why any adult would ever discuss his/her bedroom habits with his/her parent(s) is beyond me. i can't imagine any circumstances under which i'd talk to my parents about what i do in bed. aside from that, i think it's horrible that they'd punish their grandchildren by not allowing them to spend time with grandma and grandpa just because they disagree with what you and your wife do when you're alone.i dunno why your wife was talkin to her mother about the specifics of what goes on in your bed, but that doesn't seem like a normal mom/daughter talk to me. maybe i'm just weird, but my mom doesn't talk about what she does with my dad, and i don't tell her about what i do with my boyfriend (when i had one).
i agree that the puritannical nature of this society is completely fucked up, but i also think that with your parents isn't the right place to discuss your favorite sexual practices.
and why doesn't it include bdsm? whatever's pleasurable to two or more consenting adults, provided it doesn't break any of the list of rules i mentioned in the kinky sex thread, seems fine to me.
'sex is one of the most beautiful and natural things that money can buy' - steve martin
This message has been edited by kuru on October 25, 2000 at 12:13 PM