My trusting friend recently left me in possession of his webcam (cue evil laughter). Of course I'm far too clever to use it as an actual webcam, and instead have taken to using it for making home movies. So far I have constructed Godzilla Attacks! ( and Father Teddy ( (Parody of Father Ted). Of course these a merely the snow on top of a home movie glacier, but i feel the need for inspiration for the scripts.The props - My sisters barbie doll junk.
The actors - My sisters toys (and maybe some of my old 'cool' cars and stuff, including Star Wars bits)
The scenes - Whatever is cheap to produce.
I have a lot of crap to play with.. so if you have any ideas its most likely possible. Hell, there's even a small fluffy Pikachu to dismember. But remember, i do not endorse teddy pornography unless really tastelfully done and the female teddy is not portrayed as a simple slab of meat, er, i mean cloth cotaining fluff.
'come on, this is fun!