yeah, I really need the exercise considering every day at school I run for 2 and half hours with the indoor track team...I'm sorry wh4ck3r for using you as an example, but I'm sick of people telling me to get off the computer... I mean, shit, I do everything I have to do other wise, if not more, so let me do what I want. Fuck, my parents shouldn't be saying shit because, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't I make the decision if the go to a home or not? And considering how my sister will probably be living off me before I'm even 18, she should shut her fat trap. Anyway, why does anyone tell anyone to get off the computer? Inspecially to do something that someone holds an opinion on (the movie, for example). I dunno, it might just be the grape juice and bickering from my parents from the last week talking, but I'm feed up with being told what to do...
oh yeah, I haven't seen that movie or even heard of it... who's in it?
(this has been another random rambling... don't like it, go call your mother cuz I don't wanna hear it )
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