Forum: The Classroom
Topic: Who are YOUR detnet hero's?
started by: CatKnight

Posted by CatKnight on Apr. 17 2001,04:43
cr0bar-for his insightful, intelligent posts
personguy-for his crazAHness
askheaves-for his post-college advice
kuru-for her about-to-graduate advice
l33t_hax0r_dude-for expressing his ego
Posted by LiNeY on Apr. 17 2001,11:16
cr0bar - for being el numero uno
PersonGuy - for being cool
askheaves - for being wise and witty
CatKnight - he started this topic, so he deserves to be mentioned! honestly: for being humourous and kind

to all others: I am a newbie, so I guess I just don't you all well enough yet...

I can resist everything except Temptation. - Oscar Wilde

Posted by DuSTman on Apr. 17 2001,11:24
I revere only myself.
Posted by Blowgoats on Apr. 17 2001,11:27
Myself - For being me.

"There is no hell, just France." - Frank Zappa

Posted by daem0n on Apr. 17 2001,11:59
shutup you BlowGoats
Posted by ic0n0 on Apr. 17 2001,12:02
i am my own hero.

"I am not a Marxist." -- Karl Marx

Posted by CatKnight on Apr. 17 2001,13:11
that's sad
Posted by Wolfguard on Apr. 17 2001,13:31
Leave for a month and i lose my legend status around here.

Well im still a legend in my own mind.

Fucknuggets flamed while you wait.< >
< Robot Conflict >

Posted by askheaves on Apr. 17 2001,15:23
Hey, I just found this thread.

Wolfguard is my hero:
His wisdom that came with age.
His 70's porn star look.
He's killed people before.
His surgical strike style flames.
His kickass robots.
His general knowledge on life.

I salute you

Posted by solid on Apr. 17 2001,16:53
Two heroes:

PersonGuy: Funny man, nice, fun to be around.
Askheaves: Down to earth, understanding, smart.

Both are intelligent.

As for cr0bar, I'm just glad he made this place.

Posted by Psychosomatic_plague on Apr. 17 2001,17:00
If one has no heros, one will never be disapointed.

I have no heros

Posted by j0eSmith on Apr. 17 2001,17:04
Lets see

cr0bar: Mandatory suck-up (and yeah, all that other good stuff he does)
jim: 'Cause jim's my hero.
PersonGuy: Cause he's just .. PersonGuy
askheaves: For all his posts of various junk that actully proved helpful
and Slate: For making that damn vid

That concludes my current list. Please take no offence if you are not on it.

When my flying days are over, and my death has come to pass
I hope they bury me upside down, so the whole damn world can kiss my ass

Posted by CatKnight on Apr. 17 2001,18:25
well said
Posted by Rhydant on Apr. 17 2001,18:30
detnet hero? aint that a little... lame?
i dunno, i think youre all damnedable cool
except.... xaustinx, dysordia, that one guy in the oh mamma thread, llamas, and sithiee, cause he has more post than me
heheheh... sithiee is cool. but id kill 'em in cs h4w!

...when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted by SiLVeR54 on Apr. 17 2001,18:31
solid - yeah, thats right! becuz, well, he's funny, smart, and gives great advice when i need it.. he also steers me back into sanity.

personguy - becuz he is drop-dead funny.. and we have similar stuff in common (last name.. and NO, we're not related)

and cr0... well, he marks his territory..


Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Apr. 17 2001,21:27
solid snake - "the only heroes i know, are dead ones"

no-one voted for me so you can all feck off woohaha >:]

Posted by solid on Apr. 17 2001,22:47
Originally posted by SiLVeR54:
he also steers me back into sanity.

i thought i was the insane one?

Posted by Frosty on Apr. 17 2001,23:18
I realize people make mistakes, yes...but c'mon. You folks have 24 hours to edit me into those posts before I am forced to do something that I might (or might not) regret. Do the right thing.
Posted by j0eSmith on Apr. 17 2001,23:24
If by 'right thing' you mean 'laugh my ass of at you', then I am WAY WAY ahead of you buddy.

When my flying days are over, and my death has come to pass
I hope they bury me upside down, so the whole damn world can kiss my ass

Posted by Psychosomatic_plague on Apr. 18 2001,02:05
whiskey@throttle !!! just cos.
and forsty
and xenoflagation

Posted by askheaves on Apr. 18 2001,02:33
I feel so honored being a hero
But, even heros have heros.

Since I've said it before, and it's still true, Person Guy is also my hero. He may be an asshead, but at least he can make a brother laugh.

