I got very high on some goooood shit the other night and found this on my desktop the next day. Enjoy!The words I type are of pure contiues thinking of the cells in my brain, they colide with each other giving off some kind of chemical which i dont know what is called, with each movment i do is down to a few tiny cells. The 'I' key is relly inviting tonight. I might ask it out for a meal, may even take it back to my place for a coffee. Funny how i dont even like coffee.. Fuuny... I think the cells have stopped moving, maybe it's becuase they are lissoning to the violins in the background. I wonder who has just sreamed out "Oh my God"? out of 8 billion people you would think at least one of them would have. A small army has worked it's way into my back and is now attacking me. I guest my boys will deal with that one. Heres the 1 billion dollor question! why are we here? Why have we been put on this planet? I'll tell you fucking why! God hates us. Sorry to upset you but it's true. We used to be a menis to others so we were placed on this planet. Look what we have done to it now! Guess we will never learn. I think my legs have just fallen off! Better go find some glue!
Bang. Dont trust anyone! here me now! donht trust anyone who you think has eatten crips in the last 5 days! They will stalk you, watch you, learn your dayly actions and when you are least exspecting it, they will draw out a knigf and cut some toffee. I dont like you. Infact i hate you. I hate all you motherfuckers who hate being hated by me! well i have some news for you! I LOVE YOU ALL! and as he parts from the ground, it all seams to slow down to a alomst stopping. He could only watch as the ground greated him with wide open arms. As he flesh colideds with the soft white ground the shockwave ripples though his entire body and then there is the snap. The scafold for his gold is brocken. It's right about now time catches up with him and then it hits him like a hard slap around the face with a frosen cod. PAIN! Thinking quick, he doesn't. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
(_)0 + Scrolling = 5w15z.