socialist doesn’t mean you are for example Nazi was a name members of the national socialist party of Germany who were not leftist but rather rightist. I dont know where you got the nazi's were rightist part, that is just bull. they were quite left. You say that it's unfair to critisize marx because a true marxist society hasn't been created. I say that BILLIONS of people have suffered, and many still do today, suffer terribly, becaues of the persuit of marxism. IMHO, that's a bad thing. “There will always be minorities racially. That's why you don't prescribe social change that has even a vague mention of a racial minority. If you do, you are just falling for the plight of the working class Marxist crap which by now we should all agree, is a bad idea.” Well why should we all agree with you? Oh because these people all banned guns, because Hitler was a Marxist I forgot, Hitler loved Marx and his Jewish background. Oh yeah I forgot Saddam Hussein was a Marxist too. Damn those working class there all Marxists! is that your last resort before admitting that I might be right? over all, you havn't really improved much. You have yet to explain to me what your opinion is, or even attempt to show why mine are wrong. You did an adequate job of trying to find holes in my opinions, but you still havn't told me yours!!! If I'm wrong, what is the alternative? edit--heh okay just caught your post. you say minorities have never been accepted into our culture until recently. WHY do you think that? I think that they have been very welcomed and encouraged to do so since MLK. This message has been edited by CatKnight on December 12, 2001 at 08:38 PM Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 12 2001,01:55
I am sorry if my post was totaly incoherant i think backward and jump forward and jump backward sometimes as a resalt of my Dyslexic like condition i will now attempt to post:The nazi's were fascists! con·ser·va·tive (k n-sûr v -t v) Like Mussolini they were authoritarian right, The nazi's goal wasn't to create a state that was communally owned and operated by all it was to create an ethnically pure German state run by a military dictator where every one feel in line or would be punished, anyone who didn't fit the ideal German and did not share those values was to be dealt with, the goal of ethnic cleansing of a nation isn't political right or left because the Russians attempted to do the same. The Russians at the time were bolshevists. More to come. ------------------ Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 12 2001,02:03
Hitler regarded Marxism as a significant political threat. There could be no compromise with Marxist ideology, since it was able to attract the masses (similar to the ideology sparked by Hitler).1. Class wars were seen as a threat to the idea of national unity. 2. Marxism aimed to destroy the state; the state according to Hitler was where power was derived Hitler also delights in citing the proverbial expression "jdm. das Handwerk legen" (to put an end to someone's wheeling and dealing) in order to state belligerently how he will stop the activities of people whom he dislikes. The phrase is not necessarily threatening in normal language usage, but in the case of Hitler it expresses his obsession for power, his anti-Semitism, and his hate of Marxism at this early stage of his political development in the 1920s: Fascism
This message has been edited by ic0n0 on December 12, 2001 at 09:09 PM Posted by damien_s_lucifer on Dec. 12 2001,02:15
If I may interject some reason here :First : Simply put, most of you that are posting here obviously haven't spent much time with a Real Minority. All the logic, debate, and reason in the world isn't going to make you understand racism, and if you don't understand it your arguments are going to suck. Which they do. Having an acquaintance or two that is a member of the Other class doesn't count. Racism is so complex and so pervasive that you need to see it in action repeatedly, happening to people you love and respect, to begin to understand what it's like. CK might say something snide about "emotional reasoning" here, so let me reply to that : racism is NOT logical. In all honesty, it makes very little sense at all. But the fact that something doesn't fit a logical model of the world doesn't mean it's not there - but it does hide it from the view of people who need to believe that the world is a fundamentally rational place. In other words, there are a lot of people out there who believe that because racism doesn't make sense, it doesn't exist. What really opened my eyes was one of my teachers in college - Mr. Bob Coleman. CK, you would love the guy - in many ways he was as conservative as you are, he always talked about the importance of self-discipline and hard