Posted by Sithiee on Apr. 18 2001,05:39
im my own hero, cause i post so much shit, but never get flamed enough to leave.

catknights my hero cause hes jewish

cr0 is my hero, not because of the forums, but for the bastardizations...great fun, great fun.

most of the rest of you are my heros in some way or another...

Posted by PersonGuy on Apr. 21 2001,02:01
Originally posted by SiLVeR54:
personguy - we have similar stuff in common (last name.. and NO, we're not related)

I didn't know that...

My heros:

cr0bar - My absolute internet hero! He puts up with so much crap!

askheaves - We're on the same page about so many different topics! (I'm NOT an "asshead"! I was unfairly cut-off without a chance to explain myself! But I would think I was an asshead too if I heard myself say what I did without knowing what I was going to say after that ) But I've always wondered... why not "asciijeevs"?

fatbitch - He's just so cool!

CatKnight - Always in the right place at the right time.

lordbrandon - I miss that guy!

kuru - Very smart, even if she IS wrong about almost everything! I enjoy the challenege!

And then there's a TON more, but I don't have time to list them all...

Have a nice day, because monkeys don't.
-< PersonGuy >

Posted by SLATE on Apr. 21 2001,02:34
Originally posted by PersonGuy:
And then there's a TON more, but I don't have time to list them all...

list them anyways! Don't want people
feeling left out! (no, im not bitching... someone already said me! )

My DetNet hero's are:

PG: cause hes just plain old cool, and his pic kinda reminds me of that guy in hackers.. h4w h4w!

askheebes: cause i can say his name funny.. and oh yeah, hes cool too.

Jim is the shit

sithiee is shit.. i mean the shit..

i know im forgetting a few.. but yeah, thats my general list...

Posted by Rhydant on Apr. 21 2001,02:59
you forgot me!
am i not anyone's hero?
*sniff* .... j00 people make me a saaaaaaaad panda.

...when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted by PersonGuy on Apr. 21 2001,13:14
hehe... fine...

Jim - should have been on my first list! I just forgot! He's 100\% MAN and I love em!

DuSTMan, Sithee, Michel, Rhydant, SLATE, ch1ckie, Anztac, Observer, The Hyro, LazyGit, Promethius, Incubus, hair, ic0n0, whiskey@throttle, j0eSmith... hmmm... see now someone REALLY is going to feel left out! I just can't think of em all off the top of my head, cause I look up to a lot of people here!

Have a nice day, because monkeys don't.
-< PersonGuy >

Posted by Spydir Web on Apr. 21 2001,14:02
The only "hero" I have is my left nut, because it's just the shit.

on Detnet though, I look up to whoever actually has the balls to say their opinion and not let anyone else fuck with that (basicly everyone). So yeah, if you feel left out after saying that, then say your opinion and don't let anyone fuck with it then you won't be left out!!!

Net Syndrome - < >
Spydir Web - < >

Posted by aventari on Apr. 21 2001,18:03
damien s lucifer - his mad knowledge on the most important things in life..(pc hardware, networking, software, etc)

whiskey@throttle - cheers, just goddamned funny posts

Wolfguard - everything askheaves said, in spite of the fact he loves american cars and is blind to the superiority of highly tuned German cars.

LazyGit - the syf0n collage was genious

syf0n - haha

"Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?"

Posted by kuru on Apr. 21 2001,21:46


and i can't forget my favorite person to go to a gun show with... heaves.

'dancing is the vertical expression of horizontal desire.'
-robert frost

Posted by solid on Apr. 21 2001,23:24
Originally posted by kuru:
my favorite person to go to a gun show with

there actually were other people..?

Posted by Frosty on Apr. 22 2001,00:25
Originally posted by j0eSmith:
If by 'right thing' you mean 'laugh my ass of at you', then I am WAY WAY ahead of you buddy.

That hurts, Joe, I mean...really. :-\

Posted by Wolfguard on Apr. 22 2001,00:32
Originally posted by aventari:

Wolfguard - everything askheaves said, in spite of the fact he loves american cars and is blind to the superiority of highly tuned German cars.

Now now. Im not blind to it.

But when you want muscle you dont take a german motor from a โk+ car.

You go to a junkyard, find a big block, and start from there...

As for heros
Kuru tops my list. Very smart lady that is not afrade to go toe to toe with anyone.

