Tried it. It sucks.Here's a real Tron emulator. Download the movie pack. It's a must. Very nice graphics (including reflections, transparency, moving clouds, etc). Very close to the movie in sound/feel when using the movie pack (imho the default graphics suck). For really intense play, go to the first person POV with 20 opponents...
And please, someone set up a better server for Internet play ;-) . The one that's listed is never up when I am :-( .
Edit: BTW, if you thought glTron was addictive, you haven't tried network/internet play. Especially with player rankings and scoring. I spent the last two months of spring semester in front of my computer playing this game. Class attendance suffered.
This message has been edited by ASCIIMan on June 21, 2001 at 10:05 PM