work. "The Liberals" were one of his favorite targets. He was also a black man. Since there are plenty of black conservatives that have gone on record saying they don't think racism exists, I'd like to give you his response : "We English professors have conferences where we all get together to discuss the latest word in literature and criticism. We eat a lot and chat and deliver a lot of speeches. Now, what I want to know is this - why is it, when a white professor makes a speech, after he's done everyone talks to him about the ideas he presented - but when I make a speech, everyone oohs and aahhs over how articulate I am?" And no, CK, it's not just Liberals. There are plenty of conservatives out there who say things like "you're a real credit to your race" and talk some nonsense about "your people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps." So you want to know why minority cultures do not forget the fact that they're minorities? Because the majority won't let them. So now they're standing up and giving the melting pot the middle finger it deserves. And all of us who understand these things are now saying that what we REALLY want is a stir-fry, where we can all be part of a tasty dish and still have the freedom to be ourselves and not get shit on for it. That is the basis of the "diversity" and "multiculturalism" you love to trash so much. And by the by, there ain't nothin' wrong with a white boy talkin' black, jes' so long as youse is celebratin' it instead of tryin' to make fun. I speak like that all the time to the only black lady in my office, and strangely enough I'm the only white boy she doesn't think is at least a little racist. "I like you," she says, "'cause you speak my language." This message has been edited by damien_s_lucifer on December 12, 2001 at 09:17 PM Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 12 2001,02:39
So my argument boils down to this after much thought, I believe that America should be more of the melting pot but it should include everyone who is here, but what I have noticed is that it doesn't include everyone. I think the reason for this is that the people of European ancestry are still hung up on European values and culture and since most people fear change they do not want to accept any new culture, but I feel we need to take an active step toward this, this doesn't mean using bad grammar and speaking in black English but rather we need to learn about other groups because Americans are in general pretty ignorant of other peoples and other nations. But at the same time I don't feel we should force anyone to assimilate into this new American culture, I guess by argument comes from a fear that out country is going to tare itself apart a balkanization if you will. I don't want this to happen and I feel we need to instill some kind of collective culture to prevent this. I was raised to believe and still believe that everyone who was born in America is an American this is one of the only things I truly value. So I think it is only fair to learn and accept our fellow Americans naïve and idealistic I know. So what I am saying is I think the only way to prevent a future schism is to start the process of creating an unified American culture, of course it's idealistic and naive but my pessimistic nature is acting on me to see the worst possible future and I want to prevent that. The realist in me is saying why bother its going to happen regardless of what we attempt to do, i do not want to fight my fellow americans regardless of culture over suprimacey.------------------ A witty saying proves nothing. Voltaire This message has been edited by ic0n0 on December 12, 2001 at 09:43 PM Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 12 2001,03:00
good post ic0n0, I agree.hey damien, you really don't understand me that well, do you. I never denied that racism existed. The point I was trying to make was that the problem doesn't lie where you think it does. Quinn's first law: Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent. I, personally, have yet to see an exception to this rule, especially on campus. Stuff like the "Acts on intolerance will not be tolerated", the actual wording to a new campus policy against hate (AD29 I think), reeks of hypocracy. laws created by the PC krew, whom banned fox news in the dorms too. Posted by sHuoReNviOLiN on Dec. 12 2001,05:06
quote: All minorities tend to's a sense of their culture being suppressed. According to the last census, Caucasians are soon going to become minorities to the current minorities (as a whole)...I'm seeing a major kickback and reemergence of the "American" (aka Caucasian) culture as a result. a hundred years or so, "Azn Pride" and "Black is beautiful" might be replaced with "White Might" or something suitably catchy...