Fucknuggets flamed while you wait.< >
< Robot Conflict >

Posted by RenegadeSnark on Apr. 22 2001,02:03
me, because i'm an uber god.
Posted by DeadAnztac on Apr. 22 2001,02:25
Sheesh man... I can't believe peeps like even remember me of old. It just blows my mind, I'm just not as memorable as some people like The_Hiro, Ansible ;-), Octavian, DuSTman, etc.. I'm not saying I particularly look up to them, they just stick out in my mind of old

As for hero's on here? eh... your all funny bitches so all you alls be in my ub3r-l33t section.

Posted by whiskey@throttle on Apr. 22 2001,13:27
Ah, yes...The_Hiro. Quite possibly the last shred of intelligence on this board.

Anyone know where he went?

Posted by PersonGuy on Apr. 23 2001,00:18
Not sure where he went. Last time I remember hearing from his was in that brain teaser puzzle thread. He's so smart... the government needs to force him to donate to sperm banks or something.

Have a nice day, because monkeys don't.
-< PersonGuy >

Posted by DeadAnztac on Apr. 23 2001,05:05
i left here myself until recently, so I have no clue, perhaps PG, DuSTman, or Observer can tell ya..
Posted by jim on Apr. 23 2001,11:10
Well... Shit... This is tough one... I'll just name a few. If you are left out, tough shit.

PG - Funny
cr0 - Hilarious
eng_man - He dyed his hair orange for DetNet.
The_Hiro - Smart
j0esmith - He doesn't put up with kuru's shit
SLATE - Helping with CS clan.

Most of you are think are a bunch of punks. Well.... Maybe half of you.

Beauty is in the eye of the Beer Holder
< Brews and Cues >

Posted by L33T_h4x0r_d00d on Apr. 23 2001,11:57
Originally posted by j0eSmith:
If by 'right thing' you mean 'laugh my ass of at you', then I am WAY WAY ahead of you buddy.

Or if you mean masturbate profusely, syf0n has already taken care of that.

Decaffinated coffee is like unleaded fuel, it tastes like shit.

Posted by L33T_h4x0r_d00d on Apr. 23 2001,12:03
Originally posted by aventari:
in spite of the fact he loves american cars and is blind to the superiority of highly tuned German cars.

You WILL burn in hell for that. Oh and if I remember correctly, american hardware wiped out both german and japanese hardware at the same time. They ganged up on us and we still kicked their ass.

So take that german superiority and drive it directly up your ass.

Decaffinated coffee is like unleaded fuel, it tastes like shit.

Posted by LazyGit on Apr. 23 2001,14:55
We had to take your shitty ass planes and put Rolls Royce engines in them because their crappy Buick or Chevrolet engines were so weak.

I don't really have any heroes, I consider you all my equals (try not to take offence at that, I'm not that big a twat).

I am more likely to read the posts of certain people but then that's just because I recognise them, it's more a subconscious thing that going 'Ooh, they've psoted, better check it out'

I guess what I'm basically saying is that I don't give a fuck about any of you assholes. Except for aventari and PG cos they think I'm cool.

Posted by pengu1nn on Apr. 23 2001,19:28
i hate you all equally, sure detnet is gonna suck even more now that fucknugget wolfguard is back and the server as far as i can tell has been down for a week....

back on topic

i hate you all equally, i read every post not just form the lam0rs that have nothing better to do than post here all day and night racking yup kills and err, racking yup posts to be the top man in the forums

i want to go home

Posted by Neophyre on Apr. 24 2001,02:51
/me desperately scours the thread for any reference to me...


Posted by PersonGuy on Apr. 24 2001,14:51
Sorry Neophyre... I remember when your first came on at the same time as Neo-somethingelse (can't remember the nick). Keep up the funny shit, and when our next gen of lam0r make this same thread you might hit the jackpot!

Have a nice day, because monkeys don't.
-< PersonGuy >

Posted by solid on Apr. 24 2001,15:26
I like neo's hair from that scan... I mean it looks painful but it's a good pic!

Also.. who .. yea Observer is now my third detnet hero.

He just.. observes and then.. BAM.. you have a l33t post in some thread he's been reading for some time.

Posted by Observer on Apr. 24 2001,15:33
Like when? Other than my ripping apart whiskey's attempts to claim to be female.

A good programmer is someone who looks both ways on a one-way street

Posted by T-bone on Apr. 24 2001,15:38
okay, a little off topic...
but what is the number of posts one has to attain to gain the leet status??
i've only been here for a little over a week, and i'm just a lamer...
with 15-odd posts


This message has been edited by T-bone on April 25, 2001 at 10:38 AM

Posted by Bozeman on Apr. 24 2001,16:52
I believe it's 30, am I correct?

