When using ImageMagick w/ PHP, a sample app to draw text over an image might look like this:<?php
// text str to write
$str = "Hello";
// x/y coords of where to draw the text
$x = 312;
$y = 0;
// -draw switch to pass to convert
$draw = "-draw \"text $x,$y '$str'\"";
// original image to write text over:
$original_image = "/usr/sites/mysite/htdocs/images/blank_dong.jpg"; // dont ask.
// font
$font_to_use = "$DOCUMENT_ROOT/verdana.ttf";
// write the header
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
// align (Center, West, East, South, etc.)
$align = "Center";
// text color
$font_color = "#FFFFFF";
// run /usr/local/bin/convert
passthru("/usr/local/bin/convert -font @$font_to_use -pointsize 14 -gravity $align -quality 100 -antialias -pen \$font_color $draw $original_image jpeg:-");
// done!
I swear to god the combined IQ of these forums (not including the ladies) must be less than the cost of a used 85 honda civic with severe rear damage...
-- Kamilion