it's gonna be for a company thing me and a couple friends are starting. I'm trying not to say a lot about it because some domain squatters, or any other idiot, might steal our idea. But basicly we're leaving the door open to what ever we wanna do, but we're gonna start with web based things. We'll do web design work and crap, scripts and what not, what ever people want. Open Source, of Course . But our "business plan" will hopefully give us room to do other things...Oh, and I remember the Safe-Audit thing. That's what i meant by "*good* banner ad" .
Edited for this : I forgot to say I'm also gonna run a couple things not related to the company on there, like my personal page... But, my personal page might pull in higher margins from banner ads then the other stuff cuz of stuff I host on it (lots of stuff most heterosexual males and homosexual females might like... no pr0n though, but kinna close). So yeah, it won't be totally for business related stuff.
Spydir Web -
Core Arctic -
This message has been edited by Spydir Web on December 03, 2000 at 10:29 AM