On topic, I don't consider any of you my heroes, but my colleagues. I have great respect for the majority of Detnet regulars. (no names mentioned to avoid leaving anyone out) Detnet discussions can be anywhere from serious and insightful, to wacky, to huge flamewars. I appreciate the first two much more, but it's always a bit fun to see two people (or more) slug it out BBS style.

Plus, it's interesting to see what people put in their sigs.

It's the pop-o-matic bubble, motherfucker!

Posted by solid on Apr. 24 2001,18:10
Originally posted by Observer:
Like when? Other than my ripping apart whiskey's attempts to claim to be female.

i told you to stop standing up to your name once too because of.. soemthing about me getting some dates wrong

Posted by jim on Apr. 24 2001,20:32
LazyGit is by far my new DetNet hero...

< Click Here to find out why. >

Beauty is in the eye of the Beer Holder
< Brews and Cues >

Posted by whiskey@throttle on Apr. 24 2001,20:40
Observer - while you may have foiled my half-assed, poorly planned, and slightly intoxicated attempt at an early April Fool's gag, I still pulled one off in the long run. You deserve some credit, but not much. and to you, sir.

Lazy - funny how you "don't care" only after your post has been shat upon. Stick around, as I have a sweaty ballbag for you to gargle.

Posted by whiskey@throttle on Apr. 25 2001,05:22
We had to take your shitty ass planes and put Rolls Royce engines in them because their crappy Buick or Chevrolet engines were so weak.

< GE >
< P&W >

This message has been edited by whiskey@throttle on April 25, 2001 at 12:23 PM

Posted by CatKnight on Apr. 25 2001,05:52
< >

maximum thrust Pratt & Whitney PW4062
63,300 lb (28,710 kg)
Rolls-Royce RB211-524H
59,500 lb (26,990 kg)
General Electric CF6-80C2B5F
62,100 lb (27,945 kg)


Posted by LazyGit on Apr. 25 2001,05:57
Do I look like I care?
Posted by LazyGit on Apr. 26 2001,05:47
I don't care because I'd forgotten that I slagged off your sacred american engines. I'm so sorry if I offended you but it's a fact that Mustangs were sent over here and they were very, very good aircraft but unfortunately the engine wasn't good enough so they put a Roller in it. Not my problem. The only real reason Iposted was because L33t was sounding like another one of those people who think that WW2 was fought entirely by america. You may have been staving off attacks from Japan but the biggest aerial asskickings the germans got weren't from the americans.

I know I make you want to cum but just aim away from my face please.

Posted by Wolfguard on Apr. 26 2001,09:26
Almost right

The mustang went over with a shit motor. The engineers that went with it to test saw the rolls engins and fell in love. Cant blame them for that.

All i know is if im going to build a CAR from the ground up im not going to start with a block from a BMW.

Fucknuggets flamed while you wait.< >
< Robot Conflict >

Posted by aventari on Apr. 28 2001,01:03
Your not? If I wanted the best performing, most efficient engine, an M series straight 6 motor with variable valve timing would be way up there on my list. Not even close would be the pushrod american V-8's. big-block, small block, whatever. The technology is ANCIENT.

However, the chevy 350 is the best bang for the buck motor ever made, without a question. Unfortunatly, ultimate horsepower is definately not the best way to choose an engine for your street car. especially with gas topping 2 bucks a gallon now. The 92 octane I bought yesterday cost me 2.29 a gallon!

This is why my german turbocharged 1.8 litre 4 banger owns you. I can spank 99\% of the vehicles on the road, and still get 35 miles to the gallon.

On topic: CatKnight is one of my heros for starting this thread AND giving good advice on getting girls

You are what you drive
Acura NSX: I am impotent.

Posted by Frosty on Apr. 28 2001,18:26
Originally posted by LazyGit:
The only real reason Iposted was because L33t was sounding like another one of those people who think that WW2 was fought entirely by america. You may have been staving off attacks from Japan but the biggest aerial asskickings the germans got weren't from the americans.

That's great, but i'm sure anyone who knows anything about WW2 will realize just what the RAF accomplished and everyone else can just be ignored.

Posted by PersonGuy on Apr. 30 2001,00:25

Gawd, I'll say Rol3x is my hero if I'll make em stop with the damn cars! You're making my head hurt!

Have a nice day, because monkeys don't.
-< PersonGuy >

Posted by cr0bar on Apr. 30 2001,05:16
I know I really shouldn't declare that I have detnet 'heroes', but I must say that jim and PersonGuy are endlessly amusing.
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