quote: Wake up. America was -never- a melting pot for anyone except Caucasians. Don't hafta blame it on some "damn new-age Radical" idea. Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 12 2001,05:22
hey anyone can contradict facts. I could prove black is white and white is black, and then get killed at the next zebra crossing. however, I have proof. you have zilch.america used to be a melting pot, where all cultures came together to be called americans. people didn't want to be considered seperately. everyone wanted to be treated as an equal, as americans. now everyone wants special treatment. next thing you know, blacks will have an entire dorm to themselves. self-segregation. jesse jackson will call it progress. i call it poop. Posted by damien_s_lucifer on Dec. 12 2001,06:25
CK, is that true? I've heard of weird, over-the-top political correctness rules on campus, but I always figured they were blown way out of proportion by the media. Sonoma State University was one of the more liberal colleges in the state when I was there, and we didn't have any of that sort of PC bullshit - we had a couple of attempts, but the student body repeatedly voted them down by a huge majority.But if that sort of thinking is pervasive in your area, I don't blame you for being a staunch conservative. Doesn't mean I think you're right tho. Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 12 2001,08:54
Fox news is pretty conservative but that is no reason to ban it that is pretty wrong the college administration has no right to censor a legit news channel. I watch it sometimes to get my proper fill of the “other side” so I know what their opinions and arguments are. Wisconsin, my state, has about 8 four year state run universities and I have been on the campus of quite a few but the university of Wisconsin in Madison is one of the most liberal college campuses in the country Madison is the only city in America that has and continues to elect the only openly gay female in congress, but as far as I know and have been told by students Madison doesn’t censor people at all maybe your college is just fucked up CK. Wisconsin isn’t very conservative as one might expect at first glance. ------------------ This message has been edited by ic0n0 on December 13, 2001 at 03:57 AM Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Dec. 12 2001,09:41
just move to england the only problem we have is we accept too many bloody immigrants into the country when we cant sustain them. the whole idea of immigration is to help people in need but NOT to have them stay here else they arent being helped just being provided for. LEt them live here for a while but as soon as they're able ship em back home!
quote:marx was a twat. i blame rap music for the lack of reduction of racism in culture. going about shouting yeah,yeah ,yeah ngger i'm gonna cap yo bitch. isnt exactly productive plus rap and r'n'b suck. just go watch american history x or something. i think we should worry more about the gays anyway they're the ones that are trying to take over the world. i do feel that america has a much higher level of racism than many other democratiuc countries. (we're not racist to the french we justafiably hate them ) ------------------ Posted by chmod on Dec. 12 2001,09:45
quote: I like fox news... if anyone here actually watches The O'Reilly Factor and Hannity and Colmes you might be impressed... O'Reilly is a smart guy and has a talent for exposing the crap behind liberals AND conservatives. Maybe the Fox News channel has gained a sort of tabloid-ish reputation is because of this... but he also makes politicians nervous, which isn't such a bad thing. Hannity and Colmes is interesting too, because both of these guys are on opposite sides of the spectrum of political views, and they both know what they're talking about. This American thing reminds me of an essay I wrote back in like 9th grade... As far as the racism goes, CK is quite right on the fact that the actual minorities have played a large part in perpetuating prejudice. This can partially be attributed to De Facto segregation - that means basically people segregate themselves. It's especially obvious at my school, which is almost 50\% black 10\% white and 40\% anyone else, when I walk into the lunch room the blacks are sitting at certain tables, the whites elsewhere. It's this barrier that often goes unacknowledged but is very much existent; racial groups tend to stay together and that's just the way it is, and that communal relationship within a group might invoke misunderstanding of other races and hostility. This message has been edited by chmod on December 13, 2001 at 04:46 AM Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 12 2001,10:17
It is taboo for whites to be racist but you have to look at the history as to why that is it isn't fair but that is the main factor. Whites have never been purposefully suppressed in north America whereas blacks have been and it is still fresh in the minds of blacks, I wasn't alive in the 60's obviously but I have seen the video of blacks being sprayed down with water hoses and being attacked by dogs that was only 35-40 years ago within the lifetime of most adults, so it is still an open wound. ------------------ Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Dec. 12 2001,10:45
