Forum: The Classroom
Topic: Majestic
started by: Frosty

Posted by Frosty on Mar. 11 2001,03:53
Well...I don't know how many of you have seen this at all, but I'm definetly signing up for this game. Creepy as hell.
< >

Also, don't put your real birthdate on any parts of the site, it saves the info (in a cookie or whatnot) and doesn't let you into that part anymore. We're all 18. :-)

Posted by Psychosomatic_plague on Mar. 11 2001,03:59
you have to AOL to play it?? i hope not
Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Mar. 11 2001,23:12
reminds me of a tv drama i once saw about a game called killernet. now if its anything like that then i'll be impressed but what sucks is that there's only an american version shit and i wanted my parents to get abusive phonecalls too

Hey DKB shu'p with all that jibba jabber ya crazy foo!

Posted by Sithiee on Mar. 11 2001,23:27
the thing about it is that it has to have some sort of killswitch, im all up for a good game of avoid the stalker, but on sundays i needa be able to get it together and do my homework, i have a hard enough time doing that without some psycho computer AI stalking me....
Posted by Frosty on Mar. 11 2001,23:34
You don't have to have AOL, that would be very homosexual. And from what i've read, you can restrict how the game interacts with you, to a degree. For example, if you're going out of town for a while, you can 'pause' it so you don't miss much. The amount of time it takes to complete each segment of the game pretty much depends on how clever you are and how much time you spend online. So I think us detnetters have it in the bag. :-P
Posted by DeadAnztac on Mar. 11 2001,23:40
I don't get why do we have it in the bag? Or was that the bag is in our bag? hahah, "Put that back in my bag baby" hahahaha.... what was I talking about... oh yeah! My ass! It's .... wait what?
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