this is somewhat off-topic, but can we stop using Sept. 11 as grounds for proving someone sucks?I'm not fond of cops either. I've been on the wrong end of a power-hungry, rule-crazy cop a few too many times to feel all warm and gushy inside when I see one. The fact that cops died in the WTC doesn't magically transform the police force of the entire nation.
As for legality... hah! Doing 35 in a 35 zone is legal. Pulling someone over and writing them a speeding ticket when you know damn well they weren't speeding, then testifying in court that you clocked them at 60 miles an hour is illegal.
I paid 赨 and did 20 hours of community service 'cause some bored cop pulled me over, and then got pissed at me because I refused to apologize to him for doing nothing wrong.
I'm not against the idea of cops. But entirely too many of them enforce their whims rather than the law.
Firefighters, on the other hand... now THEY are cool.
This message has been edited by damien_s_lucifer on October 24, 2001 at 10:34 PM