not contradicting myself here from what i just posted but racist words are generally considered by intelligent people to be racist if they are meant in an agressive manner. for example i dont get offended by people i know who jokingly call me white boy if they mean it then i still think "thats an insult?"but my dad wil often refer to the off license as the "pa**i shop"(edited cos the last thing cr0 needs is some activist trying to get him arrested or something) not out of racism but simply because he's been brought up to call it that naturally. political correctness is probably the worst mistake of current culture simply because it points out peoples differences by trying to cover up for any possible offense. if people get offended by silly phrases that aren't actually intened to be offensive then they have no right to complain about being offended as they are just stupid and narrow minded. i mean who seriously actually use the term police person as opposed to police man. when people point stuff like that i just tell them to STFU kthx! edit: and another thing whats the deal with this melting pot idea anywayz i dont see why people should all conform to some state oif equallness as thats not possible but then its stupid to expect people to not have to change in anyway . diffent countries have different cultures people should expect to conform to some form of this culture as trying to be exactly the way you were from the country culture you derived from is just seperating you from the majority anywayz. theres no such thing as a free lunch people! This message has been edited by Dark Knight Bob on December 13, 2001 at 05:51 AM Posted by TheTaxMan on Dec. 12 2001,11:39
Can we just once talk about America without someone blaming a various political party? Get over it.------------------ quote: Posted by Observer on Dec. 12 2001,15:08
ic0n0, my question seems to have been lost in all this, so I'll re-state it: Who gets to decide which parts of the non-white culture become mainstream, and how will that be done?------------------ Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 12 2001,15:55
It’s not a question how who chooses, it is a natural process of cultural diffusion people pick up cultural treats of people there around. Pizza has been accepted by American society but it is essentially an Italian food no one decided "Pizza is in” and “fish tacos are out” it's just random, it will take a long time though. What I am arguing against is the attitude that holds the so-called traditional American culture to be superior to all others and doesn't/shouldn't change, but I believe changing to include things from all groups will make us stronger and more unified and more American. We are all descendants of immigrants and our ancestors brought with them their culture and some of it was taken and some wasn’t to create what we think of as an American, but I think to just stop this process and halt our culture to what it is now is counter to the premise of what an American in my opinion is supposed to be, it’s like the French banning words that are not from a French root, it’s stagnating. There Isn’t a list of things to be accepted and some denied it is like I said something that just happens for example the phrase twenty-four-seven has be come very popular but it it’s origin is from the working class. Do you know what I am trying to say? Anyway that is just my opinion, I am not saying we should forced people to conform.This message has been edited by ic0n0 on December 13, 2001 at 10:58 AM Posted by damien_s_lucifer on Dec. 12 2001,22:27
Going back and re-reading this thread has reminded me of how the "liberals" I met when I was in Oregon thought I was a racist redneck asshole. I thought they were all a bunch of conservative middle-class white kids pretending to be "liberals" because it made them different than the rednecks.There are plenty of cars up there that are plastered with "LOVE THE EARTH" and "Honor Diversity" stickers, but the people that have them sure as hell don't understand what they mean. After all, it's hard to really honor something that you have never really experienced. The SF metropolitan area is a mixture of more cultures than anyone can count. Around here, "Honor Diversity" means "Damn, I like having 30 different styles of food per square mile, the mall has any kind of music anyone would ever want, I can swear in eight different languages, and people as a whole are pretty damn happy." So you can see why I get a little upset when people start bashing on "multiculturalism" and "diversity." But at the same time, I'm kind of ignorant of how much bullshit goes on in the name of those ideas. Please enlighten me further... This message has been edited by damien_s_lucifer on December 13, 2001 at 05:30 PM Posted by Observer on Dec. 12 2001,23:13
I would venture to say that what you saw was really what ic0n0 was after, and that what some of us (like CK and Beldurin) have presented to them as multiculturalism and diversity is really just the bullshit carried out in its name.------------------ This message has been edited by Observer on December 13, 2001 at 06:16 PM Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 13 2001,00:30
natural diveristy is fine. that is basically melting potism. that's what has happened in NY, SF, and other places. What I'm firmy against is forced diversity and multiculturalism, such as PSU spending millions in renovations for a african art museum that no one goes to because it sucks. or psu giving tens of thousands of dollars to a bunch of squatters while we have less bandwidth then a 56k modem. bullshit like that pisses me off.
Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 13 2001,01:05
Multicultalism has brought us curry need i say more ! ------------------ Posted by damien_s_lucifer on Dec. 13 2001,03:02
I just checked out that < Quinn > guy you referred to, CK... if he ever sets foot in California, he's likely to end up tarred and feathered. Hateful, divisive speech is frowned upon here by liberals and conservatives alike. Also, the Religious Right keeps using us as a battleground. We're getting really fucking sick of groups like the Traditional Values Coalition and Focus on the Family coming in and waging war against bills going thru our legislature - like the bill that makes homosexuality part of the state's sex education curricula that Quinn wrote about. Here's some news for him - you know those damn Democrats that control our government? We elected them, because we agree with their ideas and opinions. Homosexuality is an accepted part of culture, so it makes sense that we teach our kids about it while we're teaching them about sex. The California Republicans would have a decent chance of getting elected here if it wasn't for the religious right. This message has been edited by damien_s_lucifer on December 13, 2001 at 10:06 PM Posted by CatKnight on Dec. 13 2001,04:33
uh, at what age do you say we should be teaching kids about homos? the same age they are taught about sex? what would that be, 10?i don't think it's the school's job to teach kids about sex anyway Posted by Rhydant on Dec. 13 2001,04:53
i dont know if anyone else has thought of this, but since when are people actually German, or Irish, or Sweedish?at one time or another, those countries had to have had a bunch of 'immigrants' to make up their community. my point: we're all African. tahts where the first human remains were found, and thats gotta be where the Homo sapien race must have started. heh... i know, its kind of off, but hell, i had to post it. ------------------ Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 17 2001,07:58
I am of the opinion that kids will discover sex on their own like they always have (masturbation) and not teaching about what sex is and what is safe and how not to get pregnant is the responsible thing to do. Otherwise there will be no one to blame when kids and teenagers get pregnant because there parents never told them about sex and since schools wouldn't we would have huge problems. Sex shouldn't be taboo it's natural almost everyone does it feels good but it certainly isn't dirty. If we don't teach kids about STD's and pregnancy we will have more problems then we have now. For example it is a common belief in southern Africa that if a male has HIV/aids and has intercourse with a virgin it will go away, now that is screwed up not only does it stay but you also get an innocent person sick. That is why we need education. In a recent study that was done about human sex habits Americans were the most promiscuous people on earth can you imagine the epidemic if we didn’t have education?
Posted by Greasemonk on Dec. 17 2001,16:49
Sex education should be taught be the parent. IMO it is one of the most important discussions a parent should have with his teenager...if the kid hasnt moved out by the age of 14 yet. Alot of teen pregnancy can be blamed on unresponsive parents who have this attitude that their kids will be OK and/or learn everything from their friends.
Posted by ic0n0 on Dec. 18 2001,07:40
I'm not saying partens shouldn't talk to their kids about sex and what is acceptable and what isn't as a minor and family expectations but what i am saying is that it is to idealistic to assume all parents will talk to their kids and in someways it might better it get sex education from a more objective source like school. Just a thought.
Posted by XNedra on Dec. 18 2001,08:41
Sex education ideally should be taught by parents, but that won't always happen. Schools should teach only the scientific aspect of sex, the mechanics of it and such, how to become pregnant or avoid it, and how to prevent STDs. The social aspects should be left for the parents/friends/community to teach. That way, the facts that are taught cannot be debated, the children will have the knowledge they need to avoid serious trouble.